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Bug 646278 - =media-gfx/fontforge-20170731-r3 fails test #40 when PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=python3_6
Summary: =media-gfx/fontforge-20170731-r3 fails test #40 when PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=pyt...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Mike Gilbert
: 650212 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-02-01 08:39 UTC by Paolo Pedroni
Modified: 2018-05-28 18:47 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Console backtrace. (file_646278.txt,24.69 KB, text/plain)
2018-02-01 08:39 UTC, Paolo Pedroni
testsuite.log (testsuite.log,689.98 KB, text/x-log)
2018-02-01 08:40 UTC, Paolo Pedroni
fontforge-20170731-r3:20180201-081838.log.gz (fontforge-20170731-r3:20180201-081838.log.gz,69.98 KB, application/gzip)
2018-02-01 08:42 UTC, Paolo Pedroni

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Paolo Pedroni 2018-02-01 08:39:36 UTC
Created attachment 517350 [details]
Console backtrace.

With PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=python2_7 everything works fine, but with PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=python3_6 I get:

## ---------------------------------- ##
## fontforge 2.0.20170731 test suite. ##
## ---------------------------------- ##

FontForge Native Scripting Tests

  1: Generate a few font files                       skipped (
  2: OTF CID font check                              skipped (
  3: Non-OTF CID font check                          ok
  4: Chunk of memory check                           skipped (
  5: Kerning information checks                      ok
  6: Incorrect names and count checks                skipped (
  7: Contextual chaining tables don't crash          ok
  8: Contextual chaining tables don't crash          ok
  9: Read and generate Type3 fonts                   ok
 10: Generate some error messages                    skipped (
 11: Check for unexpected endif                      ok
 12: Infinite loop test on 0 length spline           ok
 13: Copy/Paste clipboard test for crash             ok
 14: Remove overlap test #1                          ok
 15: while loop check, loop 10x                      ok
 16: Simple 'Bad Kerning' check                      ok
 17: Generate a font family                          ok
 18: Make GPOS, GSUB, morx without crashing          ok
 19: Remove overlap test #2                          ok
 20: Test simplify                                   ok
 21: Test merge fonts                                ok
 22: Test quadratic conversion                       skipped (
 23: Count contour points properly                   skipped (
 24: Generate, save and open a .pfa file             ok
 25: Replace with reference                          ok
 26: Merged                                          skipped (
 27: Merge kern                                      skipped (
 28: Test Unicode encodings                          ok
 29: The 'i' glyph test                              ok
 30: Another deja-vu point number                    ok
 31: Don't distort the curve (by much)               ok
 32: Produce equivalent font in CFF check            skipped (
 33: Check that detach glyph works #1                ok
 34: Check that detach glyph works #2                skipped (
 35: Try SVG and PT3                                 ok
 36: Test generation of TrueType instructions        ok
 37: Test StrSplit overrun                           ok
 38: Ligatures and Fractions Table Lookups           ok
 39: TTC loading                                     ok

FontForge Python Scripting Tests

 40: FontForge .sfd file open check                  FAILED (
 41: FontForge .ttc file open check                  ok
 42: Generate several font files                     ok
 43: Point count check                               skipped (
 44: Odd morx test without crashing                  skipped (
 45: Make new font                                   ok
 46: WOFF major minor meta check                     skipped (
 47: Various stroke tests                            ok
 48: Clockwise direction test                        ok
 49: Generate duplicate fonts test                   ok
 50: Math table test                                 ok
 51: Check for splinestroke 0 len fail               ok
 52: PythonAPI: font glyph iteration                 ok
 53: Ligatures and Fractions Table Lookups           ok
 54: Validate WOFF output                            ok

## ------------- ##
## Test results. ##
## ------------- ##

ERROR: 40 tests were run,
1 failed unexpectedly.
14 tests were skipped.
## -------------------------- ##
## testsuite.log was created. ##
## -------------------------- ##

