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Bug 699962 - sys-devel/clang-9.0.0 : elog message still mentions python-2 while python-3 is used
Summary: sys-devel/clang-9.0.0 : elog message still mentions python-2 while python-3 i...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: LLVM support project
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-11-12 21:25 UTC by Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
Modified: 2019-11-13 16:55 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier 2019-11-12 21:25:09 UTC
* Messages for package sys-devel/clang-9.0.0:

 * You can find additional utility scripts in:
 *   /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang
 * To use these scripts, you will need Python 2.7. Some of them are vim
 * integration scripts (with instructions inside). The
 * scripts requires the following additional package:
 *   dev-python/pyyaml

# head -1 /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/*
==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
# Please add "source /path/to/" to your .bashrc to use this.

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/clang-format-bbedit.applescript <==
-- In this file, change "/path/to/" to the path where you installed clang-format

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
# This file is a minimal clang-format sublime-integration. To install:

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/clang-format.el <==
;;; clang-format.el --- Format code using clang-format  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
# This file is a minimal clang-format vim-integration. To install:

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/clang-include-fixer.el <==
;;; clang-include-fixer.el --- Emacs integration of the clang include fixer  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
# This file is a minimal clang-include-fixer vim-integration. To install:

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/clang-rename.el <==
;;; clang-rename.el --- Renames every occurrence of a symbol found at <offset>.  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

==> /usr/lib/llvm/9/share/clang/ <==
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2019-11-13 16:55:11 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 8193d5947898dd88bd5a8892e59fea4c34513a8f
Author:     Michał Górny <>
AuthorDate: 2019-11-13 15:42:01 +0000
Commit:     Michał Górny <>
CommitDate: 2019-11-13 16:55:06 +0000

    sys-devel/clang: Update postinst for py3 support
    Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>

 sys-devel/clang/clang- | 5 ++---
 sys-devel/clang/clang-9.0.0.ebuild       | 5 ++---
 sys-devel/clang/clang-  | 5 ++---
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)