The first code block in modular-x-howto.xml is for backing-up -- a laudable purpose, but reminds me of an article in an april issue of a magazine on write-only memory -- how do I restore? PS. I've found the .tbz2 file: tar-x..f *.tbz2, or is there an option to quickpkg/emerge?
Suggestion: # Stored paths seem to be relative (./etc/*) cd / tar -xjvpf /usr/portage/packages/All/<pkg>.tbz2
Please read "man emerge" thoroughly, it covers how to reinstall binaries you created using quickpkg; a simple emerge -k =packageversion would suffice. Not a documentation bug; "man emerge" is standard stuff.
Thank you for your help. I have read 'man emerge', though it is not (and not meant to be IMHO) bedtime reading, more likely a reference document: It is easier to verify a piece of information is present in a document, than it is to find it without prior knowledge of the correct answer. 'man emerge' does not mention restoring, reinstalling or quickpkg, and I was not looking for 'binaries' but 'packages' due to the naming of quickpkg. May I suggest that 'package' shouldn't be used for ebuilds, as an ebuild encapsulates only the required knowledge: or at least should always be qualified with ebuild/binary when it doesn't apply to both (thus: quickbinpkg): nomenclature can be very powerful -- to mislead as well as inform. I hope you can understand that, faced with a .tbz2 file, I first thought of using tar, but realised that portage would not be informed, which is why I hoped that quickpkg would have a reciprical mode like tar -x. I also tried emerge packageversion.tbz2 but emerge said it was broken and might not work. I have tried emerge -k '=packageversion' including the needed '', but, failing to find the corresponding ebuild (I've synced and tried to install modular X), it merely states "there are no ebuilds" without looking for a binary package. I then tried emerge -K '=packageversion' which did find the binary but couldn't find x11-misc/ttmkfdir. Apparently this has moved to x11-apps/. I added x11-misc/ttmkfdir x11-apps/ttmkfdir to /etc/portage/profile/virtuals and finally found the solution. I agree that it is not a documentation bug, but there is an omission which can be easily and usefully rectified.
(In reply to comment #3) quickpkg creates a binary file of the given package; in this case, it creates the binary for monolithic xorg-6.8.x. Running emerge -K does *not* attempt to merge an ebuild, but instead looks for the package name and version you specify. It sounds like you should have synced first in order to catch the x11-misc/ to x11-apps/ category move. So where's the "omission" you refer to?
(In reply to comment #3) Did you make sure you updated to the latest stable monolithic Xorg and ttfmkdir versions? You should have emerge --synced and run fixpackages at least once. Please see "man make.conf" to enable fixpackages in FEATURES, so that syncing is effective. (thanks to @antarus for the help)
Closing properly.