Lots of changes to the build system, I've managed to make it build and install with these changes: - threads seem to be unconditional - build system is very different, so patches to it don't apply - seems to require zutils.h which is included in compat/ so not wiping compat dir $ diff tcl-8.6.15.ebuild tcl-9.0.0.ebuild 22c22 < IUSE="debug +threads" --- > IUSE="debug" 28d27 < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.6.10-multilib.patch 30d28 < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.6.9-include-spec.patch # Bug 731120 41d38 < "${SPARENT}"/compat/* \ 55,60d51 < # httpold tests require netowk < rm ../tests/httpold.test \ < ../tests/env.test \ < ../tests/http.test \ < || die < 74,75d64 < mv configure.{in,ac} || die < 91d79 < $(use_enable threads) \ 133c121 < dodoc "${SPARENT}"/{ChangeLog*,README.md,changes} --- > dodoc "${SPARENT}"/README.md
I look forward to seeing this, but just want to note that I suspect it should go in masked first, as I think there's some API changes which broke at least Python.
It’s likely that Tcl 9 will be needed for SQLite (see the linked bug). I followed the steps from comment 1, and although the ebuild installs correctly, I was unable to build sqlite with Tcl 9. This will probably require more adjustments to get it working properly.