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Bug 616612 - depend.apache.eclass unusable for EAPI={6,7} mandatory packages
Summary: depend.apache.eclass unusable for EAPI={6,7} mandatory packages
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Eclasses (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal critical
Assignee: Apache Team - Bugzilla Reports
: 651512 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 653606 828739 828744
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2017-04-25 17:31 UTC by Alon Bar-Lev (RETIRED)
Modified: 2025-02-25 23:30 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

apache-paths.eclass (apache-paths.eclass,2.20 KB, text/plain)
2021-12-25 23:44 UTC, Michael Orlitzky
apache-module-r1.eclass (apache-module-r1.eclass,7.32 KB, text/plain)
2021-12-25 23:49 UTC, Michael Orlitzky
mpm_itk-2.4.7_p4-r2.ebuild (mpm_itk-2.4.7_p4-r2.ebuild,1.18 KB, text/plain)
2021-12-25 23:51 UTC, Michael Orlitzky

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Alon Bar-Lev (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-04-25 17:31:44 UTC

In mandatory mod_xxx packages and EAPI=6 the depend.apache_pkg_setup is void, it does not call _init_apache2, _init_apache2_late in any path.
This means that EAPI=6 is unusable.

mod_nss is already affected and installed at root, I guess not tested with eapi bumped.

Comment 1 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2018-04-14 10:37:32 UTC
*** Bug 651512 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2018-04-14 10:39:18 UTC
This is a major issue as reverse deps are getting broken when moving to eapi6 :/ 

I am not sure if maybe QA team would know how to fix adapt it to eapi6 

Maybe define:
_init_apache2_late() {

in a phase instead of global scope?
Comment 3 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2018-04-14 14:21:02 UTC
I think the EAPI=6 branch for depend.apache.eclass is still buggy. In any case, we should try to move away from it: the only useful thing it does is define a few paths that ebuilds might need. It's incredibly complicated (and doesn't work!) for what it does.

Instead of defining those paths as global variables (in pkg_setup or the need/want functions), we should provide functions like,

  apache_modules_confdir() { ... }

which consumers then use when they are needed. Since nobody needs these values in pkg_setup anyway, they'll only get used in the configure, compile,install, or postinst phases. For example, the apache-module.eclass needs the module directory because it installs there:

  apache-module_src_install() {
    exeinto "${APACHE_MODULESDIR}"

Instead, we could do something like,

  apache-module_src_install() {
    exeinto "$(apache_modules_dir)"

which would invoke get_libdir when it's needed, and not at some probably-too-early-eapi-dependent time.

If we put those functions in an -r1 of the depend.apache eclass, we could inherit it in -r0 for backwards compatibility and do e.g.


Then we could move apache-module.eclass to depend.apache.eclass-r1, fixing all of the modules at once. Afterwards, the other consumers of depend.apache.eclass could be migrated one-at-a-time.
Comment 4 Stefan00 2018-08-01 10:09:11 UTC
bump. This really needs to be fixed. For example, using apache-module.eclass with EAPI 6 is not possible and installs to wrong places.

For a temporary working fix, I call _init_apache2_late right from the ebuild, but that should not be the way to go.
Comment 5 Dirkjan Ochtman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2019-03-20 20:21:00 UTC
dilfridge: I just spent some time digging into this, but I nor Lars can make sense of the changes you made to the eclass in 2016. Would you mind taking a look at this issue and see why _init_apache2_late isn't being called when you for example upgrade www-apache/mod_wsgi-4.6.5 to EAPI=6?
Comment 6 Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis 2019-03-20 20:45:51 UTC
(In reply to Dirkjan Ochtman from comment #5)
> why _init_apache2_late isn't being called when
> you for example upgrade www-apache/mod_wsgi-4.6.5 to EAPI=6?

apache-module.eclass inherits depend.apache.eclass which exports depend.apache_pkg_setup() which calls _init_apache2_late().

www-apache/mod_wsgi-4.6.5 has:
inherit apache-module eutils python-single-r1

python-single-r1.eclass exports python-single-r1_pkg_setup().

