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Bug 155424 - [science overlay] sci-mathematics/netgen-4.4.ebuild (New package)
Summary: [science overlay] sci-mathematics/netgen-4.4.ebuild (New package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Whiteboard: Science overlay
Keywords: EBUILD, InOverlay
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-11-16 14:26 UTC by Daniel Tourde
Modified: 2022-01-13 14:19 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

The very first ebuild. Functional but uncomplete and not heavily tested... (netgen-4.4.ebuild,3.97 KB, text/plain)
2006-11-16 14:35 UTC, Daniel Tourde
The very first ebuild. Functional but uncomplete and not heavily tested... (netgen-4.4.ebuild,3.97 KB, text/plain)
2006-11-16 14:36 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Debian patches (based on packet 7) (debian-netgen_4.4-7.patch,9.42 KB, patch)
2006-11-16 14:38 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Details | Diff
patch 2 (densemat.patch,313 bytes, patch)
2006-11-16 14:39 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Details | Diff
patch 3 (meshtype.patch,251 bytes, patch)
2006-11-16 14:39 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Details | Diff
patch 4 (togl_tk.patch,855 bytes, patch)
2006-11-16 14:40 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Details | Diff
Second attempt (netgen-4.4.ebuild,3.96 KB, text/plain)
2006-11-17 04:44 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Third attempt (netgen-4.4.ebuild,5.15 KB, text/plain)
2007-03-19 20:45 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Fourth attempt (netgen-4.4.ebuild,5.21 KB, text/plain)
2007-03-26 17:11 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Corrected debian-patch (debian-netgen_4.4-7.patch,9.36 KB, patch)
2007-03-26 17:12 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Details | Diff
new togl_tk patch (togl_tk.patch,958 bytes, text/plain)
2007-05-29 08:59 UTC, Daniel Tourde
togl_tk.patch (togl_tk.patch,1.84 KB, patch)
2007-09-26 16:06 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Details | Diff
Final ebuild for netgen (netgen-4.4.ebuild,5.38 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-26 19:18 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Improved ebuild. (netgen-4.4.ebuild,5.34 KB, text/plain)
2007-12-02 23:30 UTC, Oliver Borm
solved some QA Problems (netgen-4.4.ebuild,5.38 KB, text/plain)
2007-12-03 21:56 UTC, Oliver Borm
Removed the tix work around. (netgen-4.4.ebuild,5.20 KB, text/plain)
2007-12-10 21:33 UTC, Oliver Borm
togl_tk.patch : Takes care of future versions of tcl/tk 8.4 (togl_tk.patch,2.54 KB, patch)
2008-03-16 10:05 UTC, Daniel Tourde -
Details | Diff
Patch inspired by what Debian did with salome. Up to the so called 4.4-9 release (debian-inspired-netgen_4.4-9.patch,9.54 KB, patch)
2008-03-16 10:07 UTC, Daniel Tourde -
Details | Diff
Second set of debian inspired patches for netgen 4.4 (4.4-9, being the exact reference of the debian packet) (debian-inspired-netgen_4.4-9.2.patch,8.18 KB, patch)
2008-03-16 10:11 UTC, Daniel Tourde -
Details | Diff
Netgen-4.4 ebuild: Heavy rework of the ebuild. (netgen-4.4.ebuild,6.42 KB, text/plain)
2008-03-16 10:29 UTC, Daniel Tourde -
debian inspired patch 4.4.-9. Slight modification (debian-inspired-netgen_4.4-9.patch,9.23 KB, patch)
2008-03-20 18:42 UTC, Daniel Tourde -
Details | Diff
Netgen-4.4-r1 (netgen-4.4-r1.ebuild,6.09 KB, text/plain)
2008-03-20 18:44 UTC, Daniel Tourde -
sci-misc/netgen-4.4-r2.ebuild (netgen-4.4-r2.ebuild,6.19 KB, text/plain)
2008-05-05 21:55 UTC, Richard Westwell
/files/icon/netgen-icon.png (netgen-icon.png,4.12 KB, image/png)
2008-05-07 18:46 UTC, Richard Westwell
/files/icon/netgen.desktop (netgen.desktop,176 bytes, text/plain)
2008-05-07 18:48 UTC, Richard Westwell
/files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-togl_tk.patch (netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-togl_tk.patch,2.62 KB, patch)
2008-05-07 18:50 UTC, Richard Westwell
Details | Diff
/files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-salome.patch.bz2 (netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-salome.patch.bz2,7.88 KB, application/octet-stream)
2008-05-07 18:55 UTC, Richard Westwell
/files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-salomelib64.patch.bz2 (netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-salomelib64.patch.bz2,742 bytes, application/octet-stream)
2008-05-07 18:56 UTC, Richard Westwell
/files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch (netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch,1.81 KB, patch)
2008-05-07 18:58 UTC, Richard Westwell
Details | Diff
netgen-4.5.20060301.ebuild (netgen-4.5.20060301.ebuild,8.10 KB, text/plain)
2008-05-07 19:28 UTC, Richard Westwell
Netgen 4.4-r2: Added the icon and the menu reference (netgen-4.4-r2.ebuild,6.31 KB, text/plain)
2008-05-08 11:43 UTC, Daniel Tourde
files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch (netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch,2.93 KB, text/plain)
2008-05-10 23:28 UTC, Richard Westwell
emerge netgen log file (gzipped) (sci-mathematicsnetgen-4.4-r120080701-194315.log.gz,35.80 KB, text/plain)
2008-07-02 12:55 UTC, Adam Zdunek
First try ebuild for netgen-4.9.6 (netgen-4.9.6.ebuild,1.76 KB, text/plain)
2009-03-28 12:55 UTC, Christoph Lehrenfeld
ebuild for latest netgen on Source Forge 4.9.10 (netgen-4.9.10.ebuild,1.76 KB, text/plain)
2009-09-03 09:16 UTC, Adam Zdunek
Cleaned ebuild for netgen 4.9.10 (netgen-4.9.10.ebuild,1.52 KB, text/plain)
2009-09-03 13:08 UTC, Daniel Tourde
A new netgen.desktop file (netgen.desktop,180 bytes, text/plain)
2009-09-03 13:09 UTC, Daniel Tourde
Experimental netgen-4.9.10-r1 (netgen-4.9.10-r1.ebuild,1.98 KB, text/plain)
2009-09-03 13:44 UTC, Daniel Tourde

