x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I./AtomBios/includes -Wall -I/usr/include/xorg -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/drm -I/usr/include/X11/dri -DDISABLE_EASF -DENABLE_ALL_SERVICE_FUNCTIONS -DATOM_BIOS -DATOM_BIOS_PARSER -DDRIVER_PARSER -O2 -pipe -march=nocona -MT radeon_bios.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/radeon_bios.Tpo -c radeon_bios.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/radeon_bios.o In file included from /usr/include/xorg/vgaHW.h:29, from radeon_driver.c:106: /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:40: error: expected ')' before '*' token /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:41: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'DPMSGetVersion' /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:42: error: expected ')' before '*' token /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:43: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'DPMSSetTimeouts' /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:44: error: expected ')' before '*' token /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:45: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'DPMSEnable' /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:46: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'DPMSDisable' /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:47: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'DPMSForceLevel' /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpms.h:48: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'DPMSInfo' make[2]: *** [radeon_driver.lo] Error 1 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... mv -f .deps/radeon_mm_i2c.Tpo .deps/radeon_mm_i2c.Plo mv -f .deps/radeon_video.Tpo .deps/radeon_video.Plo mv -f .deps/radeon_bios.Tpo .deps/radeon_bios.Plo mv -f .deps/radeon_accel.Tpo .deps/radeon_accel.Plo make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.12.4/work/xf86-video-ati-6.12.4/src' # emerge --info Portage (default/linux/amd64/10.0, gcc-4.4.2, glibc-2.9_p20081201-r3, x86_64) ================================================================= System uname: Linux- Timestamp of tree: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:00:01 +0000 app-shells/bash: 4.0_p35 dev-java/java-config: 2.1.9-r1 dev-lang/python: 2.5.4-r3, 2.6.4, 3.1.1-r1 sys-apps/baselayout: 2.0.1 sys-apps/openrc: 0.4.3-r4 sys-apps/sandbox: 2.2 sys-devel/autoconf: 2.13, 2.63-r1 sys-devel/automake: 1.5, 1.9.6-r2, 1.10.2, 1.11 sys-devel/binutils: 2.19.1-r1 sys-devel/gcc-config: 1.4.1 sys-devel/libtool: 2.2.6a virtual/os-headers: 2.6.30-r1 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 ~amd64" CBUILD="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=nocona" CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/share/X11/xkb /var/spool/torque" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/env.d /etc/env.d/java/ /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo /etc/udev/rules.d" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=nocona" DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles" FEATURES="assume-digests distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch" GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://distfiles.gentoo.org http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/gentoo" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1" MAKEOPTS="-j5" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages" PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT="/" PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" SYNC="rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage" USE="X amd64 berkdb bzip2 cracklib crypt dri fortran gdbm hal iconv java jce jpeg jpg laptop mmx modules mpi mpich2 multilib ncurses nls nptl nptlonly nsplugin pam pcre perl png python readline sse sse2 ssl svg sysfs syslog tcpd unicode xorg zlib" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mmap_emul mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" APACHE2_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir disk_cache env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir usertrack vhost_alias" ELIBC="glibc" INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="vesa radeon" Unset: CPPFLAGS, CTARGET, EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS, FFLAGS, INSTALL_MASK, LANG, LC_ALL, LINGUAS, PORTAGE_COMPRESS, PORTAGE_COMPRESS_FLAGS, PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS, PORTDIR_OVERLAY
Created attachment 209439 [details] build.log
