from {URL}: read_header in archive_read_support_format_rar.c in libarchive 3.3.2 suffers from an off-by-one error for UTF-16 names in RAR archives, leading to an out-of-bounds read in archive_read_format_rar_read_header. Patch:( Additional Source:( CVE Details:( @maintainer(s), after bump, please call for stabilization if needed, thank you. Daj Uan (jmbailey) Gentoo Security Padawan libarchive 3.3.2 suffers from an out-of-bounds read within lha_read_data_none() in archive_read_support_format_lha.c when extracting a specially crafted lha archive, related to lha_crc16. @maintainer(s), no patch yet for CVE-2017-14503.
Update: libarchive issues go in the opposite order as issues and as CVEs… CVE-2017-14503 is libarchive/libarchive#948 and CVE-2017-14501 is libarchive/libarchive#949 Both are found with AFL, both originally reported to Debian, apparently neither Debian nor the upstream has any patches or specific ideas about causes. ( An out-of-bounds read flaw exists in parse_file_info in archive_read_support_format_iso9660.c in libarchive 3.3.2 when extracting a specially crafted iso9660 iso file, related to archive_read_format_iso9660_read_header. Reference:
both fixes are in 3.3.3.
This issue was resolved and addressed in GLSA 201908-11 at by GLSA coordinator Aaron Bauman (b-man).