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Bug 97057 - gcloop USE flag
Summary: gcloop USE flag
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Luca Barbato
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-06-25 12:20 UTC by postmodern
Modified: 2005-06-26 14:49 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description postmodern 2005-06-25 12:20:01 UTC
For those of us who need access to gcloop I think it would be a welcome feature
to enable all the patches (kernel and util-linux) via a USE flag.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-25 18:04:52 UTC
Eh? There are no use flags for kernel patches. Gentoo doesn't even support
experimental kernels, see

Well, maintainer decision how to deal with this request.
Comment 2 Luca Barbato gentoo-dev 2005-06-25 18:41:01 UTC
I'm quite surprised somebody is still interested on gcloop since I havent heard
any request/offers ot help about it in months.

The kernel patches would require some changes and a in kernel ucl is a must
need... The userspace patches should work w/out many problems.

I haven't updated the project mainly because of lack of time and on second
stance because nobody seems interested and squashfs seems stable enough and good
for the same gcloop purposes. I'm quite agains double efforts if there isn't the
If you think gcloop would be a good solution for you (maybe because you need to
use a particular compressor or other reason) I'll be happy to help you within my
time constraints
Comment 3 postmodern 2005-06-25 18:48:28 UTC
Well the story goes like this. I heard about this new method for mounting up
livecds that Ubuntu is using, coined Casper. It's basically device-mapper doing
writable snapshots. Now for this to work you have to have your livecd image in
some writable fs image + compression. This requirement knocks squashfs / cramfs
/ zisofs out of the picture since they are both read-only. So I wen't wtih
gcloop + ext2, since it's a nice little compression solution thats already (sort
of supported) in Gentoo. After massive amounts of bash scripting I have a
working snapshotted gentoo livecd running in qemu, boots up with only 22Megs
used with everything writable. I was hoping to get some sort of USE flag for
gcloop so I could automate my livecd creation process. This is due to the fact I
don't use catalyst, but instead a bunch of slick scripts I wrote. I guess the
ideal solution for everybody would be just to have catalyst handle gcloop, but I
got greedy and thought I should toss the idea out there.
Comment 4 Luca Barbato gentoo-dev 2005-06-26 03:33:58 UTC
catalyst supported gcloop in its early days, if the code isn't removed it still

The current problem is that nobody had the time and the will to port the ucl lib
in the kernel OR hack the userspace tools to use zlib, beside that the loop
patch should still work and shouldn't hard move it to dm.

Them problem is only will and time since are just easy but boring and long tasks
Comment 5 postmodern 2005-06-26 13:59:37 UTC
Well I'll submit this idea to the Livecd Herd, since it makes setting up a
livecd environment a walk in the park. If they take some interest in writable
snapshots, then gcloop won't be so unpopularly any more. For my own project I
have infinite time to hack patches and deal with busybox.
Comment 6 postmodern 2005-06-26 14:49:34 UTC
The releng devs seem set on using unionfs.