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:26:18 UTC
NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. Netgen is open source based on the LGPL license. It is available for Unix/Linux and Windows.
Comment 1 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:34:20 UTC
I have created a first draft of an ebuild for netgen-4.4
I definitly need help to make it better and steady, though... It works but it feels uncomplete to me...

A few comments:
- There might be some issues to download the source (one might have to go to the website to fetch it. I am sure this can be improved)
- I applied the patches I found on the Debian version
- It relies on OpenCascade (see, however, the added functionnalities seem to be optional. I created in this spirit an 'opencascade' flag. It has to be added to the flag list, somehow (I don't know how...). Besides, I do not succeed to switch off (during compilation, the linking to the opencascade libraries). This program uses old fashioned Makefile (no autoconf), and I did not succeed to find the place where the dependency was specified. I had an ugly hack but it did not work... HELP WANTED!
- It seems that netgen can be build with lapack, blas and gmp (flags). I do not have these packages on my system. It works as it is but I would like to have it tested with the flags and the libraries.
- An ICON on Gnome / KDE would be nice. I don't know how to do that
- There are demo programs which can also be built. I did not succeed though. I did not find my way in the Makefile files (sorry...). HELP WANTED!

Otherwise, test and report... ;)

Comment 2 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:35:39 UTC
Created attachment 102155 [details]
The very first ebuild. Functional but uncomplete and not heavily tested...
Comment 3 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:36:28 UTC
Created attachment 102156 [details]
The very first ebuild. Functional but uncomplete and not heavily tested...
Comment 4 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:38:37 UTC
Created attachment 102157 [details, diff]
Debian patches (based on packet 7)
Comment 5 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:39:17 UTC
Created attachment 102158 [details, diff]
patch 2
Comment 6 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:39:44 UTC
Created attachment 102159 [details, diff]
patch 3
Comment 7 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-16 14:40:12 UTC
Created attachment 102160 [details, diff]
patch 4
Comment 8 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-17 04:44:04 UTC
Created attachment 102200 [details]
Second attempt

There was a minor bug related to the way the LAPACK flags were set.
I tested it with the 'blas', 'lapack' and 'gmp' flags on (the libraries being installed). It did not compile... I need to find out who the culprit is and correct...
Comment 9 Daniel Tourde 2006-11-24 01:01:39 UTC
It seems that Lapack is the culprit. I don't know why though
Comment 10 Michael Frank 2007-03-07 06:32:35 UTC
Hello Daniel,

I will test this ebuild and ebuild @ #155974 as well.
Comment 11 Daniel Tourde 2007-03-07 08:04:57 UTC

I did not work any further with this ebuild (lack of time and lack of competence... :( ). As you can see, I raised some issues and questions. I need help. So, if you feel up to it... ;)

Comment 12 Daniel Tourde 2007-03-19 20:45:45 UTC
Created attachment 113809 [details]
Third attempt

I tried to fix the issue with the opencascade and the lapack flags. At the moment, everything seems to compile correctly. Things remain to be checked though.
Comment 13 Daniel Tourde 2007-03-26 17:11:05 UTC
Created attachment 114519 [details]
Fourth attempt

This ebuild now works correctly with OpenCASCADE 6.1 (and the corrected Debian patches)
The lapack issue mentionned previously has been corrected.
Now it is really time to heavily test this build.. So please guys, be my guest!
Comment 14 Daniel Tourde 2007-03-26 17:12:18 UTC
Created attachment 114521 [details, diff]
Corrected debian-patch

Corrected debian-patch (now the opencascade flag works)
Comment 15 Daniel Tourde 2007-05-29 08:59:42 UTC
Created attachment 120599 [details]
new togl_tk patch

This patch takes care of the tcl/tk switch from 8.4.9 to 8.4.14

netgen works with opencascade 6.2
Comment 16 Oliver Borm 2007-07-22 14:13:46 UTC
Hello Daniel,
to download the sources, without registration at the website, this link should be valid:

So maybe you can change SRC_URI line of the ebuild to something like that:
Comment 17 Daniel Tourde 2007-09-26 16:06:24 UTC
Created attachment 131953 [details, diff]

New togl_tk.patch to reflect the changes in tcl/tk versions.
Comment 18 Daniel Tourde 2007-09-26 19:18:29 UTC
Created attachment 131966 [details]
Final ebuild for netgen

I hereby request that this ebuild be included into the official gentoo tree with the linked patches.
I request as well an opencascade use flag for this ebuild. The ebuild for opencascade being available on

Comment 19 Oliver Borm 2007-12-02 23:30:57 UTC
Created attachment 137577 [details]
Improved ebuild.

