Created attachment 918082 [details] emerge-info.txt Every time dev-java/reflections is built, after it has built and installed successfully and the post-build cleaning has otherwise completed normally, it leaves one file behind in $PORTAGE_TMPDIR: /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/reflections-0/9/12-r6/work/reflections-0/9/12/src/test/java/org/reflections/ . (This file does not seem to be mentioned in the build log anywhere, and I note that it is not under the package's actual $WORKDIR: it's under a directory named after $S but with every '.' in $PV changed to a / .)
Created attachment 918083 [details] dev-java:reflections-0.9.12-r6:20250201-223326.log
Confirmed if running with FEATURES=test and then indeed, the path looks very interesting: /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/reflections-0 └── 9 └── 12-r6 └── work └── reflections-0 └── 9 └── 12 └── src └── test └── java └── org └── reflections └── No idea why that happens, but I could identify the culprit with JAVA_TEST_RUN_ONLY="org.reflections.JavaCodeSerializerTest".
Should we remove it? src_test() { java-pkg-simple_src_test rm -rfv "${WORKDIR}/../../reflections-0" } is the line causing the bug.
Reported bug upstream: