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Bug 452082 - net-p2p/gtk-gnutella-1.2.2 does not respect AR
Summary: net-p2p/gtk-gnutella-1.2.2 does not respect AR
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Hans de Graaff
Keywords: PullRequest
Depends on:
Blocks: tc-directly
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2013-01-14 19:15 UTC by Agostino Sarubbo
Modified: 2024-01-13 20:46 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2013-01-14 19:15:32 UTC
You receive this bug because this package does not respect my system's AR ( x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar - /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar ) and calls directly ar - /usr/bin/ar
The possible solutions to fix this issue are:
1)Fix the buildsystem, if you can
2)inherit toolchain-funcs and use tc-export AR
3)inherit toolchain-funcs and use emake AR="$(tc-getAR)"

ar rc libshell.a  command.o date.o download.o downloads.o echo.o help.o horizon.o intr.o log.o memory.o node.o nodes.o offline.o online.o pid.o print.o props.o quit.o 
rescan.o search.o set.o shell.o shutdown.o stats.o status.o uploads.o version.o whatis.o 
ar rc libsdbm.a  big.o hash.o lru.o pair.o sdbm.o 
ar rc libupnp.a  control.o discovery.o error.o natpmp.o service.o upnp.o 
ar rc libdht.a  acct.o keys.o kmsg.o knode.o kuid.o lookup.o publish.o revent.o roots.o routing.o rpc.o stable.o tcache.o token.o ulq.o values.o 
ar rc libxml.a  vxml.o xattr.o xfmt.o xnode.o 
ar rc libgtk2.a  fileinfo.o gnet_stats.o hcache.o monitor.o monitor_cb.o nodes.o nodes_cb.o pbarcellrenderer.o search.o search_cb.o search_stats.o upload_stats.o uploads.o 
callbacks.o  interface-glade.o support-glade.o callbacks.o 
ar rc libgtk-common.a  bitzi.o downloads_common.o clipboard.o drag.o drop.o filter.o filter_cb.o filter_core.o gnet_stats_common.o gtk-missing.o gtkcolumnchooser.o 
hcache_common.o html_view.o icon.o main.o main_cb.o misc.o nodes_common.o search_common.o search_xml.o settings.o settings_cb.o statusbar.o upload_stats.o upload_stats_cb.o 
uploads_cb.o uploads_common.o visual_progress.o 
ar rc libcore.a  alive.o ban.o bh_download.o bh_upload.o bitzi.o bogons.o bsched.o clock.o ctl.o dh.o dime.o dmesh.o downloads.o dq.o dump.o extensions.o features.o 
file_object.o fileinfo.o gdht.o geo_ip.o ggep.o ggep_type.o ghc.o gmsg.o gnet_stats.o guess.o guid.o hcache.o hostiles.o hosts.o hsep.o http.o huge.o ignore.o inet.o 
ioheader.o ipp_cache.o ipv6-ready.o local_shell.o matching.o move.o mq.o mq_tcp.o mq_udp.o namesize.o nodes.o ntp.o oob.o oob_proxy.o parq.o pcache.o pdht.o pproxy.o 
publisher.o qhit.o qrp.o routing.o rx.o rx_chunk.o rx_inflate.o rx_link.o rx_ut.o rxbuf.o search.o settings.o share.o soap.o sockets.o spam.o spam_sha1.o sq.o 
thex_download.o thex_upload.o tls_common.o token.o topless.o tsync.o tth_cache.o tx.o tx_chunk.o tx_deflate.o tx_dgram.o tx_link.o tx_ut.o udp.o udp_sched.o uhc.o 
upload_stats.o uploads.o urpc.o verify.o verify_sha1.o verify_tth.o version.o vmsg.o whitelist.o 
ar rc libshared.a adns.o aging.o alloca.o arc4random.o ascii.o atoms.o base16.o base32.o base64.o bfd_util.o bg.o bigint.o bstr.o ckalloc.o cobs.o compat_misc.o 
compat_pause.o compat_pio.o compat_poll.o compat_sleep_ms.o compat_un.o concat.o constants.o cpufreq.o cq.o crash.o crc.o dbmap.o dbmw.o dbstore.o dbus_util.o debug.o 
dl_util.o dualhash.o elist.o entropy.o erbtree.o eslist.o etree.o eval.o event.o exit.o fast_assert.o fd.o fifo.o file.o filehead.o filename.o float.o fragcheck.o 
fs_free_space.o getcpucount.o getdate.o getgateway.o gethomedir.o getline.o getphysmemsize.o glib-missing.o glog.o gnet_host.o halloc.o hash.o hashing.o hashlist.o 
hashtable.o header.o hevset.o hikset.o host_addr.o hset.o htable.o html.o idtable.o inputevt.o iprange.o ipset.o iso3166.o leak.o list.o log.o magnet.o malloc.o map.o mem.o 
mempcpy.o memusage.o mime_type.o mingw32.o misc.o mutex.o nid.o nv.o offtime.o ohash_table.o omalloc.o once.o options.o ostream.o pagetable.o palloc.o parse.o path.o 
patricia.o pattern.o pmsg.o pow2.o product.o prop.o rand31.o random.o regex.o sectoken.o sequence.o sha1.o shuffle.o signal.o slist.o smsort.o sorted_array.o spinlock.o 
stacktrace.o stats.o str.o stringify.o strtok.o symbols.o symtab.o tea.o thread.o tiger.o tigertree.o timestamp.o tm.o url.o url_factory.o urn.o utf8.o vector.o vendors.o 
vmm.o walloc.o watcher.o wd.o wordvec.o wq.o xmalloc.o xsort.o zalloc.o zlib_util.o
Comment 1 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2022-02-26 09:12:56 UTC
ci has reproduced this issue with version 1.2.2 - Updating summary.
Comment 2 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2024-01-13 20:46:20 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 58e0d7f5a46c4b6080d6908249204f29bdd5f64b
Author:     Michael Mair-Keimberger <>
AuthorDate: 2023-12-30 15:09:46 +0000
Commit:     Conrad Kostecki <>
CommitDate: 2024-01-13 20:45:49 +0000

    net-p2p/gtk-gnutella: EAPI8 bump, various fixes
    Signed-off-by: Michael Mair-Keimberger <>
    Signed-off-by: Conrad Kostecki <>

 net-p2p/gtk-gnutella/gtk-gnutella-1.2.2-r1.ebuild | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+)