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Bug 97497 - perl-cleaner issues
Summary: perl-cleaner issues
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Other
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Perl team
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-06-30 08:03 UTC by Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED)
Modified: 2007-06-30 23:11 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 08:03:38 UTC
I ran `perl-cleaner all`, but perl-core/DB_File and net-analyzer/net-snmp have not been updated.

|-- 5.8.5
|   `-- i686-linux
|       |-- CORE
|       |   |-- -> ../../../../
|       |   |-- -> ../../../../
|       |   `-- -> ../../../../
|       |--
|       |-- auto
|       |   `-- DB_File
|       |       |--
|       |       |--
|       |       `-- autosplit.ix

|-- 5.8.5
|   `-- i686-linux
|       |-- Bundle
|       |   `--
|       |-- NetSNMP
|       |   |--
|       |   |--
|       |   |--
|       |   |-- agent
|       |   |   |--
|       |   |   `--
|       |   |--
|       |   `--
|       |--
|       `-- auto
|           |-- Bundle
|           |   `-- NetSNMP
|           |-- NetSNMP
|           |   |-- ASN
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   `-- autosplit.ix
|           |   |-- OID
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   `-- autosplit.ix
|           |   |-- TrapReceiver
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   `-- autosplit.ix
|           |   |-- agent
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   |--
|           |   |   |-- autosplit.ix
|           |   |   `-- default_store
|           |   |       |-- autosplit.ix
|           |   |       |--
|           |   |       `--
|           |   `-- default_store
|           |       |-- autosplit.ix
|           |       |--
|           |       `--
|           `-- SNMP
Comment 1 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 08:24:55 UTC
and you re-emerged them by hand too? (note in the perl ebuilds asks that you 
try them by hand before giving up and submitting a bug)(doesn't excuse why they 
weren't caught though) 
Comment 2 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 09:12:08 UTC
Michael, shouldn't this work flawlessly w/o inspecting the directories by hand?
:) No biggie of course - unless we try to support reverse dependencies out of
the box at some point - but still a bug, imho.

DB_File worked fine, there seems to be a problem with autoconf, though:

>>> Unpacking net-snmp-5.2.1.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/net-snmp-5.2.1-r1/work
 * Applying net-snmp-5.2.1-fix-insecure-fixproc.diff ...                       
                                                [ ok ]
 * Applying net-snmp-5.2.1-conf-elf-rpm-bz2.patch ...                          
                                                [ ok ]
 * Applying net-snmp-lm_sensors.patch ...                                      
                                                [ ok ]
 * Replacing obsolete head/tail with POSIX compliant ones
 *  - fixed aclocal.m4
 *  - fixed configure
 *  - fixed
 *  - fixed dist/net-snmp-solaris-build/DEVENV
 *  - fixed dist/net-snmp-solaris-build/
 *  - fixed local/
 *  - fixed snmplib/snmpusm.c
>>> Source unpacked.
FATAL ERROR: Autoconf version 2.59 or higher is required for this script

Calling `autoconf-2.59` instead `autoconf` works, adding WANT_AUTOCONF="2.5" to
the ebuild does not. Don't know why this wasn't an issue previously -
autoconf-wrapper defaults changed or something?
Comment 3 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 09:22:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> there seems to be a problem with autoconf, though:

That's already fixed, see Bug 97470 ;)
Comment 4 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 09:48:08 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)  
> Michael, shouldn't this work flawlessly w/o inspecting the directories by  
Of course it should, but nothing is perfect. And the problem with DB_File was  
just tracked down for another bug - bad Makefile.PL was ignoring the vendor  
specific directive and installing into the core perl area.  
Net-SNMP doesn't look like it was installed by gentoo. Did you maybe install it 
with an older g-cpan or by hand at some point? (For starters, its in the wrong 
place, and we don't give you the bundle - hence why it wasn't caught). 
Not sure about the autoconf part (I don't have anything to do with it really), 
but if it persists after I finish cleaning up the mess-that-shouldn't-have-been 
with the perl upgrades I can revisit this with you if you want. 
Comment 5 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 10:13:17 UTC
>Net-SNMP doesn't look like it was installed by gentoo.