Solved the download problems, removed blank spaces, changed keyowrds to testing keywords, worked the lib[tT]ix problem with different version numbers. At the moment there is no problem to compile netgen with tix 8.4.2 on x86 and amd64 machines. I've never tested it with other tix versions.
Nevertheless I've got an error message (on both x86 and amd64 machines):
make[1]: [../lib/LINUX/libngsolve.a] Error 1 (ignoring)
Comment 20 Oliver Borm 2007-12-02 23:32:01 UTC
Should this ebuild not got first in an overlay? I think it will take some time, till this is in portage.
Comment 21 Daniel Tourde 2007-12-03 11:58:36 UTC
Hello Oliver,

We meet again... ;) (cf. OpenFOAM)
Thank you for your effort at cleaning the ebuild I proposed.
Here are my comments:
- Regarding the Overlay you are probably right. I never really took the time to get acquainted with the way it works and that probably explain why my feedback from the gentoo guys regarding the few ebuilds I proposed was so limited. Can you take care of this? You seem to have more experience than I do in this. When doing that and joining a Changelog, please do not forget to mention my efforts... ;)
- You changed the ngs44.tar.gz by download.cgi?ID=ngs44.tar.gz. I understand the logic but it does not work so well here. I had to rename my ngs44.tar.gz file in the distfile directory to get it working... :(  Besides, this download.cgi?ID= stuff sounds and look strange. What was wrong with the previous method?
- There is a lot of problem now with the OpenCascade support. Netgen does not even built anymore (It worked previously). OpenCascade has been modified, netgen has also been modified... Hard to say where it comes from. It seems that you are also experiencing that (I also have the: make[1]: [../lib/LINUX/libngsolve.a] Error 1 (ignoring) error message)
Comment 22 Daniel Tourde 2007-12-03 12:55:19 UTC
Hello again,

Forget this comment. I had an issue with the CASROOT variable.

> - There is a lot of problem now with the OpenCascade support. Netgen does not
> even built anymore (It worked previously). OpenCascade has been modified,
> netgen has also been modified... Hard to say where it comes from. 

However, I do have this message
make[1]: [../lib/LINUX/libngsolve.a] Error 1 (ignoring) error message)

Comment 23 Oliver Borm 2007-12-03 21:56:57 UTC
Created attachment 137656 [details]
solved some QA Problems

This ebuild solved some QA Problems and does create the tix symlink only if the version is greater than 8.4.
Comment 24 Oliver Borm 2007-12-03 22:30:29 UTC
what's the problem with the download? At my two testmachines it works all fine. I think (I'm not quite sure) there is only performed a simple wget foo-bar to get the sources. Normally there should be a /usr/portage/distfiles/download.cgi?ID=ngs44.tar.gz after fetching the sources. And then I've only create a symlink to that, because unpack couldn't handle this file. I don't like the previous method, because there were too much user interaction. In my opinion this and any other ebuild should work with "emerge netgen". That's all I can say to this problem. What is youre exact error message?

Comment 25 Daniel Tourde 2007-12-04 08:42:09 UTC

At the moment I sit behind a firewall that does not like http fetch. That's the major problem... It's not so much related to the ebuild in itself though...
I will try the ebuild at home to see how it behaves.

Thanks for the effort you are putting in the ebuild.


> what's the problem with the download? At my two testmachines it works all fine.
> I think (I'm not quite sure) there is only performed a simple wget foo-bar to
> get the sources. Normally there should be a
> /usr/portage/distfiles/download.cgi?ID=ngs44.tar.gz after fetching the sources.
> And then I've only create a symlink to that, because unpack couldn't handle
> this file. I don't like the previous method, because there were too much user
> interaction. In my opinion this and any other ebuild should work with "emerge
> netgen". That's all I can say to this problem. What is youre exact error
> message?
> Oliver

Comment 26 Oliver Borm 2007-12-10 21:33:53 UTC
Created attachment 138211 [details]
Removed the tix work around.

The install location of is now resolved from Bug 201138, so the libTix workaround in the ebuild is no longer necessary.
Comment 27 Sébastien Fabbro (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-15 19:20:20 UTC

I committed this package to the science overlay as is, just to simplify user's installation. Warning: I have not tested it. However, if you are interested in improving the package here are many comments to the current ebuild. I'll be OK in committing any improvements made here to the overlay repository, may be to the main tree later on.

- The ebuild is in general pretty hard to read. I think it could benefit in a reduction of sed commands, line breakings, and possibly introduction of some local functions

- miss a SLOT
- bad LICENSE 

- improve blas/lapack with pkgconfig: see

- fix dependency on x11 modular: x11-base/xorg-x11 is not good anymore.

- unpack: there is probably a better way to do this other than linking.
Put MY_S in global scope and re-assign S.

- isn't tix only required for testing? If so, a test use flag could be useful.

- DEPEND: some packages are already in the system set, so you don't need to put them. See in profiles/base/packages for a start

- debian patch. use mirror://debian and a variable for the debian patch instead of copying in FILESDIR. It will allow easy updating

- put all the eauto* stuff from src_compile into src_unpack and use eautoreconf if possible

- use as much as you can the use_enable and use_with functions
- instead of using a tons of sed, why not using cat<<-EOF and produce the env file on the fly?


Thanks for your work!
Comment 28 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-16 10:05:25 UTC
Created attachment 146276 [details, diff]
togl_tk.patch : Takes care of future versions of tcl/tk 8.4
Comment 29 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-16 10:07:30 UTC
Created attachment 146277 [details, diff]
Patch inspired by what Debian did with salome. Up to the so called 4.4-9 release

First set of patches inspired by what Debian did.
I removed the unnecessary Debian distribution related patches and cleaned up a bit the rest.
Comment 30 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-16 10:11:48 UTC
Created attachment 146283 [details, diff]
Second set of debian inspired patches for netgen 4.4 (4.4-9, being the exact reference of the debian packet)

Here is the second set:
- Rename the libraries (add a libnetgen_ in front of every library)
- In principle this patch and the previous one make sure that netgen can be built with gcc-4.2. I have not checked that though (I have no gcc-4.2 based machine at my disposal...)

