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Bug 633332 - www-client/chromium VAAPI use flag
Summary: www-client/chromium VAAPI use flag
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Chromium Project
Keywords: PATCH
: 686272 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-10-03 06:49 UTC by JMW
Modified: 2023-09-24 05:49 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Chromium dev channel ebuild with VAAPI enabled. (chromium-63.0.3218.0.ebuild,19.32 KB, text/plain)
2017-10-03 06:49 UTC, JMW
Patch to enable VAAPI support on Chromium (d60511c.patch,31.84 KB, patch)
2017-10-03 06:55 UTC, JMW
Details | Diff
Patch that enables a fallback max resolution of 1920x1080 (specify-max-resolution.patch,5.82 KB, patch)
2017-10-03 07:00 UTC, JMW
Details | Diff
Patch for vaapi working with chromium 65.0.3294.5 (chromium-65.0.3294.5-vaapi.patch,28.38 KB, patch)
2017-12-18 22:25 UTC, Mads
Details | Diff
Patch for vaapi working with chromium 65.0.3315.3 (newvaapi.patch,26.17 KB, patch)
2018-02-12 23:13 UTC, Mads
Details | Diff
chromium-66.0.3359.22-vaapi.patch (chromium-66.0.3359.22-vaapi.patch,21.20 KB, patch)
2018-03-11 19:22 UTC, Alexei Kharitonov
Details | Diff
chromium-84.0.4147.105.ebuild with vaapi (chromium-84.0.4147.105.ebuild,26.25 KB, text/plain)
2020-08-01 17:53 UTC, rocketpenguin
chromium-enable-vaapi.patch (chromium-enable-vaapi.patch,3.78 KB, patch)
2020-08-01 17:55 UTC, rocketpenguin
Details | Diff
chromium-fix-vaapi-on-intel.patch (chromium-fix-vaapi-on-intel.patch,1.64 KB, patch)
2020-08-01 17:56 UTC, rocketpenguin
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description JMW 2017-10-03 06:49:37 UTC
Created attachment 497472 [details]
Chromium dev channel ebuild with VAAPI enabled.

Google has hardcoded VAAPI out of Linux builds of Chromium. However, Ubuntu and Archlinux ship with VAAPI support enabled, and Gentoo should as well. With VAAPI support enabled, I'm able to turn on all features under "Graphics Feature Status" on the "chrome://gpu" page, and have been able to verify that I have "GpuVideoDecoder" working on the "chrome://media-internals" page. 

I'm attaching here an ebuild and two patches, tested working here on my AMD64 system with GTX 970 graphics card using 'nvidia-drivers'. This works on my system using libva-vdpau-driver as the backend. This ebuild should also work on Intel GPUs. Radeon users may have trouble as both Nvidia and Radeon users have reported issues at the Arch Linux repository:

Please test this so we can move towards getting Linux VAAPI support back into Chromium.
Comment 1 JMW 2017-10-03 06:55:04 UTC
Created attachment 497474 [details, diff]
Patch to enable VAAPI support on Chromium

This is the patch that enables VAAPI support on Linux Chromium, modified slightly from the patch at this page:

The AUTHORS hunk was defunct because that file had already been updated in Chromium. Removed.
Comment 2 JMW 2017-10-03 07:00:35 UTC
Created attachment 497476 [details, diff]
Patch that enables a fallback max resolution of 1920x1080

The libva calls chromium makes to get the max resolution currently don't work, or at least not on VDPAU. This patch enables a fallback resolution of 1920x1088 in case those calls don't work.
Comment 3 Jonas Stein gentoo-dev 2017-10-19 07:49:12 UTC
please write the cat/pkg in the title.
Comment 4 Valentin Marinov 2017-10-19 08:39:43 UTC
JMW, thanks for the ebuild and patches. This works for me on amd64 with Intel HD Graphics. It is actually the only way to have a working Chromium on my system, as all the versions in portage fail to build due to various bugs all in Gentoo Bugzilla. This is available in my overlay at
Comment 5 JMW 2017-10-20 06:11:41 UTC
Jonas Stein, fixed. Thanks for the reminder.
Comment 6 JMW 2017-10-20 06:19:42 UTC
Valentin Marinov, can you post the bugs in question? I actually can't emerge unstable versions of chromium using stable gcc-5.4.0 on my AMD Phenom ii system running stable gentoo. I have to temporarily switch to 6.4.0 to make it work.
Comment 7 Valentin Marinov 2017-10-20 08:06:50 UTC
61.x and 62.x fail because
63.x fails because of

