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Bug 117108 - New Ebuild: MTP (More Than Parsing)
Summary: New Ebuild: MTP (More Than Parsing)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD, InOverlay
Depends on: 145935
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2005-12-29 10:50 UTC by Iván Pérez Domínguez
Modified: 2013-07-06 10:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

MTP ebuild for version 0.2.1 (lastest stable) (mtp-0.2.1.ebuild,2.39 KB, text/plain)
2006-05-10 06:50 UTC, Iván Pérez Domínguez
MTP ebuild for version 0.3.1 (lastest unstable) (mtp-0.3.1.ebuild,2.65 KB, text/plain)
2006-05-10 06:56 UTC, Iván Pérez Domínguez
MTP ebuild for version 0.2.1 (latest stable) (mtp-0.2.1.ebuild,2.69 KB, text/plain)
2006-09-06 04:04 UTC, Iván Pérez Domínguez
MTP ebuild for version 0.3.1 (latest testing) (mtp-0.3.1.ebuild,2.68 KB, text/plain)
2006-09-06 04:06 UTC, Iván Pérez Domínguez

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Iván Pérez Domínguez 2005-12-29 10:50:46 UTC
MTP is a new scanner, parser & AST generator. It takes a grammar specified in GONF (a syntax similar to BNF) and generates a scanner, a parser and the ast classes in an object-oriented programming language.

It's has been developed in Java. It currently generates a JavaCC parser and an AST written in Java, but other languages will be generated in the future.

In the software section of the web page (and at you can find the source code, the Java bytecodes and a compressed file with an initial version of the gentoo ebuilds that seems to work fine.

Comment 1 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2005-12-29 10:50:46 UTC
MTP is a new scanner, parser & AST generator. It takes a grammar specified in GONF (a syntax similar to BNF) and generates a scanner, a parser and the ast classes in an object-oriented programming language.

It's has been developed in Java. It currently generates a JavaCC parser and an AST written in Java, but other languages will be generated in the future.

In the software section of the web page (and at you can find the source code, the Java bytecodes and a compressed file with an initial version of the gentoo ebuilds that seems to work fine.

Comment 2 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-05-08 11:40:07 UTC
I would like to be the maintainer of this package, if possible.
I have already written the ebuilds, and they seem to work fine.
Comment 3 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-05-10 06:50:51 UTC
Created attachment 86545 [details]
MTP ebuild for version 0.2.1
(lastest stable)

I know The ebuild depends on java 1.5 (we haved tested it only with sun-sdk)
and ant, I'm not sure about the exact version numbers, though.

Information in Manifest about the ebuild:

DIST mtp-0.2.1-src.tar.gz 656181 size 656181
EBUILD mtp-0.2.1.ebuild 2449 RMD160 413d079181d095a3b72b7a7eb35521c36dfac266 SHA1 b499cfdfe43193407674fbcc8b7e15b267f407f8 SHA256 2f56611e33cce908511d903dd919ce974f7e70b0b2e3e0cf17d9417cfd783b96 size 2449
MD5 2d1d6f2a8ade98b8e3e531e7fa1f4114 mtp-0.2.1.ebuild 2449
RMD160 413d079181d095a3b72b7a7eb35521c36dfac266 mtp-0.2.1.ebuild 2449
SHA256 2f56611e33cce908511d903dd919ce974f7e70b0b2e3e0cf17d9417cfd783b96 mtp-0.2.1.ebuild 2449
MD5 b3a46b3f00794e3aa80b00c748c88500 files/digest-mtp-0.2.1 65
RMD160 2cbb74dfaf937a697aac59bb56d30305013c1856 files/digest-mtp-0.2.1 65
SHA256 e986ba4ce9aa82cf552fe2af2607f8471bd9ee9708eb5c00d6d28fed05ba50e7 files/digest-mtp-0.2.1 65

Digest contents:

MD5 cc34ecb06c0eeb74fd47c57cedd2be46 mtp-0.2.1-src.tar.gz 656181
Comment 4 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-05-10 06:56:22 UTC
Created attachment 86547 [details]
MTP ebuild for version 0.3.1 (lastest unstable)

I'm not sure about the version numbers of the programs that MTP depends on,
but it has been written in Java 1.5

Manifest information:

DIST mtp-0.3.1-src.tar.gz 667921 size 667921
EBUILD mtp-0.3.1.ebuild 2712 RMD160 821e4c6e9a2a7cc765011e6e010f1607edbd198a SHA1 323beb7e451618441fb9e4bfd9441a7d035d10a9 SHA256 c98088be5ab9b8d99056d1fa07857367540fb20bb023b8bac44bf93f4c5f6c11 size 2712
MD5 cd8ef26e6859397bc83d816aa58e6b23 mtp-0.3.1.ebuild 2712
RMD160 821e4c6e9a2a7cc765011e6e010f1607edbd198a mtp-0.3.1.ebuild 2712
SHA256 c98088be5ab9b8d99056d1fa07857367540fb20bb023b8bac44bf93f4c5f6c11 mtp-0.3.1.ebuild 2712
MD5 2e1c8f4673b90a572727aaaa5c7298a3 files/digest-mtp-0.3.1 65
RMD160 627092f6732aff6faea94763a20ac1515f11b7e7 files/digest-mtp-0.3.1 65
SHA256 c8b105c0b3c58d3ae27c208f3e6fbd159a05ed9f33d59e8cd0c9f3948b8ec0db files/digest-mtp-0.3.1 65

Digest contents:

MD5 db551d8ac14d7960c1091835f09c4185 mtp-0.3.1-src.tar.gz 667921
Comment 5 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-09-01 19:46:10 UTC
I've written new ebuild for this program, using the new generation-2 java system.
Since I've separated JSAP from MTP in the ebuilds, a bug dependency has been added. I'll try to submit the new ebuilds as soon as possible.
Comment 6 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-09-06 04:04:46 UTC
Created attachment 96161 [details]
MTP ebuild for version 0.2.1 (latest stable)
Comment 7 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-09-06 04:06:20 UTC
Created attachment 96162 [details]
MTP ebuild for version 0.3.1 (latest testing)

New ebuild, uses the new java-2 eclasses.
Comment 8 Iván Pérez Domínguez 2006-10-08 12:47:34 UTC
Added to java-migration-packages overlay
Comment 9 Pavlos Ratis (RETIRED) Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev 2013-07-06 10:59:37 UTC
Project seems dead. Download page not found, only homepage is up for historical reasons.