Currently, crack attack does not have any sound. The sound improves the game experience, and a patch and instructions for adding it can be found here:
current crack attack already has sound support integrated
If that is the case, please let me know how to activate these sounds. The current ebuild (games-arcade/crack-attack-1.1.14-r1) does not install any wav or ogg files (required by the sound patch) Downloading these files (from the link above) and placing them in the necessary directories (~/.crack-attack/{sound,music}) still does not yield any sound. Am I missing something here?
upstream crack-attack added the code to support sound they just did not include any sound files since the ones included on miguev's site are questionable at best in terms of where they came from thus the default is to disable sound ... if you do `EXTRA_ECONF=--enable-sound emerge crack-attack` it should search your ~/.crack-attack/sounds/ and ~/.crack-attack/music/ i'll update the ebuild to pass --enable-sound by default