I am on Intel SandyBridge with unstable gcc 7.2.0
Comment 8 Mads 2017-12-18 22:25:50 UTC
Created attachment 510832 [details, diff]
Patch for vaapi working with chromium 65.0.3294.5

chromium-intel-vaapi_r16.diff.patch and chromium-intel-vaapi-fix.patch stopped working from about version 64.0.3253.3 or something like that, so I sat down and edited the patch at a best effort basis and created a working vaapi patch for version 65.0.3294.5.

1) Have x11-libs/libva-2.0.0 and x11-libs/libva-intel-driver-2.0.0 installed.

2) Edit the chromium ebuild so src_configure() contains 
> myconf_gn+=" use_vaapi=true";

3) Include the patch, e.g. in /etc/portage/patches

If I haven't forgotten anything, then VAAPI accelerated video should work again (remember to enable video accel and MJPEG accel in chrome://flags and use the plugin h264ify). Not that thouroughly tested since it takes quite a while to build this, so sorry if I forgot anything...
Comment 9 Valentin Marinov 2018-01-18 05:15:29 UTC
www-client/chromium-65.0.3298.3 with vaapi USE flag and adjusted patch from Mads is in
Comment 10 Valentin Marinov 2018-02-03 15:52:06 UTC
www-client/chromium-65.0.3315.3 with vaapi USE flag is in I would appreciate some testing and feedback from more knowledgeable souls, as chrome://media-internals/ now gives video_decoder:FFmpegVideoDecoder, where it was giving video_decoder:GPUVideoDecoder before.
Comment 11 Mads 2018-02-08 09:28:41 UTC
FFmpegVideoDecoder means it's not working, yes...

Haven't had time to try updating the patch again, but I see there's a pastebin of a patch on, have anyone tried that?
Comment 12 Mads 2018-02-08 09:29:24 UTC
FFmpegVideoDecoder means it's not working, yes...

Haven't had time to try updating the patch again, but I see there's a pastebin of a patch on, has anyone tried that?
Comment 13 Mads 2018-02-09 20:33:43 UTC
Tested that pastebin patch now (had to do some adjustments to the patch to make it compile), unfortunately it did not work.

Guess I'll have to revisit this later if it keeps being this way. Really hoping they'll upstream the support for this soon.
Comment 14 Mads 2018-02-12 14:12:09 UTC
Patch r16 got released just a few days ago!

It does not apply cleanly to 3315.3, so I'll try amending it.
Comment 15 Mads 2018-02-12 23:13:42 UTC
Created attachment 519290 [details, diff]
Patch for vaapi working with chromium 65.0.3315.3

Couldn't get the r16 patch to work after amending it to compile with 3315.3. So I just took my old patch based on r15 and edited it to compile with 3315.3. And it seems to work, chromium is yet again showing GpuVideoDecoder.

Haven't had time yet to compare the patches and see what the difference between them is that makes r16 not work.
Comment 16 Alexei Kharitonov 2018-03-11 19:22:12 UTC
Created attachment 523530 [details, diff]

Updated for v66.0.3359.22.
Comment 17 Mads 2018-06-01 16:21:09 UTC
The patch still works for chromium 68.0.3438.3 if you modify it a little (remove Enable/DisableWebRTCDecode/Encode flags). Managed to get GpuVideoDecoder here too.

