Smart-live-rebuild utility complains that EGIT_REPO_URI is not declared in the environment for libreoffice-9999. The output of the command is below. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Run 'emerge =app-office/libreoffice-9999::gentoo' 2. after successful build... 3. Run 'smart-live-rebuild' Actual Results: Smart-live-rebuild re-builds libreoffice even if there are no changes pulled by git from the remote repo. Expected Results: Smart-live-rebuild will rebuild libreoffice if and only if changes are made to the remote repo.
Yeah, this is because of the cleverness src_unpack does, but we might be able to improve that.
Created attachment 916413 [details] Output of smart-live-rebuild Output of smart-live-rebuild checking git repos for code changes, prior to building packages with updated repos