For completeness what is ought to happen (have newly set "radeon" in my VIDEO_CARDS variable): # emerge -uNDpv world These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.12.4 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/mesa-7.5.2 USE="nptl -debug -motif -pic -xcb" VIDEO_CARDS="radeon* -intel -mach64 -mga -none -r128 -radeonhd -s3virge -savage -sis (-sunffb) -tdfx -trident -via" 0 kB [ebuild U ] sys-apps/hal-0.5.13-r2 [0.5.13] USE="X crypt laptop -acpi -apm -consolekit -debug -dell -disk-partition -doc -policykit (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/pm-utils-1.2.5 USE="-alsa -debug -networkmanager -ntp" VIDEO_CARDS="radeon* -intel" 0 kB [ebuild U ] sys-devel/binutils-2.20 [2.19.1-r1] USE="nls -gold -multislot -multitarget -test -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.1 [1.6.2-r1] USE="hal nptl xorg -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal -sdl -tslib" INPUT_DEVICES="(-acecad%) (-aiptek%) (-citron%) (-elographics%) (-evdev%*) (-fpit%) (-hyperpen%) (-joystick%) (-keyboard%*) (-mouse%*) (-mutouch%) (-penmount%) (-synaptics%) (-tslib%) (-virtualbox%) (-vmmouse%) (-void%) (-wacom%)" VIDEO_CARDS="(-apm%) (-ark%) (-ast%) (-chips%) (-cirrus%) (-dummy%) (-epson%) (-fbdev%) (-fglrx%) (-geode%) (-glint%) (-i128%) (-i740%) (-impact%) (-imstt%) (-intel%) (-mach64%) (-mga%) (-neomagic%) (-newport%) (-nv%) (-nvidia%*) (-r128%) (-radeon%) (-radeonhd%) (-rendition%) (-s3%) (-s3virge%) (-savage%) (-siliconmotion%) (-sis%) (-sisusb%) (-sunbw2%) (-suncg14%) (-suncg3%) (-suncg6%) (-sunffb%) (-sunleo%) (-suntcx%) (-tdfx%) (-tga%) (-trident%) (-tseng%) (-v4l%) (-vermilion%) (-vesa%*) (-via%) (-virtualbox%) (-vmware%) (-voodoo%) (-xgi%)" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.3 [0.9.2] 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.4.0 [1.3.2] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.2.1 [2.2.0] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.3.0 [2.2.2] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.5.0 [1.4.0] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild N ] dev-java/icedtea6-bin-1.6.1 USE="X nsplugin -alsa -doc -examples -source" 0 kB [ebuild N ] virtual/jdk-1.6.0 0 kB [ebuild N ] virtual/jre-1.6.0 0 kB [ebuild NS ] sys-libs/db-4.8.24 [4.5.20_p2-r1, 4.6.21_p4, 4.7.25_p4] USE="java -doc -nocxx -tcl -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-4.7.25_p4 USE="java* -doc -nocxx -tcl -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-4.5.20_p2-r1 USE="java* -doc -nocxx -tcl -test" 0 kB [ebuild U ] dev-libs/apr-util-1.3.9 [1.3.8] USE="berkdb gdbm -doc -freetds -ldap -mysql -odbc -postgres -sqlite -sqlite3" 0 kB Total: 18 packages (9 upgrades, 4 new, 1 in new slot, 4 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 kB
What is your version of libX11 ?
# emerge -pv libX11 These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libX11-1.3.2 USE="xcb -debug -ipv6 -test" 0 kB
Perhaps one of the packages has a too low dependency. Does 'emerge -upvDN --with-bdeps y world' emerge a higher proto version ?
# emerge -upvDN --with-bdeps y world These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.12.4 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] sys-devel/binutils-2.20 [2.19.1-r1] USE="nls -gold -multislot -multitarget -test -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild U ] dev-perl/yaml-0.70 [0.68] 109 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.021 [2.015] USE="-test" 141 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.021 [2.015] USE="-test" 209 kB [ebuild N ] virtual/perl-Package-Constants-0.02 0 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.021 [2.015] 0 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.021 [2.015] 0 kB [ebuild N ] perl-core/IO-Compress-2.021 USE="-test" 203 kB [ebuild N ] virtual/perl-IO-Compress-2.021 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.3 [0.9.2] 0 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/IO-Zlib-1.10 [1.09] 10 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-IO-Zlib-1.10 [1.09] 0 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.54 [1.48] USE="(-bzip2%*)" 51 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Archive-Tar-1.54 [1.48] 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/mesa-7.5.2 USE="nptl -debug -motif -pic -xcb" VIDEO_CARDS="radeon* -intel -mach64 -mga -none -r128 -radeonhd -s3virge -savage -sis (-sunffb) -tdfx -trident -via" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.1 [1.6.2-r1] USE="hal nptl xorg -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal -sdl -tslib" INPUT_DEVICES="(-acecad%) (-aiptek%) (-citron%) (-elographics%) (-evdev%*) (-fpit%) (-hyperpen%) (-joystick%) (-keyboard%*) (-mouse%*) (-mutouch%) (-penmount%) (-synaptics%) (-tslib%) (-virtualbox%) (-vmmouse%) (-void%) (-wacom%)" VIDEO_CARDS="(-apm%) (-ark%) (-ast%) (-chips%) (-cirrus%) (-dummy%) (-epson%) (-fbdev%) (-fglrx%) (-geode%) (-glint%) (-i128%) (-i740%) (-impact%) (-imstt%) (-intel%) (-mach64%) (-mga%) (-neomagic%) (-newport%) (-nv%) (-nvidia%*) (-r128%) (-radeon%) (-radeonhd%) (-rendition%) (-s3%) (-s3virge%) (-savage%) (-siliconmotion%) (-sis%) (-sisusb%) (-sunbw2%) (-suncg14%) (-suncg3%) (-suncg6%) (-sunffb%) (-sunleo%) (-suntcx%) (-tdfx%) (-tga%) (-trident%) (-tseng%) (-v4l%) (-vermilion%) (-vesa%*) (-via%) (-virtualbox%) (-vmware%) (-voodoo%) (-xgi%)" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.4.0 [1.3.2] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.2.1 [2.2.0] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.3.0 [2.2.2] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.5.0 [1.4.0] USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/Module-Build-0.35 [0.33] 258 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Module-Build-0.35 [0.33] 0 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.26.03 [0.24] 28 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.26.03 [0.24] 0 kB [ebuild U ] perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21 [2.19] 39 kB [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21 [2.19] 0 kB Total: 27 packages (22 upgrades, 4 new, 1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 1,043 kB [cut] Upgrading to x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.3 does not help. That particular header file belongs to x11-libs/libXext-1.1.1. I tried downgrade to 1.0.5 but cannot get it compiled, due to: libtool: compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -Wbad-function-cast -Wold-style-definition -Wdeclaration-after-statement -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL -O2 -pipe -march=nocona -MT XEVI.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/XEVI.Tpo -c XEVI.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/XEVI.o DPMS.c:41:36: error: X11/extensions/dpmsstr.h: No such file or directory [cut] Yeah, I do not have x11-libs/libXevie installed, whatever that is. After installing that, at least I get few compile steps further with the downgrade to x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5: libtool: compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -fno-strict-aliasing -Wbad-function-cast -Wold-style-definition -Wdeclaration-after-statement -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL -O2 -pipe -march=nocona -MT XAppgroup.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/XAppgroup.Tpo -c XAppgroup.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/XAppgroup.o XLbx.c:35:35: error: X11/extensions/lbxstr.h: No such file or directory Still I can successfully re-compile x11-libs/libXext-1.1.1. The x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.12.4 is still the same.
You must have missed something, though I'm not sure what, cause from personal experience I can say that xf86-video-ati-6.12.4 does build for 1.7 server.
You have already on your system the protos/libs for xorg-server-1.7, so update to that server and THEN compile those drivers. Reopen if that wont fix it.
(In reply to comment #8) > You have already on your system the protos/libs for xorg-server-1.7, so update > to that server and THEN compile those drivers. > > Reopen if that wont fix it. > No, I did not upgrade to 1.7. I just showed what would be upgraded and upgraded just the x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.3 and installed x11-libs/libXext. If x11-libs/libXext is required (and it looks like it then it is a bug in ebuild, supposedly x11-libs/libXext-1.0.5 should depend on x11-libs/libXext. If x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.12.4 is only for 1.7 series then fix that ebuild first, I will test. I am staying with 1.6 xorg server.
If you want to stick with 1.6, then you should properly mask packages. https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291312#c12
=x11-drivers/linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1 requires <x11-base/xorg-server-1.7, which is why this same problem hit me, too. So this bug should be valid and depend on bug #315131
sorry, correction: linuxwacom 0.8.6 also doesn’t support xorg-server 1.7 Only the most recent update (0.8.6-2) supports xorg-server 1.7 “May 12, 2010 - Updated configure.in to disable wacom_drv and its utilities. and tell user to build wacom_drv from xf86-input-wacom for. Xorg server 1.7 or later. Label 0.8.6-2.” → http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/news
And one more update: I misread. Seems that linuxwacom isn’t requred for 1.7 anymore, so if that’s possible, when the update to xorg-server 1.7 is available, it should either autoreplace linuxwacom by xf86-input-wacom or prompt the user to do so (did I miss a news entry?).