Hope upstream actually commits this patchset soon, they're on patchset v18 now...
Comment 18 Mads 2018-08-15 12:47:30 UTC
Seems to still work with chromium 70. I did this:

- Run the patch manually, ignore all the failed patches for fixing webrtc flags (they have removed the need for them)
- Manually fix all "switches::kDisableAcceleratedVideoDecode -> switches::kEnableAcceleratedVideo" patches (go through all the .rej-files after applying the patch and look for those switches and then manually patch them in yourself).
- Amend away all mentions of switches::kEnableAcceleratedMjpegDecode and switces::enableWebRTCEncode/Decode that the patch inserted (it gets some of them in when running the patch, but those mjpeg flags the patch are referencing are gone now. I guess the best thing would be to edit the patch to not patch them in in the first place).

Shows GpuVideoDecoder. I see that Google also have added support for hardware accelerated audio decoding now, I wonder what kind of hardware that is... So I can see audio uses FFMpeg, but video uses GpuVideoDecoder.

Since the switches for MJPEG and WebRTCEncoding/Decoding has disappeared, the out-of-tree patch needed to make VAAPI work keeps getting smaller. At least that's a plus.
Comment 19 Valentin Marinov 2018-10-01 07:43:40 UTC
I have consolidated and cleaned up the various patches floating around and managed to get www-client/chromium-71.0.3554.4 working with VAAPI support. chrome://media-internals shows video_decoder:GPUVideoDecoder. Ebuild is in
Comment 20 Mads 2019-01-09 08:34:05 UTC
(In reply to Valentin Marinov from comment #19)
> I have consolidated and cleaned up the various patches floating around and
> managed to get www-client/chromium-71.0.3554.4 working with VAAPI support.
> chrome://media-internals shows video_decoder:GPUVideoDecoder. Ebuild is in

Have you tested enabling Mojo Video Decoder with chromium 73? See

Seems like it still needs those vaapi patches to be able to use it.
Comment 21 Mads 2019-01-09 08:37:43 UTC
Mojo also needs java to build, apparently.
Comment 22 Valentin Marinov 2019-01-09 08:44:52 UTC
(In reply to Mads from comment #20)
> (In reply to Valentin Marinov from comment #19)
> > I have consolidated and cleaned up the various patches floating around and
> > managed to get www-client/chromium-71.0.3554.4 working with VAAPI support.
> > chrome://media-internals shows video_decoder:GPUVideoDecoder. Ebuild is in
> >
> Have you tested enabling Mojo Video Decoder with chromium 73? See
> Seems like it still needs those vaapi patches to be able to use it.

No, I haven't tested Mojo Video Decoder and VDAv2. Chromium is a royal pain to compile and exponentially more difficult to test patches. I usually wait before the vaapi patches make it to Arch or Ubuntu and then stick to a working build as long as possible. I am still on 71.0.3554.4.
Comment 23 Mads 2019-02-03 11:23:07 UTC
Gentoo should consider adding vaapi patches now, after the good news arrived that Fedora adds vaapi to their official vaapi package!

Testing out now if I can get these applied.
Comment 24 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2019-02-04 03:20:34 UTC
Sorry, but I do not intend to apply these patches on Gentoo.
Comment 25 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2019-05-21 02:41:22 UTC
*** Bug 686272 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 26 Armitage 2019-08-10 14:10:17 UTC

I was able to apply the following patch on chromium-76.0.3809.87 (which is stable on portage now):

I'm compiling the patched chromium now (it can take up to 8h) and I'll let you know about the results.

The patch is simple and small. If it works and the VAAPI support can be enabled with a simple patch, then I think that it's stupid to refuse that patch.

I encourage the Gentoo team to evaluate the patch.

As told before, I'll let you know if the patch worked.

Comment 27 A. Person 2019-08-24 12:57:24 UTC
How did it go with the patch?
Comment 28 mercuriete 2020-06-14 14:02:39 UTC
For people that arrives here from google...

On new version of chromium vaapi support is compiled by default.

you need to do:

1. go to: chrome://gpu/
2. check that your gpu is blacklisted
3. go to chrome://flags/
4. search for ignore-gpu-blacklist
5. enable "ignore gpu blacklist"
6. relaunch

after that you will see on chrome://gpu/ the Video Decoding is enabled.

for having hardware decoding on youtube you need to install h264ify for prefferring mp4 videos instead of vp9.

