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Bug 5621 - subversion build problem
Summary: subversion build problem
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Alain Penders (RETIRED)
: 6597 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-07-26 16:55 UTC by HAGIHARA Yoshiaki
Modified: 2003-03-23 14:43 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Subversion 0.16 ebuild (subversion.tar.gz,3.69 KB, application/octet-stream)
2002-12-18 18:01 UTC, James A. Stangler
ebuild text only (subversion-0.16.ebuild,9.86 KB, text/plain)
2002-12-29 23:42 UTC, James A. Stangler

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description HAGIHARA Yoshiaki 2002-07-26 16:55:18 UTC
when i emerging subversion-0.10_pre1, the following error has occured.
# emerge subversion
configure: checking neon library
checking neon library version... 0.21.3
You have neon version 0.21.3,
but Subversion needs neon 0.19.2.
Please either install neon 0.19.2 on this system


get neon 0.19.2 from:
unpack the archive using tar/gunzip and rename the resulting
directory from ./neon-0.19.2/ to ./neon/
configure: error: no suitable neon found

!!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully.
!!! Function src_compile_svn, Line 16, Exitcode 1
!!! ./configure of subversion failed

!!! emerge aborting on 
/usr/portage/dev-util/subversion/subversion-0.10_pre1.ebuild .
in subversion-0.10_pre1.ebuild, it depends on '>=net-misc/neon-0.19.2' , but
should it be '=net-misc/neon-0.19.2' ?

after i downgraded neon to 0.19.2-r1, emeging subversion was succeeded.
Comment 1 gpb 2002-08-01 22:44:54 UTC
I've done an emerge rsync, and the only version of neon listed is 0.21.3.  Unless there is some way 
to retrieve old versions of packages that I don't know about, subversion can't be installed 
using just emerge.
Comment 2 Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-08-04 16:09:39 UTC
That is correct. Subversion is very particular about which versions of neon it 
will work with. According to the subversion development team, HEAD of 
Subversion will only work with HEAD of their external libs. 

Thus, when they do a release of subversion, it can only be expected to work 
with the most recent releases of their deps at the time of release. 

This will of course have to change when Subversion ever reaches a stable state. 

Because of this assumption, packaging a subversion release is a huge 
undertaking which none of the current developers seem to bother much about. 
Geert Bevin kept up with Subversion until he left the Gentoo project earlier 
this year.

I won't touch this with a ten-foot pole; it's a huge maintenance nightmare. 
Say, if somebody upgrades neon because a newer version is required by, say 
apache, and then that somebody deletes the older versions of the neon (as they 
appear to be deprecated and cannot coexist with the newer version of neon 
anyway), Subversion will break. 

Or, if somebody merges Subversion which depends on neon-0.19.2, then they 
emerge apache with WebDAV enabled (which requires neon-0.21.x), Portage will 
not flag this as an error, and subversion won't work.

The list goes on and on. If somebody else wants to take it on, be my guest.
Comment 3 Seemant Kulleen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-08-16 13:19:15 UTC
*** Bug 6597 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Rich Dougherty 2002-09-22 21:05:50 UTC
I've just had a look and old versions of Neon seem to be available. Recent
versions are on the main homepage ( and older
versions are on the archive page (
Comment 5 Rich Dougherty 2002-10-03 20:38:39 UTC
In fact, the Subversion source tarballs (wll include the source for the
appropriate versions of apr, apr-util and neon. There is no need to download the
files separately.

For example,
Comment 6 Jacob Smullyan 2002-10-07 10:33:28 UTC
Couldn't subversion, like cadaver, be built statically linked to avoid this problem?

What would actually be most useful would be to have a subversion client ebuild;
with it it would be possible bootstrap a CVS version of subversion.  A server
installation script is just too much trouble given the unstable nature of the
Comment 7 Rich Dougherty 2002-10-07 15:06:39 UTC
Subversion is self-hosting (ie. stored using itself), so it would not be
possible to build it from CVS. Also, the latest version from the repository is
probably less stable than the latest drop.
Comment 8 Jacob Smullyan 2002-10-07 15:10:03 UTC
Pardon, I meant SVN, not CVS :).
Comment 9 James A. Stangler 2002-12-18 18:01:12 UTC
Created attachment 6598 [details]
Subversion 0.16 ebuild

Here's the ebuild I've been using for subversion 0.16.	I'm not much of a C/C++
programmer, but it worked for me.
Comment 10 Chris Carlin 2002-12-25 15:50:24 UTC
Is that attachment an ebuild file?
I think it might have been corrupted, it's not a text file when I download it.

Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Comment 11 Chris Johnson 2002-12-29 23:19:26 UTC
James, I see only a binary for your ebuild attachment: could you upload your 
text ebuild again perhaps?  
This whole subversion situation *does* seem to be a mess....  
Comment 12 James A. Stangler 2002-12-29 23:42:43 UTC
Created attachment 6846 [details]
ebuild text only

Here's just the ebuild.  The previous attachment is a tar.gz of the ebuild and
/etc/init.d/subversion script, but I somehow lost the extension.
Comment 13 Alain Penders (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-01-16 10:34:19 UTC
I just made a new ebuild available for subversion 0.16.1.  The ebuild I made
does not rely on bootstrapping subversion, as most of use really don't need
that.  It's a lot simpler, and likely is more reliable than the old style
ebuilds for subversion.  See bug #14040
Comment 14 Maik Schreiber 2003-01-17 17:41:27 UTC
Bouncing back to bug-wranglers due to time constraints.
Comment 15 Alain Penders (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-03-23 14:43:26 UTC
See new ebuilds at