Created attachment 914835 [details] emerge --info of my build host (running on a AMD Zen 1 host) The Darktable (by default) activates a build option to set `-march=native`. This breaks builds that compile on one host and run on another host (e.g. binary packages or in my case a read-only image builder). The option can be prevented by setting `-DBINARY_PACKAGE_BUILD=ON` in the cmake configuration options. For context the `march=native` cflag is handled in "cmake/march-mtune.cmake" in the darktable sources I am building darktable on a AMD Zen 1 host but I am running it on a Goldmont Plus Intel CPU (Intel Celeron n5030) and when running darktable it crashes with a "Invalid Instruction" signature.
Note that the build.log is (more) valuable here than just emerge --info. But not so needed hopefully here given you identified the problem already.
Created attachment 914836 [details] Darktable build.log showing "march=native" use