Comment 31 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-16 10:29:54 UTC
Created attachment 146287 [details]
Netgen-4.4 ebuild: Heavy rework of the ebuild.

In this ebuild I took into account Sebastien comments and add a few new things...

Here it goes:

(In reply to comment #27)

> - The ebuild is in general pretty hard to read. I think it could benefit in a
> reduction of sed commands, line breakings, and possibly introduction of some
> local functions

I reduced the amount of sed. It should be a little bit clearer now. I agree with you though, it is not so easy to follow.
> - miss a SLOT


> - bad LICENSE 


> - improve blas/lapack with pkgconfig: see

I read this and I do not see the need at the moment to complicate support to blas and lapack.
I understand that there are different implementations and that some are more powerful than others. Unfortunately I do not have the time, nor the competences, to play around with the different implementations to determine which one is the most powerful in this case.
So, if someone is interested in checking this, fine by me. I'll be delighted to make use of the results of the investigation. Until then, I will simply create a dependency on the virtual/lapack and virtual/blas, because it just works... ;)
> - fix dependency on x11 modular: x11-base/xorg-x11 is not good anymore.


> - unpack: there is probably a better way to do this other than linking.

Well, it's a choice between pest and cholera:
- Pest: You need to fetch by hand the code and put it in distfiles
- Cholera: You fetch it automatically but the name of the file changes in the process. The link is there to simply solve this issue.

Cholera has been chosen... ;)

> Put MY_S in global scope and re-assign S


> - isn't tix only required for testing? If so, a test use flag could be useful.

It's unclear where and how tix comes in the picture. For the time being we keep it as a simple dependency

> - DEPEND: some packages are already in the system set, so you don't need to put
> them. See in profiles/base/packages for a start

I tried to do some cleanup there. Hopefully I did the right thing....
> - debian patch. use mirror://debian and a variable for the debian patch instead
> of copying in FILESDIR. It will allow easy updating

It's not directly the debian patch. It's based on the debian patch (I removed all the debian specific stuff). I made an update from 4.4-7 to 4.4-9 in the process.

> - use as much as you can the use_enable and use_with functions

Netgen does not use autoconf, automake etc...
That's why all the seds and the awful doins at the end are there...

> - instead of using a tons of sed, why not using cat<<-EOF and produce the env
> file on the fly?

It's simpler the way it is done now (even though it does not look so...)

Now the new stuffs:
- Libraries and headers are now installed by the ebuild. They follow the debian suggestion:
  - Headers in /usr/include/netgen-4.4
  - Libraries have been renamed, the prefix libnetgen- has been added.
  - Price to pay: The awful doins at the end of the ebuild (if someone has a suggestion to make this trivial stuff in a little more elegant way, welcome!)
  - Potential avantage: Coupling with salome, by using the salome/netgen module.
- The demo apps are still not built. Some work is needed to get this working
- Better support of the amd64 architecture (above all, put things in lib64 and not lib)

This ebuild works fine on amd64 and x86 with gcc-3.4.6
I will test it soon on x86 with gcc-4.1.2

I am curious to hear about other combinations....

Comment 32 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-16 10:32:39 UTC

Could you please replace the old netgen ebuild in the overlay by this one?

Two more comments:
- I think this ebuild should be in sci-misc, not sci-mathematics. Netgen is a mesher, not any particular mathematic tool.
- As discussed previously, I think opencascade should be in sci-libs (It's basically a library). I reflected this choice in the list of dependencies of netgen.


Comment 33 Sébastien Fabbro (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-03-17 12:01:34 UTC
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for keeping up.

> I reduced the amount of sed. It should be a little bit clearer now. I agree
> with you though, it is not so easy to follow.

Problems with sed's in the last ebuild:
- use -e command before substitution
- use ' instead of " where you don't need to expand a variable
- do you always need the :g terminator for all?
- regroup some seds together to reduce the number of calls. Ex. You have:
sed -i -e 's/blah/bloh/' Makefile
sed -i -e 's/blih/bleh/' Makefile
Replace by:
sed -i \
    -e 's/blah/bloh/' \
    -e 's/blih/bleh/' \
    Makefile || die "sed in Makefile failed"
- you don't need to explicitly write the whole line to subsitute. Ex:
sed -i -e 's:^OCCDIR:#OCCDIR:' Makefile
Still too many seds.

> I read this and I do not see the need at the moment to complicate support to
> blas and lapack.

It should actually be simpler, ie you don't need to check the blas implementation nor the gcc versions. Do like this:
1/ Remove blas deps and use flag (lapack pulls it)
2/ Add dev-util/pkgconfig to DEPEND (not RDEPEND)
3/ Replace all the lapack and gmp stuff with this snippet:
local mathlibs
use lapack && mathlibs="$(pkg-config --libs lapack)"
use gmp && mathlibs="${mathlibs} -lgmp"
sed -i \
    -e "s/^#.lapack$/lapack=${mathlibs}:g" \
     Makefile libsrc/makefile.mach.LINUX

>   - Headers in /usr/include/netgen-4.4
>   - Libraries have been renamed, the prefix libnetgen- has been added.
>   - Potential avantage: Coupling with salome, by using the salome/netgen
> module.

