smokeping 2.7.3 implemented changes which are incompatible with gentoo's stable fping 3.13 Upstream has since committed a workaround after smokeping-2.7.3 release to accommodate distributions still shipping older fping packages So we have a few options. If we want to wait until the next smokeping release number, this issue should be mitigated. Otherwise. Please consider depending on a newer version of fping. I've tested with both 4.1 and latest 4.2 without issues. - >=net-analyzer/fping-4.1[suid] + >=net-analyzer/fping-2.4_beta2-r2[suid] Thank you
(In reply to nic from comment #0) > "If an old binary is found when starting up our FPing probe, we'll disable use of the new switches in order to maintain functionality to users with older versions of fping." Doesn't look like it's absolutely necessary.
> Doesn't look like it's absolutely necessary. Unless I'm miss understanding the timeline, our 2.7.3 package is broken for that commit occurred after that point release. Yes, I agree this will eventually be fixed in the next smokeping version release.
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit fcf09e2d4104cdb793b3aecc6046f6bc9c964858 Author: Aaron Bauman <> AuthorDate: 2020-11-30 15:57:22 +0000 Commit: Aaron Bauman <> CommitDate: 2020-11-30 15:57:22 +0000 net-analyzer/fping: drop old * This intentionally drops hppa stable keywords. Closes: Closes: Signed-off-by: Aaron Bauman <> net-analyzer/fping/Manifest | 6 --- net-analyzer/fping/fping-2.4_beta2_p161-r2.ebuild | 60 ----------------------- net-analyzer/fping/fping-3.13.ebuild | 26 ---------- net-analyzer/fping/fping-4.0.ebuild | 25 ---------- net-analyzer/fping/fping-4.1.ebuild | 29 ----------- net-analyzer/fping/fping-4.2-r1.ebuild | 36 -------------- net-analyzer/fping/fping-4.2.ebuild | 29 ----------- 7 files changed, 211 deletions(-)