r0 is basically unable to start via desktop file due to bug 638798, so let's stabilise the fixed revbump. Thanks in advance.
x86 stable
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=e502e17ebb4d1538d87e9fa439909b7611da4973 commit e502e17ebb4d1538d87e9fa439909b7611da4973 Author: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2017-12-03 11:57:43 +0000 Commit: Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2017-12-03 11:57:43 +0000 media-video/kmplayer: amd64 stable, bug #638984 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/638984 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.16, Repoman-2.3.6 media-video/kmplayer/kmplayer-0.12.0b-r1.ebuild | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)