Created attachment 545846 [details] build.log I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and a USB ATSC tuner, and thought I'd set it up as a MythTV backend to archive certain TV shows. (I've used MythTV before on AMD64 hardware, but it's been a while.) All dependencies are built, but the final build ends with the error in the title. A couple bits of weirdness: (1) /usr/include/qt5/QtWidgets/Qpplication does exist (installed by dev-qt-qtwidgets-5.9.6-r1) and (2) the lcd USE flag is *not* enabled (this is to be a backend-only system).
Created attachment 545848 [details] emerge --info
Created attachment 545850 [details] emerge --info
Created attachment 546040 [details, diff] mythtv-0.28.1-qt511.patch Scott, you are probably using qt-5.11. This bug is due to missing QT += widgets in qmakes .pro file due to QT_VERSION checks considering only one digit minor version. The check looks like this: contains(QT_VERSION, ^5\\.[0-9]\\..*) There is already a mythtv-0.28.1-qt511.patch but for some reason this fixes only a configure issue and misses all the others. Anyway I have taken its regex modification which modifies the above like this: contains(QT_VERSION, ^5\\.(([1-9][0-9]+)|[0-9])\\..*) I have attached a modified mythtv-0.28.1-qt511.patch (to replace existing one) which patches this on all .pro files I found as well. Now with the patch I posted for bug #649044 mythtv-0.28.1-r4 compiles fine for me with gcc-7.3.0-r3 and Qt-5.11.1 on x86_64. Maybe mythtv maintainer should consider adding mythtv-0.29.1 as it's quite a while that it is available now...
That patch got the build to complete. Haven't yet had a chance to get MythTV running now that it's built, but I suspect that it'll work as it should.
Pacho, why does this bug depend on mythtv-29.1? The compile error here was resolving with the provided patch and IMHO does not depend on the new version.
To clarify, the referenced bug has a 29.1 ebuild that I added, but MythTV actually has no maintainer at the moment. To my knowledge that mythtv-29.1-r1.ebuild works well. While I can't find the references specifically, I'm all but sure this issue is corrected in mythtv 29. It's a little hard to tell as there's nothing left in 29 that resembles what's being changed in that patch file.
(In reply to Tom Dexter from comment #6) I agree that a newer version is probably resolving a bug of the older version but this does not qualify it as a dependency. Meaning this bug here does not need the new version to get resolved nor contains the new version a resolution which could be applied here. So setting this bug to depend on bug # 645850 is not correct, I think. I may be discussed to abandon the old version and all bugs about it but this is another thing. Finding a (proxy) maintainer for mythtv would be a good thing.
0.28.1 is so buggy currently that is better to simply focus on bug 645850 and ensure blocked bugs are handled there finally
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit a9f434f613b2c031adcc77b569baf05db6ef02af Author: Pacho Ramos <> AuthorDate: 2018-10-20 14:47:11 +0000 Commit: Pacho Ramos <> CommitDate: 2018-10-20 16:35:30 +0000 media-tv/mythtv: Bump to 29.1 Thanks-to: Preston Crow Thanks-to: Tom Dexter Closes: Closes: Closes: Closes: Signed-off-by: Pacho Ramos <> Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.51, Repoman-2.3.11 media-tv/mythtv/Manifest | 1 + media-tv/mythtv/mythtv-29.1.ebuild | 369 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 370 insertions(+)