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Bug 97267 - checkpassword is provided by multiple packages but there is no virtual for it.
Summary: checkpassword is provided by multiple packages but there is no virtual for it.
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Server (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Qmail Team (OBSOLETE)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-06-27 19:11 UTC by Chris Lowe
Modified: 2009-01-02 16:46 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Diff of main portage tree as at 2005-06-08. (virtual-checkpassword.diff,9.12 KB, patch)
2005-06-27 19:12 UTC, Chris Lowe
Details | Diff

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Description Chris Lowe 2005-06-27 19:11:25 UTC
Qmail is dependant on a package "checkpassword" which is developed by DJB.
However there are many different versions of it because some people don't want
the default installation of it. 

We should therefore have a virtual for checkpassword because various packages
exist to provide replacements to it. The default for the virtual should of
course be the original net-mail/checkpassword. 

In a local copy of my portage tree, I updated all ebuilds which depend on
net-mail/checkpassword and all ebuilds which provide a version of checkpassword
(note - I deliberately skipped cmd5checkpassword because it is sometimes used in
parallel with checkpassword by qmail). I then added the virtual to the base
layout. Then I diffed the sucker. Diff attached. :) 

I'd really like to see these changes applied to the main tree because I'm
developing an ebuild for a custom checkpassword implementation and it's been
driving me up the wall. 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. emerge checkpassword-pam
2. emerge -p qmail (or variant thereof)
Actual Results:  
You are required to merge net-mail/checkpassword even though you've just
installed checkpassword-pam. 

Expected Results:  
Qmail should compile without needing to install checkpassword.
Comment 1 Chris Lowe 2005-06-27 19:12:30 UTC
Created attachment 62122 [details, diff]
Diff of main portage tree as at 2005-06-08.
Comment 2 Benedikt Böhm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-09-16 12:49:24 UTC
virtual/checkpassword now in cvs, still needs to be added to qmail ebuilds
Comment 3 Benedikt Böhm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-01-02 16:46:31 UTC
netqmail-1.06 now uses virtual/checkpassword