I see this bug was resolved in https://bugs.gentoo.org/256211, but it's come up again for some reason. I have x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.2.1-r8 installed, but for some reason the system is fine with this being there, and not having x11-apps/xset. /usr/bin/xdg-screensaver is a POSIX shell script and we can easily see where xset is being used by calling `grep -n xset /usr/bin/xdg-screensaver`: 707: xset +dpms 711: if xset -q | grep 'DPMS is Enabled' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then 712: xset -dpms 713: xset +dpms 714: xset dpms force on 762: if xset -q | grep 'DPMS is Enabled' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then 767: xset -dpms 993:xset_screensaver_timeout() 995: xset q | sed '/^Screen Saver:/,/^[^ ]/ { s/.*timeout: *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/; t }; d' 1002: timeout=`xset_screensaver_timeout` 1004: echo "$timeout" > "$screensaver_file.xset" 1005: xset s off > /dev/null 1011: if [ -f "$screensaver_file.xset" ] ; then 1012: value=`cat "$screensaver_file.xset"` 1013: xset s $value > /dev/null 1014: rm -f "$screensaver_file.xset" 1020: xset s activate > /dev/null 1025: xset s reset > /dev/null 1030: timeout=`xset_screensaver_timeout` 1037: echo "ERROR: xset q did not report the screensaver timeout" >&2 1412: xset s off && xautolock -disable > /dev/null 1417: xset s default && xautolock -enable > /dev/null
It was made conditional on X here. I guess with the idea that its a runtime optional dependency? https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/commit/f955680634efdc47b16d9e5049acdae902fb9b86 https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/35411 CC'ing author (gentoo@fictx.com based on the sign off github@fictx.com) and the committer.