Why salome can't use the regular netgen naming scheme? Should it be slotted? File collisions?
If you really need to install the headers this way, use something like:
for hdir in \
      . csg general geom2d grim gprim interface linalg \
      meshing ngsolve occ opti stlgeom visualization; do
  insinto /usr/include/netgen-4.4/${hdir}
  doins libsrc/include/${hdir}/*.hpp

More comments:
* Patches are best named ${P}-what-it-does.patch
* Debian patches: why two? 
* tcl/tk versioning: you don't need the version, tcl is not slotted. So just replacing -ltcl8.4 by -ltcl (same with tk) should be enough.
* instead of the cp of the tk include files for the togl, a simple patch (see freebsd port) could be a better option.
* ${PN} and ${PF} variables don't need quotes
* could be a good idea to add $(CXXFLAGS) to the CPLUSPLUS variable
* tutorials and docs in /usr/share/doc/${PF}
* run a "repoman full" in your ebuild directory to catch other problems.
Comment 34 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-20 18:42:21 UTC
Created attachment 146680 [details, diff]
debian inspired patch 4.4.-9. Slight modification
Comment 35 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-20 18:44:21 UTC
Created attachment 146682 [details]


This ebuild took into account most of Sébastien's comments. It is not perfect but it's in a fairly good shape, I suppose.
It has been tested and works on amd64 gcc-3.4.6

Comment 36 Daniel Tourde - 2008-03-20 18:50:28 UTC
(In reply to comment #33)

I tried to include most of your comments in the ebuild I just posted.

> Problems with sed's in the last ebuild:

I tried to include most of your changes. I probably missed some, and I suppose some things can still be improved.

> Still too many seds.

I am afraid that this is basically in the nature of this package. Netgen uses 'home-brewed' Makefile, it's not so easy to make any global changes.

> It should actually be simpler, ie you don't need to check the blas
> implementation nor the gcc versions. Do like this:
> 1/ Remove blas deps and use flag (lapack pulls it)
> 2/ Add dev-util/pkgconfig to DEPEND (not RDEPEND)
> 3/ Replace all the lapack and gmp stuff with this snippet:
> local mathlibs
> use lapack && mathlibs="$(pkg-config --libs lapack)"
> use gmp && mathlibs="${mathlibs} -lgmp"
> sed -i \
>     -e "s/^#.lapack$/lapack=${mathlibs}:g" \
>      Makefile libsrc/makefile.mach.LINUX

Thanks for the explanation. I introduced your changes in the ebuild.
> >   - Headers in /usr/include/netgen-4.4
> >   - Libraries have been renamed, the prefix libnetgen- has been added.
> [...]
> >   - Potential avantage: Coupling with salome, by using the salome/netgen
> > module.
> Why salome can't use the regular netgen naming scheme? Should it be slotted?
> File collisions?

I have no idea. I just took directly Debian changes. I kind of liked it. We will see with Salome if they are relevant or just another major pain...

> If you really need to install the headers this way, use something like:
> for hdir in \
>       . csg general geom2d grim gprim interface linalg \
>       meshing ngsolve occ opti stlgeom visualization; do
>   insinto /usr/include/netgen-4.4/${hdir}
>   doins libsrc/include/${hdir}/*.hpp
> done

Thanks! I did as you suggested.

> More comments:
> * Patches are best named ${P}-what-it-does.patch
> * Debian patches: why two? 

Because I tried to separate two major functions: The code patches and the Makefiles patches. All of this is still very amateurish from my side, I must admit....

> * tcl/tk versioning: you don't need the version, tcl is not slotted. So just
> replacing -ltcl8.4 by -ltcl (same with tk) should be enough.

Good. I will do the same with the OpenCascade ebuild.

> * instead of the cp of the tk include files for the togl, a simple patch (see
> freebsd port) could be a better option.

I did not have the time to take a look at it. The actual solution is plain ugly but works, so...

> * ${PN} and ${PF} variables don't need quotes
> * could be a good idea to add $(CXXFLAGS) to the CPLUSPLUS variable
> * tutorials and docs in /usr/share/doc/${PF}

I did all of this.

> * run a "repoman full" in your ebuild directory to catch other problems.

I did that. The complains were not too frightening... ;)

Comment 37 Richard Westwell 2008-05-05 21:55:36 UTC
Created attachment 152017 [details]

this is a slightly modified version i had to use for amd64 of 4.4
I just replaced emake with make (I'm using gcc4 perhaps this has something to do with it)
this is the only way I could get it to compile under amd64
and I've made a couple of small changes to the install section
/usr/include/netgen instead of /usr/include/netgen-4.4
(I think this would be okay, unless your planning to have multiple versions installed at the same time under different slots)

for info there's a 4.5rc2 version over here

I think 4.5 seems to be required for salome-netgenplugin
there's a patch included with salome-netgenplugin which appears to apply only against
a release of cvs netgen at around "01 Mar 2006" (not 4.5rc2 which is much later)
netgen45ForSalome.patch / netgen45lib64.patch
(also the above patches had dos carriage returns in the file which didn't help much)

I've been working on some ebuilds for both variants of 4.5 for use with the plugin
(netgen-4.5.20060301 / netgen-4.5_rc2)
but I'll hold off posting them until I've finished off the salome-netgenplugin ebuild
as I want to check if it all works together, as further changes may be needed
(also I need to work on updating the patches for 4.5rc2 if I can)

there may be more up to date patches within salome meca 2008, (3.2.9 I think) but the sources aren't available for this at the moment so I can't check
Comment 38 Daniel Tourde 2008-05-07 08:38:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #37)

Hi Richard,

Thank you for your efforts.

