When emerging the `xdg-desktop-portal-gtk` binpkg with the wayland USE flag disabled globally, the following error is encountered when attempting to execute the installed binary: /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk: symbol lookup error: /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk: undefined symbol: gdk_wayland_window_set_transient_for_exported If you compile the package within the same environment instead of using the binpkg, no such error occurs and the compiled binary runs as expected, so this appears to be an issue specific to the binpkg.
The ebuild has "x11-libs/gtk+:3[wayland?,X?]" without passing wayland or X into the build system, I assume as a workaround for the general gtk automagic wayland/x issue. Anyway, fortunately, we have a way to fix that now without resorting to = deps as we have the macro hack.