# emerge --info =media-gfx/fontforge-20170731-r3
Portage 2.3.19 (python 2.7.14-final-0, default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/plasma/systemd, gcc-7.3.0, glibc-2.25-r9, 4.14.14-gentoo x86_64)
                         System Settings
System uname: Linux-4.14.14-gentoo-x86_64-AMD_Phenom-tm-_II_X6_1100T_Processor-with-gentoo-2.4.1
KiB Mem:    12016516 total,   2922784 free
KiB Swap:   12582908 total,  12582908 free
Timestamp of repository gentoo: Thu, 01 Feb 2018 07:15:01 +0000
Head commit of repository gentoo: 596f368f27fbeb140f672d5d4b992df970f3a7fe
sh dash
ld GNU gold (Gentoo 2.29.1 p3 2.29.1) 1.14
distcc 3.2rc1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [enabled]
ccache version 3.3.4 [disabled]
app-shells/bash:          4.4_p12::gentoo
dev-java/java-config:     2.2.0-r3::gentoo
dev-lang/perl:            5.26.1-r1::gentoo
dev-lang/python:          2.7.14-r1::gentoo, 3.6.3-r1::gentoo
dev-util/ccache:          3.3.4-r1::gentoo
dev-util/cmake:           3.9.6::gentoo
dev-util/pkgconfig:       0.29.2::gentoo
sys-apps/baselayout:      2.4.1-r2::gentoo
sys-apps/sandbox:         2.12::gentoo
sys-devel/autoconf:       2.13::gentoo, 2.69-r4::gentoo
sys-devel/automake:       1.15.1-r1::gentoo
sys-devel/binutils:       2.29.1-r1::gentoo
sys-devel/gcc:            7.3.0::gentoo
sys-devel/gcc-config:     1.9.1::gentoo
sys-devel/libtool:        2.4.6-r3::gentoo
sys-devel/make:           4.2.1::gentoo
sys-kernel/linux-headers: 4.13::gentoo (virtual/os-headers)
sys-libs/glibc:           2.25-r9::gentoo

    location: /usr/portage
    sync-type: rsync
    sync-uri: rsync://
    priority: -1000

    location: /usr/local/portage
    masters: gentoo
    priority: 0

CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=amdfam10 -msahf -mlzcnt -mpopcnt --param l1-cache-size=64 --param l1-cache-line-size=64 --param l2-cache-size=512 -flto=7 -fuse-linker-plugin -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fgraphite-identity -ftree-vectorize"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/sofficerc /usr/share/config /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/dconf /etc/env.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=amdfam10 -msahf -mlzcnt -mpopcnt --param l1-cache-size=64 --param l1-cache-line-size=64 --param l2-cache-size=512 -flto=7 -fuse-linker-plugin -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fgraphite-identity -ftree-vectorize"
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--keep-going y --with-bdeps y"
FCFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-logs cgroup compress-build-logs config-protect-if-modified distcc distlocks ebuild-locks ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict news parallel-fetch protect-owned sandbox sfperms split-elog split-log strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr"
FFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--sort-common -flto=7 -fuse-linker-plugin -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fgraphite-identity -ftree-vectorize"
MAKEOPTS="-j12 -l6"
PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --omit-dir-times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --human-readable --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages --exclude=/.git"
USE="X a52 aac aalib acl acpi activities adns alsa amd64 ao audiofile bash-completion bluetooth branding bzip2 cairo caps cdda cddb cdparanoia cdr cli crypt css cups curl cxx dbus declarative dga djvu dri dts dvd dvdr emboss encode exif expat fbcon ffmpeg fftw firefox flac fontconfig fortran ftp gd gdbm geoip gif gimp glamor gmp gnutls gphoto2 gpm graphviz gtk handbook iconv icu idn ieee1394 imagemagick imlib ipv6 java javascript jbig jpeg jpeg2k kde kipi kwallet lame lcms libass libcaca libnotify libsamplerate lm_sensors lua lzma lzo mad mmap mng modules mp3 mp4 mpeg mplayer multilib musicbrainz ncurses nls nptl nsplugin offensive ogg openal opengl openmp pam pango pcre pdf phonon plasma png policykit postscript ppds pulseaudio qml qt3support qt5 rdesktop readline recode samba scanner sctp sdl seccomp sndfile sockets speex spell sqlite sqlite3 ssl startup-notification svg symlink syslog systemd sysvipc taglib theora threads tidy tiff truetype udev udisks unicode upower usb vaapi vcd vdpau vim-syntax vnc vorbis wayland widgets win32codecs wmf wxwidgets x264 xattr xcb xcomposite xine xml xpm xscreensaver xv xvid yahoo zlib" ABI_X86="64" ALSA_CARDS="hda-intel virmidi" APACHE2_MODULES="authn_core authz_core socache_shmcb unixd actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache cgi cgid dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir disk_cache env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir usertrack vhost_alias" CALLIGRA_FEATURES="kexi words flow plan sheets stage tables krita karbon braindump author" CAMERAS="kodak ptp2" COLLECTD_PLUGINS="df interface irq load memory rrdtool swap syslog" CPU_FLAGS_X86="3dnow 3dnowext mmx mmxext popcnt sse sse2 sse3 sse4a" CURL_SSL="gnutls" ELIBC="glibc" GPSD_PROTOCOLS="ashtech aivdm earthmate evermore fv18 garmin garmintxt gpsclock isync itrax mtk3301 nmea ntrip navcom oceanserver oldstyle oncore rtcm104v2 rtcm104v3 sirf skytraq superstar2 timing tsip tripmate tnt ublox ubx" GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc" INPUT_DEVICES="libinput" KERNEL="linux" L10N="it en" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="nlpsolver" OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION="libreoffice" PHP_TARGETS="php5-6 php7-0" POSTGRES_TARGETS="postgres9_5" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_6" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_6 pypy pypy3" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby22 ruby23" SANE_BACKENDS="epson epson2" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="radeon r600" XTABLES_ADDONS="quota2 psd pknock lscan length2 ipv4options ipset ipp2p iface geoip fuzzy condition tee tarpit sysrq steal rawnat logmark ipmark dhcpmac delude chaos account"