> this is a slightly modified version i had to use for amd64 of 4.4
> I just replaced emake with make (I'm using gcc4 perhaps this has something to
> do with it)

Well, in principle I have some difficulties with replacing emake by make.
Here is my reasoning:
- I think emake (compared to make) contains some kind of 'gentoo magic' checkup that everything is done the right way, without triggering problems when, I suppose, make do not...
- I had no issues with this ebuild on amd64 (gcc-3.4) _but_ I have issues with this ebuild on x86 (gcc-3.4 and gcc-4.1). I am wondering if you did not have the same problems than I had... I think we should try to solve the problem at its root, not to find a way to get rid of the symptoms... ;)
- So, can you post a copy of the error message you get. On my side, it's one of the library that do not want to get build (I do not remember its name at the moment...)

> this is the only way I could get it to compile under amd64
> and I've made a couple of small changes to the install section
> /usr/include/netgen instead of /usr/include/netgen-4.4

Fine by me.

> for info there's a 4.5rc2 version over here

I know. I never took the time to try to make an ebuild for it. I'll wait for the final version (lazy as I am... ;) )

> I think 4.5 seems to be required for salome-netgenplugin
> there's a patch included with salome-netgenplugin which appears to apply only
> against
> a release of cvs netgen at around "01 Mar 2006" (not 4.5rc2 which is much
> later)
> netgen45ForSalome.patch / netgen45lib64.patch
> (also the above patches had dos carriage returns in the file which didn't help
> much)
> I've been working on some ebuilds for both variants of 4.5 for use with the
> plugin
> (netgen-4.5.20060301 / netgen-4.5_rc2)

That's interesting. I am looking forward to see this... :)

> but I'll hold off posting them until I've finished off the salome-netgenplugin
> ebuild

OK. Good. Thanks!

> there may be more up to date patches within salome meca 2008, (3.2.9 I think)
> but the sources aren't available for this at the moment so I can't check

That's also interesting. Hopefully, it won't be too much of an effort to switch from 3.2.6 to 3.2.9


Comment 39 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 18:46:30 UTC
Created attachment 152323 [details]

small image for the menu icon
Comment 40 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 18:48:13 UTC
Created attachment 152325 [details]

desktop icon text file
Comment 41 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 18:50:19 UTC
Created attachment 152327 [details, diff]

slightly altered togl_tk.patch
Comment 42 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 18:55:48 UTC
Created attachment 152329 [details]

one of the salome patches, which also includes opencascade support
Comment 43 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 18:56:34 UTC
Created attachment 152331 [details]

another salome patch
Comment 44 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 18:58:20 UTC
Created attachment 152333 [details, diff]

misc fixes against the salome patches
needs more work
Comment 45 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 19:11:14 UTC
this one was too big to post on the bugzilla (3Mb)
so I had to stick it on my home page until 4.5rc2 works

this will revert 4.5rc2 back to the same version within the cvs of the date "01 Mar 2006"
Comment 46 Richard Westwell 2008-05-07 19:28:09 UTC
Created attachment 152335 [details]

This is the ebuild for a version of netgen that should work with the salome-netgen plugin
the headers are installed into /usr/include/netgen
and the libs under /usr/lib by the original default names

I've added in a shortcut link to the menu
although opencascade appears to be only partially compiled in (within the libs at least)
I've not been getting the message "Including OpenCascade geometry kernel" when running the main bin "/usr/bin/ng" so more work is needed here
to add on top of the opencascade support added in by the salome patches
(also I'm getting spurious / test.out files being generated from somewhere in the ebuild directory)

usually emake is the same as make but adds in other bits and pieces in terms of the options / environmental variables
one isn't really better than the other, sometimes one just works better depending on the app 
I've just tried emake again with 4.5 and it's now working so I've altered it back for this version

the next step up from this one would be 4.5rc2 then the experimental 4.9
thanks for the existing 4.4 ebuild with the sed's by the way, this would have been more difficult without it
Comment 47 Daniel Tourde 2008-05-08 11:43:08 UTC
Created attachment 152451 [details]
Netgen 4.4-r2: Added the icon and the menu reference

Hello Richard,

I checked in details the 4.4-r2. Here are a few notes:
- 'emake' is indeed problematic and 'make' does indeed the trick... Very weird (x86, gcc-3.4.6 here)
- I added the icon and the reference in the Graphics menu. Thank you very much for it. I did not know how to do that... ;)
- I saw that you indeed corrected a few mistakes I made with the header files. Very good. Thanks!

So, I am planning to ask Sebastien to include this new ebuild (4.4-r2) in the science overlay.

Comment 48 Richard Westwell 2008-05-10 23:28:28 UTC
Created attachment 152793 [details]

finally got this fully working with opencascade using the salome patch
the salome ng plugin should also work now without any missing symbol errors
Comment 49 Daniel Tourde 2008-05-21 07:34:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #48)
> Created an attachment (id=152793) [edit]
> files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch
> finally got this fully working with opencascade using the salome patch
> the salome ng plugin should also work now without any missing symbol errors


I commited netgen-4.4 to the gentoo science overlay. Sébastien took a close look at it and did really improve it (removed unnecessary patches and cleaned up the ebuild all over the place).
Considering that your netgen-4.5 ebuild is based on my old 4.4, you might be interested in taking a look at what has been done with 4.4

Best regards


Comment 50 Peter Gustafson 2008-05-22 21:37:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #48)
> Created an attachment (id=152793) [edit]
> files/netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch
> finally got this fully working with opencascade using the salome patch
> the salome ng plugin should also work now without any missing symbol errors

Hi Richard,
I just tested your ebuild and had the following error:

 * Failed Patch: netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch !

It appears it can't find the file to patch.  I'll forgo the full error .out file unless requested.  Does it work fine for you starting from scratch?  Perhaps since I'm on x86 (and don't use the amd64 patch) the patch fails?

Comment 51 Richard Westwell 2008-05-24 12:59:55 UTC
the file you've mentioned is in the list of files above in the bugzilla
netgen-4.5-2006-03-01-fix1.patch, needs to be downloaded / placed into the files subdirectory within the ebuild directory

However I've found this version of netgen does not work anyway (4.5-2006-03-01)
(it builds but doesn't run properly) it's an old version checked out of CVS that I was trying to use with the netgen plugin for salome
It looks as if the patches that exist with the salome netgen plugin only exist for 4.3 netgen or a CVS release of netgen (4.5) around the date 2006-03-01

But it looks as if the old 4.5 CVS release of netgen doesn't run properly ether becuase I'm using amd64 or perhaps becuase the version of opencasecade we're using could be too new for it (it builds but just crashes when opening an stp file)

I'm going to try and look at the 4.5_rc2 or 4.9 version (which uses autotools)
but this will mean trying to adapt / modify the salome netgen plugin to match
Comment 52 Adam Zdunek 2008-07-02 12:55:47 UTC
Created attachment 159317 [details]
emerge netgen log file (gzipped)

a straight forward build sci-mathematics/netgen-4.4-r1  USE="doc gmp lapack -opencascade" fails due to supposedly lack of subcomponent library,
"undefined rference to .... fcn ... lots of"
The ebuild is taken from the "overlay" environment.
Look like the build order or ebuild file is not complete....
Thanks in advance for looking at this!
Comment 53 Oliver Borm 2008-07-14 20:12:05 UTC

I've exact the same problems like Adam, if I want to build netgen-4.4-r1 without the opencascade useflag from the science overlay.

The netgen-4.4 from the science overlay doesn't work with the opencascade useflag, because of the wrong category of opencascade in the ebuild.

Maybe someone can have a look at this.
Comment 54 Oliver Borm 2009-02-02 18:06:50 UTC

a new release of netgen is now available at sourceforge:
Actually its version 4.9.6.
Comment 55 Christoph Lehrenfeld 2009-03-28 12:55:20 UTC
Created attachment 186534 [details]
First try ebuild for netgen-4.9.6

Since netgen-4.9.5 some things in the structure of netgen has changed.
netgen and ngsolve are from now one two packages. 
ngsolve needs netgen but netgen can be build without ngsolve. Additionally
netgen now uses autotools, so making a good ebuild should be easier than in
earlier versions, but I am not experienced writing ebuilds. Actually this ebuild
is my first one and I am grateful for every help I can get. 
netgen-4.9.5 needs =Togl-1.7 which was once in the sunrise overlay ( ), but at the moment should be added by hand.
Actually there is a Togl-2.0 ebuild in the science-overlay. I'll try to add
Togl-1.7 but because of my lack of experience I am not quite sure how this will
I will post an ebuild for ngsolve as well in a few days (I've got the ebuild now
but first I want to check the errors of the actual netgen-ebuild).
The Use-Flags are until now just doc and opencascade. I think there are a few
more options that I will add in the future. The opencascade feature is not yet
Comment 56 Adam Zdunek 2009-09-03 09:16:26 UTC
Created attachment 203037 [details]
ebuild for latest netgen on Source Forge 4.9.10

Netgen 4.9.10
Note, things are installed under /opt. This has probably to be changed to /usr

Comment 57 Daniel Tourde 2009-09-03 11:26:06 UTC

There are a few options to play with now... (that is to say, a few flags and depedencies to add) 

Optional Features:
  --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
  --enable-occ            compile with OpenCascade geometry kernel
  --enable-nglib          generate shared library nglib
  --enable-parallel       enable mpi parallelization
  --enable-jpeglib        enable snapshots using library libjpeg
  --disable-dependency-tracking  speeds up one-time build
  --enable-dependency-tracking   do not reject slow dependency extractors
  --enable-ffmpeg         enable video recording with FFmpeg, uses libavcodec
  --enable-static[=PKGS]  build static libraries [default=no]
  --enable-shared[=PKGS]  build shared libraries [default=yes]
                          optimize for fast installation [default=yes]
  --disable-libtool-lock  avoid locking (might break parallel builds)

Optional Packages:
  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
  --with-tcl              directory containing tcl configuration
  --with-tk               directory containing tk configuration (
  --with-tclinclude       directory containing the public Tcl header files
  --with-occ=dir          use OpenCascade installed in directory dir
  --with-togl=dir         directory containing libTogl1.7
  --with-pic              try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use
  --with-gnu-ld           assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no]

Comment 58 Daniel Tourde 2009-09-03 13:08:21 UTC
Created attachment 203046 [details]
Cleaned ebuild for netgen 4.9.10


Here is a slightly simplified / improved ebuild for netgen:
- Netgen is now installed under /usr
- There is now an icon and an entry in the menu... ;) (note that the .icon and the .desktop files need to be stored in sci-mathematics/netgen/files/icon)
- No doc flag anymore (the doc seemed to be installed anyway).

A few remarks:
- The hardcore dependency on togl 1.7 is indeed a pity, especially when gentoo has now 2.0 by default...
- Flags are missing (see my previous comment)
- Some .tcl files are stored under /usr/bin. I do not really know how to prevent their installation at the moment...


