* QA Notice: The following files contain writable and executable sections * Files with such sections will not work properly (or at all!) on some * architectures/operating systems. A bug should be filed at * https://bugs.gentoo.org/ to make sure the issue is fixed. * For more information, see: * * https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Hardened/GNU_stack_quickstart * * Please include the following list of files in your report: * Note: Bugs should be filed for the respective maintainers * of the package in question and not hardened@g.o. * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0081-0001_1x40.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0081-0001_4x10.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0096-0001_2x10.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0097-0001_2x40.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0097-0001_4x10_1x40.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0097-0001_8x10.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0099-0001_2x10.nffw * !WX --- --- lib/firmware/netronome/nic_AMDA0099-0001_2x25.nffw * QA Notice: Pre-stripped files found: * /lib/firmware/qcom/venus-1.8/venus.b00 * /lib/firmware/qcom/venus-1.8/venus.mdt
I would suggest setting QA_PREBUILT="lib/firmware/*" to silence the warnings. Also, it might be worth setting RESTRICT="strip" to avoid any accidental damage to the firmware files.
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=86160f33a9719afa60299206164772cd7f6c4bc2 commit 86160f33a9719afa60299206164772cd7f6c4bc2 Author: Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2017-11-23 15:24:23 +0000 Commit: Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2017-11-23 15:24:23 +0000 sys-kernel/linux-firmware: set QA_PREBUILT Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/628382 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.15, Repoman-2.3.6_p7 sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest | 4 ++-- sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20171123.ebuild | 2 ++ sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild | 2 ++ 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)