If your graphics card is NVIDIA and uses vdpau... you probably need another patchs like:
Comment 29 A. Person 2020-06-14 14:44:35 UTC
Which version of chromium is that?
Comment 30 Mads 2020-06-16 08:06:11 UTC
> after that you will see on chrome://gpu/ the Video Decoding is enabled.

this is not how you check if your video decoding is accelerated, you check it by going to chrome://media-internals during video playback and making sure that "MojoVideoDecoder" is used. Chromium from Gentoo does _not_ enable video decoding acceleration.
Comment 31 Mads 2020-06-17 07:51:40 UTC
For those who wants vaapi support in chromium:

1) The configure step must include "use_vaapi=true"
2) Patches must still be applied, the most currents ones now is from RPMFusion's chromium-freeworld: (two patches).

I have working video accel in chromium 84.0.4147.45 after taking these steps.
Comment 32 kinzess 2020-07-25 12:02:51 UTC
If use nvidia graphics, you also need other patch for x11-libs/libva-vdpau-driver.
Comment 33 rocketpenguin 2020-08-01 17:53:19 UTC
Created attachment 652094 [details]
chromium-84.0.4147.105.ebuild with vaapi

This is a quick and dirty ebuild which enables VAAPI support of Chromium. Enable the 'vaapi' USE flag.
You must place the two vaapi-related patches from into /etc/portage/patches/www-client/chromium/ directory.
Awaiting compilation and will update with testing results.
Comment 34 rocketpenguin 2020-08-01 17:55:45 UTC
Created attachment 652096 [details, diff]

Used with chromium-84.0.4147.105.ebuild
Comment 35 rocketpenguin 2020-08-01 17:56:29 UTC
Created attachment 652098 [details, diff]

Used with chromium-84.0.4147.105.ebuild
Comment 36 rocketpenguin 2020-08-06 02:28:33 UTC
Alright, Chromium has finished compiling. The VAAPI patches applied successfully and the build is stable. However, the hardware decoding doesn't actually work, and it just falls back to ffmpeg. I will not continue investigating further - I just installed an extension which allows me to open videos in MPV (which has proper hw decode).
Comment 37 Balint SZENTE 2020-09-11 07:50:53 UTC
I confirm working VAAPI acceleration with chromium-85.0.4183.102 and Intel UHD Graphics 620 GPU.

Accessing chrome://gpu/ shows:

Video Decode: Hardware accelerated

Video Acceleration Information
Decode h264 baseline	16x16 to 4096x4096 pixels
Decode h264 main	16x16 to 4096x4096 pixels
Decode h264 high	16x16 to 4096x4096 pixels
Decode vp8	16x16 to 4096x4096 pixels
Decode vp9 profile0	16x16 to 4096x4096 pixels
Decode vp9 profile2	16x16 to 4096x4096 pixels
Encode h264 baseline	321x241 to 4096x4096 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps
Encode h264 main	321x241 to 4096x4096 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps
Encode h264 high	321x241 to 4096x4096 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps

Steps to enable (based on previous comments):

1. Drop the following two patches from to /etc/portage/patches/www-client/chromium/ directory:


2. Patch the chromium ebuild like this (create a local overlay):

--- chromium-85.0.4183.102.ebuild.orig  2020-09-11 10:47:35.203484853 +0300
+++ chromium-85.0.4183.102.ebuild       2020-09-10 19:49:50.670075403 +0300
@@ -599,6 +599,9 @@
        myconf_gn+=" proprietary_codecs=$(usex proprietary-codecs true false)"
        myconf_gn+=" ffmpeg_branding=\"${ffmpeg_branding}\""

+       # Enable Video Acceleration
+       myconf_gn+=" use_vaapi=true"
        # Set up Google API keys, see .
        # Note: these are for Gentoo use ONLY. For your own distribution,
        # please get your own set of keys. Feel free to contact

3. Add the following flag to `/etc/chromium/default`:

# Options to pass to chromium.

   Otherwise the ANGLE renderer is used, which disables VAAPI. I read that in chromium 86 VAAPI will be enabled also with ANGLE. But until then this flag is necessary.
Comment 38 Mark Jacobson 2020-09-12 14:45:31 UTC
I appreciate the work the devs put into maintaining the ebuilds, but I've followed the above and also have hardware acceleration working. This is the only way I can, for example, use Stadia in 4k on the VP9 codec.