No, standard Gentoo install. Regarding autoconf, I guess it will be the bug
Jakub (thanks!) points to. Never meant that this has anything to do with this
script. There's just no usable log file / error output.

Back to perl-cleaner: 

- The log doesn't tell me, if an ebuild has been rebuilt or not, so it's more or
less only useful to find out if there is a problem with the script itself. As a
user I really don't want to dig through every single script directory (be it
perl, python, ruby, whatever), if an update went fine.

- Would it harm to add a check for .pm files in older perl directories and
compare against /var/db/pkg/*/*/CONTENTS as a last step? DB_File would have been
found this way and everything else installed via emerge should be, too.

- Minor issues: 
  + `find` printed out lines about non-existing directories a few times. Could
you 2> /dev/null this output (in stable versions at least)?
  + Printing an empty line between the different steps the script performs would
be nice.
Comment 6 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 13:39:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #5) 
> No, standard Gentoo install. 
Do you know what package provided it? That isn't from dev-perl/Net-SNMP, I 
checked before making grand claims :) 
> Back to perl-cleaner:  
> - The log doesn't tell me, if an ebuild has been rebuilt or not, so it's more 
> less only useful to find out if there is a problem with the script itself. As 
> user I really don't want to dig through every single script directory (be it 
> perl, python, ruby, whatever), if an update went fine. 
The logfile is a log of what went to your screen - maybe in the future we can 
do what you are asking for (list of errors/successes only), but not right 
now :) 
> - Would it harm to add a check for .pm files in older perl directories and 
> compare against /var/db/pkg/*/*/CONTENTS as a last step? DB_File would have 
> found this way and everything else installed via emerge should be, too. 
Funny, isn't this enough: 
for file in $(find $DIR -iname "*.pm" -type f|grep -v "${PERL_VERSION}"); do 
(ie, we already do that) 
The problem with DB_File had nothing to do with perl-cleaner, actually, and 
everything to do with it being missinstalled because of a bad Makefile.PL and 
therefore confusing portage as to what package owned it and whether or not it 
really needed to be re-installed. That was fixed this afternoon. (sync, emerge, 
> - Minor issues:  
>   + `find` printed out lines about non-existing directories a few times. 
> you 2> /dev/null this output (in stable versions at least)? 
Already done in svn, just not ready for it to be live. 
>   + Printing an empty line between the different steps the script performs 
> be nice. 
See what I can do :) (not waffling, just need time) 
Comment 7 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 15:20:07 UTC
> Do you know what package provided it? 

Sure. `USE=perl emerge net-analyzer/net-snmp`. Seems we have a clash here. :)

>Funny, isn't this enough: 
>for file in $(find $DIR -iname "*.pm" -type f|grep -v "${PERL_VERSION}"); do 
>(ie, we already do that) 

I did not look at the code. If you look at the tree above, has been
installed and I ran `qpkg -f` on it, which listed the ebuild - so it was stored.

>everything to do with it being missinstalled

It can always happen (no one of us is perfect) that something gets installed in
a broken way. It would be just great, if the perl-cleaner script would try to
throw light on stale files.

>See what I can do :) (not waffling, just need time) 

Yesterday, please. ;D Nah, thank you for working on it. My todo list isn't short
either and the day should have 30 hours at least.
Comment 8 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-09-04 04:12:25 UTC
Mass re-assign.
Comment 9 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-01 20:27:19 UTC
Reopen if this bug is still relevant w/ app-admin/perl-cleaner-1.04.3
Comment 10 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-20 17:43:59 UTC
Next time I'll come to test this is with the next perl stable upgrade. Not bug wranglers job to resolve such bugs.
Comment 11 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-21 12:57:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> Next time I'll come to test this is with the next perl stable upgrade. Not bug
> wranglers job to resolve such bugs.

but your report is slightly bogus to begin with. anything under /usr/lib/perl5/<version>/<arch>-linux is there because it was part of the core perl install - perl-cleaner isn't going to touch that.

nothing that is maintained by the perl herd should be going into site_perl - we put everything under vendor, including the install of dev-perl/Net-SNMP.

So no offense carlo, but I do think this bug report should be closed :)

Comment 12 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-30 23:11:38 UTC
Closing per the above comment.