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Bug 122588 (tcort)

Summary: Retire: Thomas Cort (tcort)
Product: Gentoo Developers/Staff Reporter: Luis Medinas (RETIRED) <metalgod>
Component: RetirementAssignee: Retirement Admin <retirement>
Severity: normal CC: ferdy, tcort
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-12 11:30:56 UTC
Thomas would like to work on sound and alpha herds.
He is already a semi-herd tester on sound and alpha team and he is doing and exceptional job.
Thomas is in the  4th year computer science student at Bishop's University, he had done two patches accepted into the Linux kernel and he also maintain a wordpress plugin.
The rest you can see on the ebuild quiz.

Email: <>
Mentor: Luis Medinas <>

He already finished his quizes.
Comment 1 Bryan Østergaard (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-04-16 11:25:18 UTC
Set up some time ago and new-dev mail finally sent. Welcome to the team Thomas :)
Comment 2 Thomas Cort (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-12-03 08:57:14 UTC
Recruiters, I'm re-opening this bug as I wish to retire. The main reason for me quitting is lack time. When I started working on Gentoo I was a student who only had class 15 hours a week, got a month off for Christmas and 4 months off during the summer. Now I'm working 40 hours every week which doesn't give me much spare time to work on Gentoo. My time with Gentoo was a wonderful learning experience and I wish the Gentoo project the best of luck in the future.

House keeping stuff...

In addition to my regular accounts (cvs, e-mail, etc) I have accounts on and gendcc0{0-9} I think I may also have an account for grabbing images off of

I've got an overlay on A user (Kai Huuhko <>) has commit access to it and has been helping me with quodlibet ebuilds. You may want to contact him if you decide to drop my overlay (I won't be using it). He is a good candidate for dev too.

For adopt-a-dev, we use a web application that I wrote to manage the lists of requests and offers. It isn't complete and you may not want to use it in the future, but the data (contact information for anyone offering or requesting items) my be valuable. I'm going to attach a tarball of the web app and a dump of the SQL to Bug #151887 and restrict the bug to devs only (since it includes e-mail addresses which shouldn't be made public). The adopt-a-dev project needs some new blood. Much like Bug Day, it needs constant promotion to get any action. In the past month there hasn't been a lot of activity on it. It may be a candidate for removal.

I was the security liaison for amd64, so someone will have to fill that role.

kloeri, wrt the dual alpha I sent you, I'm not sure if I was clear when I sent it. It is yours to keep. Enjoy.

christel (or some Freenode person), please remove my IRC cloak. People who don't even know me sometimes make rude comments when I enter an IRC channel (#bsd for example) because I've got Gentoo in my nick and they associate Gentoo with ricers and mean people.

LarryTheCow.{com,net,org} Sites.... I will continue to provide free hosting to beandog for I will leave as it is until the domain name expires (sometime next year I think). hasn't had any user submitted content in the last month and I don't have time to look for and post Gentoo news, so unless anyone objects or wants to take it over I'm going to have redirect to Gentoo Weekly News.

This should be a complete list of the packages I maintained:



Once my Gentoo e-mail is gone I can be reached at the follow e-mail address: or on IRC as tcort.
Comment 3 Thomas Cort (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-12-03 09:11:58 UTC
> I'm going to attach a tarball of the web app and a dump
> of the SQL to Bug #151887 and restrict the bug to devs
> only (since it includes e-mail addresses which shouldn't be made public).

It doesn't appear as though I can restrict that bug. There is no check box. I have put the MySQL dump and web app on woodpecker in my home directory. To get it up and running do the following...

1) create a database (lets call it "aad" for adopt-a-dev)
2) mysql -u root -p aad < /home/tcort/adopt-a-dev/aad.sql
3) Edit /home/tcort/adopt-a-dev/globals.php near the top there are options for database host, username, password, and database name.
4) Point a virtual host at /home/tcort/adopt-a-dev/htdocs and it should just work.

Note, there are no options for user management in the web application. You have to use INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE on the users table from the mysql monitor program. The passwords in the users table are just MD5 hashes.
Comment 4 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-12-04 03:11:36 UTC
Thomas i'm not a recruiter but i was your mentor... so you can't leave i know sometimes we got upset and life isn't easy for most of us. It happen the same to me but leave a few packages and don't spend too much time until you have more free time. Please consider and take a few weeks of vacations. Gentoo needs you.
Comment 5 Bryan Østergaard (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-01-22 03:47:16 UTC
Infra, please retire tcort.
Comment 6 Tom Knight (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-03-11 17:57:19 UTC
Retired on the forums.
Comment 7 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2007-03-11 21:25:18 UTC
This user is now retired in:
LDAP, cvs.g.o, dev.g.o, Bugzilla, Mailing Lists.

Still pending:
im.g.o and Planet.
Comment 8 Bryan Østergaard (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-03-19 12:31:24 UTC
All done.