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Bug 258412 - x11-wm/fluxbox-1.1.1 shows message " fbsetbg: Can't find wallpaper"
Summary: x11-wm/fluxbox-1.1.1 shows message " fbsetbg: Can't find wallpaper"
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High trivial
Assignee: Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED)
: 275794 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-02-10 07:21 UTC by Ann Ohnym
Modified: 2009-07-14 05:13 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

init (init,3.75 KB, text/plain)
2009-02-18 19:07 UTC, Ann Ohnym
overlay file (overlay,87 bytes, text/plain)
2009-02-18 19:08 UTC, Ann Ohnym

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Ann Ohnym 2009-02-10 07:21:47 UTC
After emerging fluxbox 1.1.1 I get a message dialog with the text
"fbsetbg: Can't find wallpaper"
directly after starting X (with startging fluxbox)

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-02-11 20:59:19 UTC
How are you setting your background?  In ~/.fluxbox/startup?  In ~/.fluxbox/overlay?  Via whatever style you are currently using?  What style are you using?

Also, what does 'fbsetbg -i' tell you?
Comment 2 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-11 21:33:14 UTC
I have not set any background, ever.
But I notice that in the file ~/.fluxbox/overlay it says:

! The following line will prevent styles from setting the background.
! background: none

So i guess I should uncomment that?

I use one of the fluxbox core styles, but it is not given a name in the list of the fluxbox core styles. It is just a checked box below "BlueNight" and before "Flux", but there is no name attached to it.

fbsetbg -i tell me
display doesn't set the wallpaper properly. Transparency for fluxbox and apps like aterm and xchat won't work right with it. Consider installing feh, wmsetbg (from windowmaker) or Esetroot (from Eterm) and I'll use them instead.

Comment 3 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-02-12 17:13:52 UTC
Thank you for the information, but I'll still need some more to track down what is happening.

If you uncomment the background line in your ~/.fluxbox/overlay, does this problem go away?

Can please post here the output from the following commands in a shell:

  grep styleFile ~/.fluxbox/init

  grep fbsetbg ~/.fluxbox/init

  grep fbsetbg ~/.fluxbox/startup
Comment 4 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-13 18:38:20 UTC
$ grep styleFile ~/.fluxbox/init
session.styleFile:      /usr/share/fluxbox/styles/Emerge

the second command returns nothing and the final one gives me:

~/.fluxbox/startup  does not exist.

I'll remember to uncomment the line next time I start.
Comment 5 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-02-13 19:06:44 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> ~/.fluxbox/startup  does not exist.

Interesting.  How exactly are you starting fluxbox?
Comment 6 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-13 19:56:10 UTC
$ cat .xinitrc
exec fluxbox

and just plain old startx after loging in in the consol.
Comment 7 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-14 06:08:22 UTC
No, uncommenting that line did not make the message dialog go away.
Comment 8 lythandrel 2009-02-15 23:23:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> $ cat .xinitrc
> exec fluxbox

change the exec fluxbox in ~/.xinitrc to exec startfluxbox and those missing files should appear next time you start fluxbox after that change.
Comment 9 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-02-18 01:00:04 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> No, uncommenting that line did not make the message dialog go away.

Can you please attach your entire ~/.fluxbox/init, as well as ~/.fluxbox/overlay

Thank you.

Also, what version were you running before you upgraded to 1.1.1?
Comment 10 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-18 19:07:41 UTC
Created attachment 182445 [details]
Comment 11 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-18 19:08:50 UTC
Created attachment 182447 [details]
overlay file
Comment 12 Ann Ohnym 2009-02-18 19:14:22 UTC
Notice that the second line in the overlay file was prefixed by a ! before I removed it.

version? I'm not sure.  1.* something?
I could not find any logs for emerge to tell me what version was installed earlier.
Comment 13 Ann Ohnym 2009-03-05 13:07:07 UTC
Changing to
exec startfluxbox

didn't help. The message still appears.
Comment 14 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-03-05 18:13:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> Changing to
> exec startfluxbox
> didn't help. The message still appears.

Can you try:
 - Shut down fluxbox
 - Move aside your ~/.fluxbox directory
 - Start fluxbox again

This should regenerate the .fluxbox directory with default settings.  Let me know if you still get the message after doing this.
Comment 15 Michał Kiedrowicz 2009-04-08 07:14:55 UTC
> I get a message dialog with the text
> "fbsetbg: Can't find wallpaper"
> directly after starting X (with startging fluxbox)


I have the same problem. My previous version was fluxbox-1.0.0-r2. Setting wallpaper with fbsetbg for the first time solved the problem for me.

$ fbsetbg -i

feh is a nice wallpapersetter. You won't have any problems.
Comment 16 Ann Ohnym 2009-04-09 05:26:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> (In reply to comment #13)
> > Changing to
> > exec startfluxbox
> > 
> > didn't help. The message still appears.
> Can you try:
>  - Shut down fluxbox
>  - Move aside your ~/.fluxbox directory
>  - Start fluxbox again
> This should regenerate the .fluxbox directory with default settings.  Let me
> know if you still get the message after doing this.

