Back to bug 663602
Who | When | What | Removed | Added |
toralf | 2018-08-14 15:58:57 UTC | Assignee | bug-wranglers | zmedico |
toralf | 2018-08-14 15:59:09 UTC | Blocks | 561854 | |
zmedico | 2018-08-14 16:33:29 UTC | Summary | app-text/podofo-0.9.6_p20180715 : /.../podofosign.cpp:879:5: error: OPENSSL_init_crypto was not declared in this scope | app-text/podofo-0.9.6_p20180715: /.../podofosign.cpp:879:5: error: OPENSSL_init_crypto was not declared in this scope (with libressl) |
ao | 2018-08-14 16:57:16 UTC | CC | ao | |
waltercool | 2018-10-23 18:43:38 UTC | CC | waltercool | |
infra-gitbot | 2019-01-06 10:04:31 UTC | Resolution | --- | FIXED |
Back to bug 663602