# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/subversion/subversion-0.10_pre1.ebuild,v 1.9 2002/12/09 04:21:16 manson Exp $ S=${WORKDIR}/subversion-r3987 S_APACHE=${WORKDIR}/httpd-2.0.43 S_APR=${S}/apr S_APRUTIL=${S}/apr-util S_AUTOCONF=${WORKDIR}/autoconf-2.52 S_BDB=${WORKDIR}/db-4.0.14/build_unix S_NEON=${WORKDIR}/neon-0.23.5 I_APACHE=${WORKDIR}/tmpinstall_httpd I_AUTOCONF=${WORKDIR}/tmpinstall_autoconf-2.52 I_BDB=${WORKDIR}/tmpinstall_db-4.0.14 I_NEON=${WORKDIR}/tmpinstall_neon-0.23.5 I_SVN=${WORKDIR}/tmpinstall_svn DESCRIPTION="A compelling replacement for CVS" SRC_URI="http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/2123/subversion-r3987.tar.gz http://www.sleepycat.com/update/4.0.14/db-4.0.14.tar.gz http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.0.43.tar.gz ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.52.tar.bz2 http://www.webdav.org/neon/neon-0.23.5.tar.gz" # http://www.gbevin.com/gentoo/apr-subversion-200202261456.tar.bz2 # http://www.gbevin.com/gentoo/apr-util-subversion-200202261456.tar.bz2 # http://www.gbevin.com/gentoo/httpd-subversion-200202261456.tar.bz2 # http://www.gbevin.com/gentoo/svn-200202261456.tar.bz2 # http://www.webdav.org/neon/neon-0.19.2.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://subversion.tigris.org/" SLOT="0" LICENSE="Apache-1.1" KEYWORDS="x86 sparc " DEPEND=">=dev-lang/python-2.0 >=sys-apps/diffutils-2.7.7 >=sys-devel/libtool-1.4.1-r1 >=sys-devel/bison-1.28-r3 >=sys-devel/m4-1.4o-r2" # =net-misc/neon-0.19.2*" RDEPEND=">=dev-lang/python-2.0 >=sys-apps/diffutils-2.7.7 >=sys-devel/m4-1.4o-r2" # net-www/lynx" apachectl requires it for status - we don't need it # =net-misc/neon-0.19.2*" downloaded and built explicitly for subversion src_bootstrap() { cd ${WORKDIR} # bootstrap subversion from version 0.9.0 unpack ${DISTDIR}/subversion-r1302.tar.gz cd ${WORKDIR}/subversion-r1302 econf \ --with-berkeley-db=${I_BDB} \ --enable-maintainer-mode \ --disable-shared emake || die "make of subversion bootstrap failed" # get latest subversion version from cvs cd ${WORKDIR} subversion-r3987/subversion/clients/cmdline/svn checkout http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk -d svn } src_compile_neon() { # configure neon cd ${S_NEON} CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/include/libxml2/libxml' ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/svn \ --mandir=/usr/svn/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/svn/share/info \ --datadir=/usr/svn/share \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --host=${CHOST} || die "../dist/configure of neon failed" # build neon emake || die "make of neon failed" # install temporary version of neon DESTDIR=${I_NEON} make install || die "temporary installation of neon failed" } src_compile_bdb() { # configure berkeley db cd ${S_BDB} ../dist/configure \ --prefix=/usr/svn \ --mandir=/usr/svn/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/svn/share/info \ --datadir=/usr/svn/share \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --host=${CHOST} || die "../dist/configure of berkeley db failed" # build berkeley db emake || die "make of berkeley db failed" # install temporary version of berkeley db make prefix=${I_BDB} install || die "temporary installation of berkeley db failed" } src_compile_apache() { # copy the apr and apr-util dirs rm -rf ${S_APACHE}/srclib/apr ${S_APACHE}/srclib/apr-util cp -a ${S_APR} ${S_APACHE}/srclib/apr cp -a ${S_APRUTIL} ${S_APACHE}/srclib/apr-util # configure apache cd ${S_APACHE} ./buildconf ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/svn \ --mandir=/usr/svn/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/svn/share/info \ --datadir=/usr/svn/share \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --host=${CHOST} \ --enable-so \ --enable-dav \ --enable-ssl \ --enable-deflate \ --with-dbm=db4 \ --with-berkeley-db=${I_BDB} \ --enable-maintainer-mode || die "./configure of apache failed" make depend # fix the apache sources to correctly work with LD_LIBRARY_PATH mv srclib/pcre/Makefile srclib/pcre/Makefile_orig sed -e "s#./dftables#LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\" ./dftables#" \ srclib/pcre/Makefile_orig > srclib/pcre/Makefile mv server/Makefile server/Makefile_orig sed -e "s#./gen_test_char#LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\" ./gen_test_char#" \ server/Makefile_orig > server/Makefile # build apache emake || die "make of apache failed" # install temporary version of apache DESTDIR=${I_APACHE} make install || die "temporary installation of apache failed" # change the paths in apxs to point to the temporarly installed version of apache # this will make subversions dav module install there mv ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/bin/apxs ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/bin/apxs_orig sed -e "s#/usr/svn#${I_APACHE}/usr/svn#" \ ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/bin/apxs_orig > ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/bin/apxs chmod +x ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/bin/apxs mv ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/share/build/config_vars.mk ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/share/build/config_vars.mk_orig sed -e "s#/usr/svn#${I_APACHE}/usr/svn#" \ ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/share/build/config_vars.mk_orig > ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/share/build/config_vars.mk } src_compile_autoconf() { # configure autoconf cd ${S_AUTOCONF} ./configure \ --prefix=${I_AUTOCONF} \ --infodir=${I_AUTOCONF}/share/info \ --mandir=${I_AUTOCONF}/share/man \ --target=${CHOST} || die "./configure of autoconf failed" # build autoconf emake || die "make of autoconf failed" # install temporary version of autoconf make install || die "temporary installation of autoconf failed" } src_compile_svn() { cd ${S} # # create a copy of the most recent apr and apr-utils sources # rm -rf apr apr-util # cp -a ${S_APR} apr # cp -a ${S_APRUTIL} apr-util # generate the configure scripts sh ./autogen.sh || die "autoconf of subversion failed" # configure subversion # have to install in temporary location first and can't sue DESTDIR # with make install since otherwise the libraries are wrongly installed LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/lib:${I_BDB}/lib" ./configure \ --prefix=${I_SVN} \ --with-berkeley-db=${I_BDB} \ --with-neon=${I_NEON}/usr/svn \ --with-apxs=${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/bin/apxs \ --enable-maintainer-mode || die "./configure of subversion failed" # build subversion mv Makefile Makefile.orig sed -e "s#/usr/svn/include/neon#${I_NEON}/usr/svn/include/neon#" \ Makefile.orig > Makefile mv Makefile Makefile.orig sed -e "s#NEON_LIBS = -L/usr/svn/lib#NEON_LIBS = -L${I_NEON}/usr/svn/lib#" \ Makefile.orig > Makefile emake LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_BDB}/lib" || die "make of subversion failed" # install temporary version of subversion export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_SVN}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" make LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_BDB}/lib:${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/lib:${I_SVN}/lib" install || die "temporary installation of subversion failed" } src_compile() { src_compile_neon # make the system pick up the installed berkeley db libs before others export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_NEON}/usr/svn/lib" src_compile_bdb # make the system pick up the installed berkeley db libs before others export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_BDB}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" src_compile_apache # make the system have access to the cvs head libraries of apache 2.0 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" src_compile_autoconf # set the correct paths so that this new version of autoconf will be picked up instead # of the old version that gentoo uses by default export PATH="$I_AUTOCONF/bin:$PATH" src_compile_svn # cd ${WORKDIR} # subversion-r3987/subversion/clients/cmdline/svn checkout http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk svn } src_install () { # copy the prior temporary installs to the image dir dodir /usr/svn/lib cp -av ${I_NEON}/usr/svn/lib/* ${D}/usr/svn/lib || die "installation of neon failed" cp -av ${I_BDB}/lib/* ${D}/usr/svn/lib || die "installation of berkeley db failed" cp -av ${I_APACHE}/usr/svn/* ${D}/usr/svn || die "installation of apache failed" cp -av ${I_SVN}/* ${D}/usr/svn || die "installation of subversion failed" dodir /etc/init.d cp ${FILESDIR}/subversion ${D}/etc/init.d # install documentation dodoc BUGS COMMITTERS COPYING HACKING IDEAS INSTALL PORTING README cd notes for f in *.txt do dodoc ${f} done # remove portage /var/tmp paths from files cd ${D}/usr/svn for x in bin/apxs \ bin/apu-config \ bin/apr-config \ build/config_vars.mk \ conf/highperformance-std.conf \ conf/highperformance.conf \ conf/httpd-std.conf \ conf/httpd.conf \ conf/ssl-std.conf \ conf/ssl.conf \ conf/httpd.conf.bak \ lib/libsvn_delta.la \ lib/libsvn_ra_dav.la \ lib/libexpat.la \ lib/libsvn_subr.la \ lib/libaprutil.la \ lib/libsvn_ra_local.la \ lib/libsvn_repos.la \ lib/libapr.la \ lib/libsvn_client.la \ lib/libsvn_fs.la \ lib/libsvn_ra.la \ lib/libsvn_wc.la do mv ${x} ${x}_orig sed -e "s#/var/tmp/portage/${P}/work/tmpinstall_svn#/usr/svn#g" \ -e "s#/var/tmp/portage/${P}/work/tmpinstall_httpd#/usr/svn#g" \ -e "s#/var/tmp/portage/${P}/work/tmpinstall_db-4.0.14#/usr/svn#g" \ ${x}_orig > ${x} rm ${x}_orig done # add the subversion path to the apache config cat << ENDL >> ${D}/usr/svn/conf/httpd.conf <Location /svn/repos> DAV svn SVNPath /var/lib/svn </Location> ENDL # setup gentoo to make using subversion easier dodir /var/lib/svn/logs touch ${D}/usr/svn/logs/.keep insinto /usr/bin dosym /usr/svn/bin/svn /usr/bin/svn dosym /usr/svn/bin/svnadmin /usr/bin/svnadmin dosym /usr/svn/bin/svnlook /usr/bin/svnlook insinto /etc/env.d echo "LDPATH=/usr/svn/lib" > ${D}/etc/env.d/10subversion } pkg_config() { einfo ">>> Initializing the database ..." if [ -f /var/lib/svn/db ] ; then echo "A subversion repository already exists and I will not overwrite it." echo "Delete /var/lib/svn first if you're sure you want to have a clean version." else einfo ">>> Populating repository directory ..." # create initial repository LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/svn/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" /usr/svn/bin/svnadmin create /var/lib/svn einfo ">>> Setting repository permissions ..." chown -Rf nobody.nobody /var/lib/svn chmod -Rf 755 /var/lib/svn fi }