From ${URL} : Use-after-free in the XML-LibXML module through 2.0129 for Perl allows attackers to execute arbitrary code by controlling the arguments to a replaceChild call. Upstream issue: @maintainer(s): after the bump, in case we need to stabilize the package, please let us know if it is ready for the stabilization or not.
Update: as of 2017-10-24 Fixed in 2.0131 | or tree version 2.13.200 See: "" "" - Merge - Fix bug in Node::replaceChild() @maintainer(s): 2.12.900 [2.0129] is keyworded for "~" but no mention of patch in ebuild. Any confirmation of applied patches from 2.0131?
@maintainer(s), please drop vulnerable.
helllllooooo perl team :)
Maintainer(s), please drop the vulnerable version(s).
Vulnerable versions dropped. Perl out.