New server in western Canada. Server Name: rsync? IP Address: Server Hardware: 2 x Intel Xeon (3800.186 MHz), 12GB RAM Setup: Rsync serving files from RAM drive Connection: 10Mbit FD User Limit: 50 Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Contact: Provider: Reproducible: Always Actual Results: Using RAMFS for portage
IP address change:
I am syncing from for now
If it's not in use I would very much like to be Feel free to add this mirror to namerica as well.
you guys are useless =(
The mirrors team is understaffed, and will get to you eventually.
(In reply to comment #4) > you guys are useless =( > Thanks for being patient. The mirrors admin team has been understaffed. Since I don't see your mirror being online, please re-open this bug if you would like to re-visit this. Thanks.