I've nextcloud-13.0.2 installed together with PHP 7.1.16. It always logs this error: msg=' {index} Exception: {"Exception":"Error","Message":"Call to undefined function OC\\imagettfbbox()","Code":0,"Trace":"#0 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/Avatar.php(176): OC\\Avatar->generateAvatar('foobar', 1024)\n#1 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/core\/Controller\/AvatarController.php(135): OC\\Avatar->getFile(384)\n#2 [internal function]: OC\\Core\\Controller\\AvatarController->getAvatar('foobar', 384)\n#3 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/AppFramework\/Http\/Dispatcher.php(161): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\n#4 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/AppFramework\/Http\/Dispatcher.php(91): OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher->executeController(Object(OC\\Core\\Controller\\AvatarController), 'getAvatar')\n#5 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/AppFramework\/App.php(115): OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(OC\\Core\\Controller\\AvatarController), 'getAvatar')\n#6 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/AppFramework\/Routing\/RouteActionHandler.php(47): OC\\AppFramework\\App::main('OC\\\\Core\\\\Control...', 'getAvatar', Object(OC\\AppFramework\\DependencyInjection\\DIContainer), Array)\n#7 [internal function]: OC\\AppFramework\\Routing\\RouteActionHandler->__invoke(Array)\n#8 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/Route\/Router.php(297): call_user_func(Object(OC\\AppFramework\\Routing\\RouteActionHandler), Array)\n#9 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/base.php(999): OC\\Route\\Router->match('\/avatar\/foobar\/38...')\n#10 \/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/index.php(37): OC::handleRequest()\n#11 {main}","File":"\/var\/www\/cloud.localhost\/htdocs\/nextcloud\/lib\/private\/Avatar.php","Line":260}' A quick search says that it might be something with gd, bug my php installation has the gd useflag enabled. Another bug says this has to do with freetype (https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap/issues/418) but there is no useflag for it. My php installation: dev-lang/php-5.6.35-r1::gentoo was built with the following: USE="acl berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl fileinfo filter fpm gd gdbm hash iconv ipv6 json mysql nls opcache pdo phar posix readline session simplexml sockets sqlite ssl threads tokenizer unicode xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib -apache2 -bcmath -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -coverage -debug -embed -enchant -exif (-firebird) -flatfile -ftp -gmp -imap -inifile -intl -iodbc -kerberos -ldap -ldap-sasl -libedit -libmysqlclient -libressl -mhash -mssql -mysqli -oci8-instant-client -odbc -pcntl -postgres -qdbm -recode (-selinux) -sharedmem -snmp -soap -spell -sybase-ct -systemd -sysvipc -tidy -truetype -vpx -wddx -xmlrpc -xpm -xslt" ABI_X86="(64)" dev-lang/php-7.1.16::gentoo was built with the following: USE="acl berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl fileinfo filter fpm gd gdbm hash iconv ipv6 json mysql nls opcache pdo phar posix readline session simplexml sockets sqlite ssl threads tokenizer unicode xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib -apache2 -bcmath -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -coverage -debug -embed -enchant -exif (-firebird) -flatfile -ftp -gmp -imap -inifile -intl -iodbc -kerberos -ldap -ldap-sasl -libedit -libressl -mhash -mssql -mysqli -oci8-instant-client -odbc -pcntl -phpdbg -postgres -qdbm -recode (-selinux) -session-mm -sharedmem -snmp -soap -spell -systemd -sysvipc -test -tidy -truetype -wddx -webp -xmlrpc -xpm -xslt" ABI_X86="(64)" I recently changed from PHP 5.6 to 7.1. The error message was not present before the switch.
Thank you for the report. Please recompile and *attach* the logfiles and paste the emerge info as described on https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Attach_the_logs_to_the_bug_ticket Please reopen this ticket (Status:unconfirmed) afterwards.
I have searched a little bit more. It is the FreeType error. Here are some more sources: https://github.com/nextcloud/docker/issues/255 https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/7454 I found out, that FreeType support in PHP is activated with the truetype useflag. Activating it manually fixes the error. However, the useflag is not forced in the nextcloud ebuild. I have not attached any logfiles, because this a runtime error. Neither it is clear, what log I should attach (nextcloud, php) and because the build is successful portage deletes the log on its own. However, I recompiled everything (without the truetype useflag) and will attach the logfiles.
Created attachment 544236 [details] emerge-info.log.gz emerge --info dev-lang/php www-apps/nextcloud
Created attachment 544238 [details] nextcloud-13.0.5-build.log.gz
Created attachment 544240 [details] php-7.1.18-build.log.gz
Thanks for the report and digging into this! Sorry the bug fell off my radar as it was marked RESOLVED. I will check on my system later, but to recap 13.* ebuilds need php[truetype] for avatar generation
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=91690e19af645602b08e899b9f89205738612634 commit 91690e19af645602b08e899b9f89205738612634 Author: Bernard Cafarelli <voyageur@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2018-08-29 19:05:16 +0000 Commit: Bernard Cafarelli <voyageur@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2018-08-29 19:05:16 +0000 www-apps/nextcloud: require USE=truetype for php Dependency edited in current revision as this is a heavy webapp with frequent updates Thanks gerion for the bug report and investigation Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/657770 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.48, Repoman-2.3.10 www-apps/nextcloud/nextcloud-13.0.5.ebuild | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)