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Bug 35718 - boost-1.30.2-r1.ebuild (Update)
Summary: boost-1.30.2-r1.ebuild (Update)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: George Shapovalov (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Blocks: 35279
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Reported: 2003-12-13 04:05 UTC by Chris Mayo
Modified: 2004-03-16 23:55 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---

boost-1.30.2-r1 ebuild (boost-1.30.2-r1.ebuild,3.02 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-13 04:05 UTC, Chris Mayo
boost-1.30.2-r1 ebuild (second attempt) (boost-1.30.2-r1.ebuild,3.04 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-20 11:48 UTC, Chris Mayo

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Description Chris Mayo 2003-12-13 04:05:07 UTC
Suggestion to also install tools/build/* from boost.

While trying to get PythonMagick to build from outside of the boost tree (bug #35279) I found I needed python.jam amongst others to be installed.

This update to the boost ebuild adds just one instruction:
 find tools/build -maxdepth 1 \
	-exec install -D -m0644 {} ${D}/usr/include/boost/{} \;

to install files (but no subdirs) from tools/build into /usr/include/boost/tools/build.

This of course does include files for other architectures (716KB in total) and may not be the best location.

Comment 1 Chris Mayo 2003-12-13 04:05:45 UTC
Created attachment 22130 [details]
boost-1.30.2-r1 ebuild
Comment 2 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-13 16:51:22 UTC
george, you seem to be the maintainer of this package. can you please take a look at this? and while you're at it, maybe add a metadata.xml? 

Comment 3 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-19 08:45:53 UTC
Hi Chris.

Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortnately it does not work :).
The real reason is I thinkf that I had to move to current version in cvs, as this release does not work with  python 2.3 (see #35268 for more details).
Instead I did some recoursive copying..

Oh, /usr/include/boost/tools/build is definitely bad location, as these are tools and /usr/include is not supposed to contain such stuff. Seing that these tools are comprised of bunch of .jam ans html/css files I am not sure /usr/lib/boost is the proper place either (they are not relly "regular" binaries). So I ended up with /usr/share/{PN} for now. Please do check this and let me know if there is a problem with that.

>george, you seem to be the maintainer of this package. can you please take a >look at this? 
Ok, doing this :)

>and while you're at it, maybe add a metadata.xml? 
but not this. See my email to -dev for reasons. I just temporarily picked this one up. I would rather see C/C++/lib dev responsible for it eventually.

Comment 4 Chris Mayo 2003-12-20 11:48:30 UTC
Created attachment 22489 [details]
boost-1.30.2-r1 ebuild (second attempt)


I tried boost-1.31.0_alpha1, changed my boost-build.jam to:
 boost-build /usr/share/boost/v1
 and in set BOOST_BUILD_PATH=/usr/share/boost/v1 and got:

Jamfile:1: in load-jamfiles
*** argument error
* rule project-root (  )
* called with: ( PythonMagick )
* extra argument PythonMagick
/usr/share/boost/v1/allyourbase.jam:1206:see definition of rule 'project-root'
being called
/usr/share/boost/v1/bootstrap.jam:15: in boost-build
/var/tmp/portage/pythonmagick-0.5/work/PythonMagick/boost-build.jam:3: in
module scope

Does this make any sense?

I think It's difficult enough trying to figure out what to do with the released
version of boost from the available documentation - using the CVS without any
docs is another challenge altogether!

While we try to get this working can 1.30 be kept alive until 1.31 is formally
released? I have updated the boost-1.30.2-r1 ebuild to put tools/build under
/usr/share/boost and added a DEPEND line to block python 2.3 (can you have two
depend lines for the same package?).

Comment 5 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-16 23:55:22 UTC
Sorry for the silence in this bug, there was a lot of discussion in other one, but all is good now :).
Release is out and in stable, closing the bug..