I'm working on a new GLEP to provide an unified and complete metadata.xml specification. Please assign a new GLEP number for it. The current draft is available at [1] but please do not upload it yet as it's still WiP and may create more discussion. [1]:https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:MGorny/GLEP:68
Assigning GLEP number 68, comment here when you're ready to have changes moved to the official namespace, you know the drill.
Please move the current draft. Thanks.
The GLEP has been accepted by Council. Please update the state accordingly.
I've updated [1] with two changes: - removed wording allowing restrictions on <slot/> elements -- that wasn't intentional as slots are considered global rather than per-version, - updated status to 'Final' as it has been approved by Council. Please update the GLEP.