PLease mark stable: =x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.15.0-r1 I've added 375279 as a block because it "needs" to work well.
Dep is the other way around. First the kernel goes stable, then the intel driver will. Thanks
.39 is stable for architecture that have keyword on this package. @X11, I think that we can proceed ;)
amd64 : ok (tablet gma950) [OT] tested also 2.16.0 which has poor performance on tablet screen while on external monitor performance is ok (xrand left-of). I noticed that when I was moving windows across screens, 1920x1200 external was ok but on 11" 1024k768 window lagged. Plus when I tried to write using stylus and xournal, results appeared in xournal with 2/3 sec delay. Reverted it and everything was fine, dont have time now, ill complain in stablereq for .16 I guess. [/OT]
2.16 can go to stable with next xorg stabilization. Close as WONTFIX