Comment 59 Daniel Tourde 2009-09-03 13:09:31 UTC
Created attachment 203047 [details]
A new netgen.desktop file 

A minor change in this file, the name of the main application is now netgen, not ng anymore

Comment 60 Daniel Tourde 2009-09-03 13:44:04 UTC
Created attachment 203055 [details]
Experimental netgen-4.9.10-r1


This ebuild is for the 'daredevil' ... ;)
I have basically added here flags and - in principle - support for jpeg, ffmpeg and mpi.
A few comments:
- Autotools always leave the door open for strange behavior (--disable-xxx does not always behave as its name suggests... :( )
- Regarding MPI I have no way to test it. So, I don't know if it works.
- FFMPEG support is expecting libraries and header files to be stored under libavcodec and in gentoo, it's under ffmpeg... :( Some magic are required here
- The jpeg support seems buggy, somehow.

All in all, it might have been a better idea to skip the autotools and jump on the cmake train directly....
This ebuild works as 4.9.10, if mpi, jpeg and ffmpeg are disabled.

Comment 61 Daniel Tourde 2009-09-03 13:55:52 UTC
One more remark.
I forgot to use $(get_lib) to get 'lib' or 'lib64', depending on the platform we are dealing with. This has also to be done (replace lib by $(get_libdir) in the ebuild)


(In reply to comment #60)
> Created an attachment (id=203055) [edit]
> Experimental netgen-4.9.10-r1
> Hello,
> This ebuild is for the 'daredevil' ... ;)
> I have basically added here flags and - in principle - support for jpeg, ffmpeg
> and mpi.
> A few comments:
> - Autotools always leave the door open for strange behavior (--disable-xxx does
> not always behave as its name suggests... :( )
> - Regarding MPI I have no way to test it. So, I don't know if it works.
> - FFMPEG support is expecting libraries and header files to be stored under
> libavcodec and in gentoo, it's under ffmpeg... :( Some magic are required here
> - The jpeg support seems buggy, somehow.
> All in all, it might have been a better idea to skip the autotools and jump on
> the cmake train directly....
> This ebuild works as 4.9.10, if mpi, jpeg and ffmpeg are disabled.
> Daniel

Comment 62 Oliver Borm 2009-09-03 17:25:52 UTC
Thanks to all. The new version of the ebuild is now in the science overlay. I've changed EAPI=2, and tested the opencascade support with opencascade-6.2-r1 from the science overlay. Seemed to work at least on x86 machines. On amd64 I get a 	segmentation fault while loading iges files.

As said before mpi and ffmpeg USE-flags doesn't compile at the moment, jpeg works for me.

If you have further working changes, please be so kind and push it directly to the science overlay (if you have tested them enough).

Thanks very much again.
Comment 63 Daniel Tourde 2009-09-04 07:11:08 UTC
Thanks Oliver for the cleanup and for putting Netgen on the science overlay.
I remove my 4.9.10 ebuilds from here to avoid confusion.
In the same spirit, I suppose old ebuilds for 4.4 could also be removed from the overlay.


(In reply to comment #62)
> Thanks to all. The new version of the ebuild is now in the science overlay.
> I've changed EAPI=2, and tested the opencascade support with opencascade-6.2-r1
> from the science overlay. Seemed to work at least on x86 machines. On amd64 I
> get a         segmentation fault while loading iges files.
> As said before mpi and ffmpeg USE-flags doesn't compile at the moment, jpeg
> works for me.
> If you have further working changes, please be so kind and push it directly to
> the science overlay (if you have tested them enough).
> Thanks very much again.

Comment 64 Andreas Matthias 2010-02-09 20:24:28 UTC

I'm missing the static library libnglib.a. Wouldn't it be reasonable
to add --enable-static to the default configuration settings?

Comment 65 Peter Bleszynski 2010-02-22 02:43:59 UTC
Windows with error messages appear as soon as anything in the interface is clicked.  Here is the shell output:

$ netgen
Developed at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
and Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Including OpenCascade geometry kernel
Parsing ng.tcl
optfile ./ng.opt does not exist - using default values
ERROR: can't read "data(isActive)": no such element in array
errinfo: can't read "data(isActive)": no such element in array
    while executing
"if {$data(isActive)} {
        tixBalloon:Deactivate $w
    } else {
        set data(cancel) 1
    (procedure "tixBalloon:XXButton" line 8)
    invoked from within
"tixBalloon:XXButton $w $rootX $rootY $b"
    (procedure "tixBalloon_XXButton" line 5)
    invoked from within
"tixBalloon_XXButton   359 308 1"
    (command bound to event)

Netgen emerges without errors.  The following packages are installed:

app-text/dgs-0.5.10-r2 ~x86
dev-tcltk/tix-8.4.2-r2 ~x86
dev-tcltk/togl-1.7-r1 ~x86
sci-libs/opencascade-6.3-r1 ~x86
Comment 66 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2022-01-13 14:19:40 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 430efe1166a93e1acf87c1980142052339f1ac5a
Author:     Andrew Ammerlaan <>
AuthorDate: 2022-01-13 14:18:03 +0000
Commit:     Andrew Ammerlaan <>
CommitDate: 2022-01-13 14:18:03 +0000

    sci-mathematics/netgen: add version 6.2.2105
    Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.30, Repoman-3.0.3
    RepoMan-Options: --force
    Signed-off-by: Andrew Ammerlaan <>

 sci-mathematics/netgen/Manifest                    |   1 +
 .../netgen/files/netgen-6.2.2105-find-tk.patch     |  35 +++++++
 sci-mathematics/netgen/metadata.xml                |   2 +-
 sci-mathematics/netgen/netgen-6.2.2105.ebuild      | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)