Hi, wibrown@redhat and I would like to proxy-maintain svrcore. We are already proxy-maint'ing 389-ds. wibrown's team is svrcore upstream and we are preparing an ebuild for an updated version as well as migrating it to EAPI=6. I'll ask wibrown to confirm on this bug momentarily. Thanks, Wes
Hi, I'm part of the 389-ds core team from Red Hat. We have taken ownership of the SVRCore project from Mozilla as part of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1262334. The code is now hosted here https://pagure.io/svrcore and our home page http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/development.html here. Wes and I would like to maintain this package for gentoo. We already have an updated ebuild for the upgrade from 4.0.4 to 4.1.2 ready. Thanks for your time, William
This package is currently without maintainer and has two other open bugs (linked here). Just to clarify, you both wish to take co-maintainership of this package?
Yes, wibrown is its current upstream dev and I'm managing ebuilds for his work
We no longer use these bugs. See: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Proxy_Maintainers/User_Guide#Taking_over_an_existing_package Long story short: 1. If your request has been fulfilled already and you're the maintainer, ignore this. 2. If you have submitted the ebuilds separately, we'll handle it there. If that's via a bug, please make sure that proxy-maint@ is in CC. Feel free to ping us if things aren't moving forward for a long time. 3. If you haven't submitted anything yet, please submit a meaningful change to the package (bugfix, version bump, ebuild update...) along with the maintainer update and you'll become the maintainer when we merge it. Sorry for the trouble.