From ${URL} : Description A vulnerability has been reported in Chrony, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to an error when processing certain command packets and can be exploited to amplify the size of responses and subsequently cause a DoS condition by sending specially crafted requests. The vulnerability is reported in versions prior to 1.29.1. Solution: Update to version 1.29.1. Provided and/or discovered by: Reported by the vendor. Original Advisory: @maintainer(s): after the bump, in case we need to stabilize the package, please let us know if it is ready for the stabilization or not.
Arch teams, please test and mark stable: =net-misc/chrony-1.29.1 Targeted stable KEYWORDS : amd64 hppa ppc sparc x86
Stable for HPPA.
amd64 stable
x86 stable
ppc stable
sparc stable. Maintainer(s), please cleanup. Security, please vote.
GLSA vote: no.
GLSA vote: no Cleanup was done by Jeroen Roovers. Closing as noglsa.