Debian, Arch, and Fedora all include this patch. Subsequently, ALL downstream distros also subsequently get this. Gentoo is the odd one out, what is the rationale that the devs won't ever add this patch? Is it strictly "upstream doesn't do it, so we won't either"?

Is there the possibility we could have some flexibility on this?
Comment 39 Maciej Mrozowski gentoo-dev 2020-09-19 16:13:26 UTC
Binary distros have this inherent benefit that they are binary hence process of building packages is better controlled (by distro developers). In Gentoo there are a lot more variables to take account like compiler versions, USE flags, CFLAGS in make.conf, etc. Chromium takes ages to compile and upstream releases new versions very often.
With upstream refusing to soft-disable VA-API (via chrome://gpu) and hard-disables it instead, it requires patching source and all these extra 3rd party patches need to be rebased/fixed when they no longer apply so if we just put them in portage and patch fails to apply or work at some point, bugu reports will arrive.
So it all comes down to maintenance cost..
I'm not chromium maintainer and I cannot speak for them, but I think what could be possibly done is force-enable VA API support in ebuild only (it would still do nothing but it would eliminate the need for users to patch ebuild as well, and given that they are bumped often) and let people drop these patches themselves in /etc/portage/patches/ to actually test-enable it.
This could be some possible compromise I think - not really breaking or increase maintenance cost by default but still make it convenient to maintain by user.
Comment 40 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2020-09-24 16:38:14 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit add1b12dc5e74f23686f3652c251ef1f3f991722
Author:     Stephan Hartmann <>
AuthorDate: 2020-09-24 16:36:33 +0000
Commit:     Stephan Hartmann <>
CommitDate: 2020-09-24 16:37:39 +0000

    www-client/chromium: dev channel bump to 87.0.4270.0
    - Add experimental vaapi support
    - drop USE=system-libvpx, because vaapi uses internal
      libvpx API
    Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.4, Repoman-3.0.1
    Signed-off-by: Stephan Hartmann <>

 www-client/chromium/Manifest                       |   4 +-
 ...0.4263.3.ebuild => chromium-87.0.4270.0.ebuild} |  43 ++---
 .../files/chromium-86-fix-vaapi-on-intel.patch     |  40 +++++
 .../files/chromium-87-fix-vaapi-build.patch        | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../chromium/files/chromium-87-ozone-deps.patch    |  15 ++
 5 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Comment 41 Janpieter Sollie 2020-10-29 12:33:27 UTC

.... the change has apparently been reverted, probably by accident.  too bad :(.  when pulling the file from git and putting it in files/, it still works
Comment 42 Mads 2021-05-25 19:44:13 UTC
With www-client/chromium-92.0.4512.4 I had to put this in /etc/chromium/default to get "VDAVideoDecoder" in chrome://media-internals (they've changed name again):

CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --enable-accelerated-video-decode"
Comment 43 Stephan Hartmann (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2021-05-25 20:35:37 UTC
(In reply to Mads from comment #42)
> With www-client/chromium-92.0.4512.4 I had to put this in
> /etc/chromium/default to get "VDAVideoDecoder" in chrome://media-internals
> (they've changed name again):
> CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder
> --enable-accelerated-video-decode"

I updated the elog message with chromium-92 to "--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder" some time ago. Are you sure that "--enable-accelerated-video-decode" is needed too? I don't see it in chrome://flags.
Comment 44 Mads 2022-03-09 09:43:05 UTC
Don't know where else to put this. If I tried using intel-media-driver (LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=iHD) lately, I get lots of "GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=139" errors when starting chrome and no working GPU accel. But it works with the default i965 driver. Just thought I should write that out there somewhere.
Comment 45 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2022-03-09 15:16:35 UTC
(In reply to Mads from comment #44)

If you want to report a bug, please create a new bug report.

If you just want to write stuff on the internet, start a blog or a social media post.