                        Package Settings

media-gfx/fontforge-20170731-r3::gentoo was built with the following:
USE="X cairo gif gtk jpeg png python readline svg test tiff truetype-debugger unicode" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7 (-python3_4) -python3_5 -python3_6" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_6 -python3_4 -python3_5"
CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=amdfam10 -msahf -mlzcnt -mpopcnt --param l1-cache-size=64 --param l1-cache-line-size=64 --param l2-cache-size=512 -flto=7 -fuse-linker-plugin -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fgraphite-identity -ftree-vectorize -fno-lto -fno-use-linker-plugin"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=amdfam10 -msahf -mlzcnt -mpopcnt --param l1-cache-size=64 --param l1-cache-line-size=64 --param l2-cache-size=512 -flto=7 -fuse-linker-plugin -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fgraphite-identity -ftree-vectorize -fno-lto -fno-use-linker-plugin"
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--sort-common -flto=7 -fuse-linker-plugin -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fgraphite-identity -ftree-vectorize -fno-lto -fno-use-linker-plugin"

# emerge -1pqv =media-gfx/fontforge-20170731-r3
[ebuild   R   ] media-gfx/fontforge-20170731-r3  USE="X cairo gif gtk jpeg png python readline svg {test} tiff truetype-debugger unicode" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_6* -python2_7* (-python3_4) -python3_5" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_6 -python3_4 -python3_5"

At the console I also get a backtrace (not in the logs) warning of a "double free or corruption".
Comment 1 Paolo Pedroni 2018-02-01 08:40:15 UTC
Created attachment 517352 [details]
Comment 2 Paolo Pedroni 2018-02-01 08:42:28 UTC
Created attachment 517354 [details]
Comment 3 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2018-02-02 20:35:24 UTC
Indeed; I left python3.6 out intentionally when I did the last version bump because the tests failed.

vapier: please make sure you test stuff before adding python3.6 to packages.
Comment 4 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2018-02-02 20:36:10 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit f0cb40339b06568a41830351156e12c5c6bacb3d
Author:     Mike Gilbert <>
AuthorDate: 2018-02-02 20:35:52 +0000
Commit:     Mike Gilbert <>
CommitDate: 2018-02-02 20:36:05 +0000

    media-gfx/fontforge: drop python3.6 due to failing test
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.19_p11, Repoman-2.3.6_p45

 media-gfx/fontforge/fontforge-20170731-r3.ebuild | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)}
Comment 5 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2018-05-28 18:45:15 UTC
*** Bug 650212 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2018-05-28 18:46:27 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 1a3bd54dd8283bae00506af7336bd048c1542f82
Author:     Mike Gilbert <>
AuthorDate: 2018-05-28 18:45:54 +0000
Commit:     Mike Gilbert <>
CommitDate: 2018-05-28 18:46:22 +0000

    media-gfx/fontforge: fix python3.6 compat
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.40_p4, Repoman-2.3.9_p236

 .../fontforge/files/20170731-PyMem_Free.patch      | 197 +++++++++++++++++++++
 media-gfx/fontforge/fontforge-20170731-r4.ebuild   | 121 +++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 318 insertions(+)