When starting bluej I can't create any classes, and this is because /usr/bin/bluej misses the path to the tools.jar file. Here is the correct /usr/bin/bluej that should be installed (the first part is the original bluej file that is commented out). #!/bin/sh #APPBASE="/usr/share/bluej-bin" #CP=`java-config -p bluej-bin`:`java-config -p antlr` #`java-config --java` -cp "${CP}" bluej.Boot $* APPBASE="/usr/share/bluej-bin" CP=`java-config -p bluej-bin`:`java-config -p antlr`://opt/sun-jdk- `java-config --java` -cp "${CP}" bluej.Boot $* The java-config should produce the path to the tools.jar file also. So java-config might need to be modified also? Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
This bug was solved for me by upgrading to 2.1.1, please report if you still have this problem.
Re-assign wrt Bug 23545, maintainer retired.
10:47:12 <+CIA-24> drac * gentoo-x86/dev-java/bluej-bin/ (9 files in 2 dirs): Remove p.masked pkg. Treecleaners, should have been gone in 2006..