Yes, the message is still there.
Comment 17 Tomasz Lis 2009-04-17 21:25:23 UTC

I had the same problem I just fixed it by adding in .fluxbox/init:
"session.screen0.rootCommand:    fbsetbg -c /path/to/wallpaper"

I've noticed that in attached init file after this line is empty space, which is the same case I had. I also installed feh package earlier, because I was getting the same message after `fbsetbg -i`.

Comment 18 Aaron W. Swenson gentoo-dev 2009-04-20 22:12:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #17)
> Hello,
> I had the same problem I just fixed it by adding in .fluxbox/init:
> "session.screen0.rootCommand:    fbsetbg -c /path/to/wallpaper"
> I've noticed that in attached init file after this line is empty space, which
> is the same case I had. I also installed feh package earlier, because I was
> getting the same message after `fbsetbg -i`.

This was the solution for me as well. Actually, in my case I set it to:
session.screen0.rootCommand:	fbsetbg -R /usr/share/backgrounds

Adding the above line to "/usr/share/fluxbox/init" fixed it, too.

However, having both in place will cause the message to pop up even though the background gets set properly.
Comment 19 Aaron W. Swenson gentoo-dev 2009-04-21 11:45:24 UTC
(In reply to comment #18)
> (In reply to comment #17)
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I had the same problem I just fixed it by adding in .fluxbox/init:
> > "session.screen0.rootCommand:    fbsetbg -c /path/to/wallpaper"
> > 
> > I've noticed that in attached init file after this line is empty space, which
> > is the same case I had. I also installed feh package earlier, because I was
> > getting the same message after `fbsetbg -i`.
> > 
> This was the solution for me as well. Actually, in my case I set it to:
> session.screen0.rootCommand:    fbsetbg -R /usr/share/backgrounds
> Adding the above line to "/usr/share/fluxbox/init" fixed it, too.
> However, having both in place will cause the message to pop up even though the
> background gets set properly.

I take that back. When I exited all the way out of X.Org and came back in, the error dialog popped up again, so I did some more poking around. I found that I had "background: none" defined in the style that I was using. So, I commented that out (Comments for these files are "!"), I also commented out that same line in the .fluxbox/overlay file. That fixed it. I then commented out "session.screen0.rootCommand:" in the .fluxbox/init file. That kept Fluxbox from setting the background at all. (The background from SLiM persisted, though.) Then I added "fbsetbg -R /usr/share/backgrounds" back into .fluxbox/startup, and everything is just peachy.

So maybe the solution is to comment out "session.screen0.rootCommand:" in the init file. Although, I don't know who is supposed to fix this. Gentoo or Fluxbox.
Comment 20 Aaron W. Swenson gentoo-dev 2009-04-21 12:08:08 UTC

We can probably close this bug as it is Fluxbox that needs to fix this issue.
Comment 21 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-24 16:05:30 UTC
Okay, after doing some exhaustive testing, I have the definitive answer to this issue.

The short workaround is:  If you experience this problem, run "fbsetbg" to set your background once.

Alternatively you can set up your overlay file to actually set a background.  Consult fluxstyle(1) for more details on the other available values for the 'background:' setting.

From that point on, fluxbox will always restore your wallpaper and you will never see this message again.

Consult 'fbsetbg -h' for more details, but just be sure to use one of the lower-case forms that remembers your wallpaper, and not the upper-case form, otherwise you will still get the error.  This will create ~/.fluxbox/lastwallpaper and from then on everyone will be happy.

The longer explanation follows, for anyone who is interested:

If after applying your style's background setting, and optionally overriding it with your overlay file, and the final result is "none", fluxbox runs 'fbsetbg -z' which takes the last wallpaper you set using 'fbsetbg' and re-displays it.

The reason is that "background: none" means "Do not let a style override my wallpaper and instead use whatever I last specified with fbsetbg".  It does not mean "Do not set my wallpaper". As of fluxbox-1.1.1 there is NO value that means "Do net set my wallpaper".

If you are one of those odd people who cannot use fbsetbg for some reason (for example, if you are using something else like root-tail or xscreensaver to set your wallpaper), the only solution with fluxbox-1.1.1 is to comment out the 'background: ...' lines in both your style AND your overlay.  This will leave your background alone and it will not popup the error.  The next release will add a mechanism to do this a bit more elegantly.

Now, back to the error message.  If you have never ever used 'fbsetbg' and therefore have no "~/.fluxbox/lastwallpaper" file, when fluxbox runs 'fbsetbg -z', it is an ERROR to not have a wallpaper.

This will not happen to someone running fluxbox for the very first time because the default fluxbox style does indeed set a background and the default overlay file does not set background to anything.

This odd condition of "no lastwallpaper" may also be addressed in the next release of fluxbox.  Or at least the error message may be made more clear.

Until then, use the workaround above :)
Comment 22 Kazankov Alexander 2009-07-14 05:13:03 UTC
*** Bug 275794 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***