So www-apache/mod_wsgi-4.6.5 is already broken regardless of EAPI, because it does not have:
pkg_setup() {
Comment 7 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2021-03-10 04:51:34 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit ad49fd833d609fe1a93dd7b47df70a88dddd03d4
Author:     Sam James <>
AuthorDate: 2021-03-10 04:21:11 +0000
Commit:     Sam James <>
CommitDate: 2021-03-10 04:21:11 +0000

    www-apache/mod_fastcgi_handler: workaround depend.apache eclass issues
    Signed-off-by: Sam James <>

 ...handler-0.6-r1.ebuild => mod_fastcgi_handler-0.6-r2.ebuild} | 10 +++++++++-
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Comment 8 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-03-10 05:22:16 UTC
It's not completely clear to me what was or wasn't the original issue here, but it is clear that using EAPI 6+ with depend.apache.eclass results in an installation to /.

Defining the variables (for the location) in src_install then calling emake is a workaround for this.
Comment 9 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2021-12-12 23:54:25 UTC
If anyone decides to take a stab at this, I think the best way forward would be to forget about depend.apache, and just fix apache-module.eclass in a new revision.

The important part of depend.apache is the variables it sets. But now that the name of "apxs" is standardized and it's installed to $PATH, you can just use e.g.

  APACHE_MODULESDIR=$(apxs -q libexecdir)
  APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR=$(apxs -q sysconfdir)/modules.d
  APACHE_VHOSTS_CONFDIR=$(apxs -q sysconfdir)/vhosts.d

all of which could be provided by eclass functions (in the new revision) instead of magic variables coming from depend.apache.
Comment 10 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2021-12-25 23:44:33 UTC
Created attachment 760202 [details]
Comment 11 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2021-12-25 23:49:32 UTC
Created attachment 760204 [details]

Here's a band-aid for this that will allow us to get to EAPI=7 with minimum interruption. The new apache-paths eclass provides a few paths that everyone needs via function calls so it can be used in newer EAPIs. And I've made an -r1 of the apache-module eclass that uses it.

To migrate an apache module ebuild, you would just switch to the new apache-module eclass, drop any function calls (like need_apache) from depend.apache, and then declare whatever additional dependencies on www-servers/apache that you need manually. The eclass declares a generic dependency on www-servers/apache only.

Ideally, apache-2.eclass would also be updated to use the paths from apache-paths.eclass, so that everyone is getting the information from the same place.

I've only gone to EAPI=7 because I don't feel like rewriting any more of the module eclass than I have to. As it stands, the changes are easy to audit because I've only changed a few uses of APACHE_FOO variables to apache-path-foo() function calls.
Comment 12 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2021-12-25 23:51:47 UTC
Created attachment 760205 [details]

I've migrated my own mpm_itk package as an example.
Comment 13 Joakim Tjernlund 2021-12-29 10:00:39 UTC
(In reply to Sam James from comment #8)
> It's not completely clear to me what was or wasn't the original issue here,
> but it is clear that using EAPI 6+ with depend.apache.eclass results in an
> installation to /.
> Defining the variables (for the location) in src_install then calling emake
> is a workaround for this.

I use this workaround ATM:

Then USE apache2 is always defined and the apache eclassel does the right thing
Comment 14 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-03-15 18:15:40 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #9)
> If anyone decides to take a stab at this, I think the best way forward would
> be to forget about depend.apache, and just fix apache-module.eclass in a new
> revision.
> The important part of depend.apache is the variables it sets. But now that
> the name of "apxs" is standardized and it's installed to $PATH, you can just
> use e.g.
>   APACHE_MODULESDIR=$(apxs -q libexecdir)
>   APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR=$(apxs -q sysconfdir)/modules.d
>   APACHE_VHOSTS_CONFDIR=$(apxs -q sysconfdir)/vhosts.d
> all of which could be provided by eclass functions (in the new revision)
> instead of magic variables coming from depend.apache.

Can you send these to the ML?
Comment 15 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2022-03-17 11:57:10 UTC
(In reply to Sam James from comment #14)
> Can you send these to the ML?

I've only tested the new eclasses with one package, www-apache/mpm-itk. Before proposing to merge them this really needs some love from a dedicated maintainer. (Updating the module eclass to support EAPI=8 would also be nice before ML review.)
Comment 16 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2022-12-25 15:44:20 UTC
Reassigning to apache-bugs@, because a true fix most likely requires dedicated apache maintainers to update/replace these eclasses.
Comment 17 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2025-02-25 23:30:14 UTC
commit 20ea5b285d0dc12a7649e5bda5cc9c871cc0bad0
Author: Hans de Graaff <>
Date:   Fri Sep 29 08:32:20 2023 +0200

    eclass/depend.apache: enable EAPI 8


    Signed-off-by: Hans de Graaff <>