hping's traceroute mode only increments the TTL of the sent packet on successful reception of a reply. The user has to hit a key (control-Z) to increment the TTL. So hping will get "stuck" on a particular hop that drops low-TTL packets, rather than progressing past it like traditional traceroute. This makes it unsuitable for automated, unattended use such as within scripts. Here is a patch that adds a --tr-try-per-ttl option. This ought to go upstream, but afaik hping is pretty much abandoned. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 272253 [details, diff] ebuild update to apply the tr-try-per-ttl patch.
Created attachment 272255 [details, diff] Add an hping option to increment the TTL after a certain number of tries in traceroute mode. Note that this patch was generated on a tree that already had hping-3_pre20051105-allow-when-suid.patch applied to it (see bug #366151), so line numbers may differ if that patch is not accepted.