As can be seen here: input methods all create a file within /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/. This configuration file is used in particular by app-i18n/im-chooser. The app-i18n/fcitx ebuild currently fails to create such a file. A minimum file content could be: $ cat /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/fcitx.conf XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx" XIM=fcitx XIM_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/fcitx XIM_ARGS="-d" GTK_IM_MOUDLE=fcitx QT_IM_MOUDLE=fcitx SHORT_DESC="Fcitx Check the other files created by other packages for more elaborate examples.
(Maybe filename will be "fcitx-4.conf" or something similar...)
Will app-i18n/fcitx be slotted so that version 4 and version 5 can be installed in parallel? The other input methods do not append the major version number to the .conf files.
All parts of Fcitx 4 have SLOT="4". All parts of Fcitx 5 will have SLOT="5". (Except kcm-fcitx which has SLOT="${Fcitx_major_version}-plasma${Plasma_major_version}".)
Ok. Nice! :)