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Bug 667324 (glib-utils) - [TRACKER] glib-mkenums and glib-genmarshal transition to dev-util/glib-utils package
Summary: [TRACKER] glib-mkenums and glib-genmarshal transition to dev-util/glib-utils ...
Alias: glib-utils
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
Keywords: Tracker
: 682518 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 647892 667294 667308 667322 667338 667340 667342 667346 667380 667388 667392 667402 667406 667468 667470 667472 667474 667480 667482 667490 667554 667560 667562 667564 667566 667568 667570 667572 667576 667580 667622 667626 667630 667636 667650 667654 667720 667722 667724 667732 667736 667936 667954 667972 667990 667992 668024 668038 668068 668074 668076 668078 668118 668120 668128 668132 668138 668174 668230 668234 668240 668246 668254 668376 668378 668380 668382 668384 668388 668398 668448 668452 668458 668460 668572 668576 668578 668580 668582 668584 668592 668610 668632 668728 668750 668798 668800 668802 668804 668806 668886 668888 668890 668896 668960 669170 669220 669438 669442 669602 669610 669674 669678 669682 669740 669752 669842 669870 669932 669986 670022 670032 670186 670518 670676 670818 670820 670940 671216 671580 671844 672002 672322 672460 672770 672800 672824 672832 673080 673516 677110 677158 677726 677996 680876 680896 681052 681574 912770
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2018-09-29 22:18 UTC by Mart Raudsepp
Modified: 2024-12-23 03:09 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Mart Raudsepp gentoo-dev 2018-09-29 22:18:58 UTC
We used to have the glib-genmarshal and glib-mkenums build utilities shipped as part of dev-libs/glib itself. They got ported upstream to python and now we've split them out into a separate python-single-r1 package, which keeps runtime glib consumers free of python runtime dependencies, which has its use cases.

At this point, dev-libs/glib pulls in dev-util/glib-utils itself for migration purposes, but we want to get rid of that, as it defeats the purpose.
So if your packages build uses glib-mkenums or glib-genmarshal at build time, please add a build depend on glib-utils. With EAPI-7 I believe it'd be a BDEPEND, as it's about generating C sources and headers.

Note that sometimes the build system does use the utility, but also ships pregenerated enum or marshaller sources/headers in a release tarball (and has rules to not call the utility if mtime of generated stuff is newer than the source metadata fed to the utilities). In such a case, the build depend might not be necessary after all, but it's a build only dep that most people have anyways, so it probably doesn't hurt to safeguard for future tarballs or timestamp issues.

In meson, this build depend is implicit if any file calls genmarshal, mkenums or mkenums_simple from the gnome module. This can be typically found with a simple grep -r -e 'mkenums' -e 'genmarshal' --include='' or similar.

With autotools, it isn't uncommon to have a check for the utility, but if not found the m4 variable is left empty, and then it still gets executed. This often results in the build system trying to execute something that was actually meant to be passed as first argument to the utility. Often this is e.g. "--fhead".
Comment 1 Mart Raudsepp gentoo-dev 2018-09-29 22:21:32 UTC
tl;dr, if build fails without glib-utils present (Toralf is running some tinderbox instances where it's force unmerged) about a missing glib-genmarshal, glib-mkenums or weird calls to --fhead, add a glib-utils build depend (BDEPEND with EAPI-7, DEPEND with older).
Comment 2 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2018-11-08 21:38:57 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit b0c0975eecd5d30583ded1c4598e4e5a1772b142
Author:     Göktürk Yüksek <>
AuthorDate: 2018-11-08 21:34:23 +0000
Commit:     Göktürk Yüksek <>
CommitDate: 2018-11-08 21:38:34 +0000

    media-sound/playerctl: add missing dep on dev-util/glib-utils #667324
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.51, Repoman-2.3.11
    Signed-off-by: Göktürk Yüksek <>

 media-sound/playerctl/playerctl-2.0.0_rc1.ebuild | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Comment 3 Göktürk Yüksek archtester gentoo-dev 2018-11-08 21:39:27 UTC
Sorry, meant to close #670676
Comment 4 Mart Raudsepp gentoo-dev 2019-04-04 10:43:59 UTC
*** Bug 682518 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***