Given the required-use constraint suggests a python version is not required with USE=-python, this check is just doing the wrong thing. Maybe it needs: pkg_setup() { use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup } Or something. [ebuild N ] app-arch/rpm- USE="acl nls -caps -doc -lua -python (-selinux)" PYTHON_TARGETS="-python2_7" 4,033 KiB >>> Emerging (5 of 6) app-arch/rpm- * rpm- SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ] * No Python implementation selected for the build. Please set * the PYTHON_TARGETS variable in your make.conf to include one * of the following values: * * python2_7 * ERROR: app-arch/rpm- failed (setup phase): * No supported Python implementation in PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET/PYTHON_TARGETS. * * Call stack: *, line 124: Called pkg_setup *, line 357: Called python-single-r1_pkg_setup * python-single-r1.eclass, line 562: Called python_setup * python-single-r1.eclass, line 552: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die "No supported Python implementation in PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET/PYTHON_TARGETS."
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit e9e4de31cb72614a7b767dec7f8462705928de67 Author: Pacho Ramos <> AuthorDate: 2018-10-20 11:08:36 +0000 Commit: Pacho Ramos <> CommitDate: 2018-10-20 11:39:00 +0000 app-arch/rpm: Don't run python pkg_setup always (#634848 by kentnl) Closes: Signed-off-by: Pacho Ramos <> Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.51, Repoman-2.3.11 app-arch/rpm/rpm-4.14.1-r1.ebuild | 6 +++++- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)