Created attachment 899206 [details] emerge --info Does not start when the scheduling policy is set to SCHED_IDLE. [FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred Sender=EThread Exception=Failed to create new thread Stack trace: $0000000000513596 $00000000005139B1 $0000000000D7CCF5 STARTFPCSRCTHREAD, line 805 of initialsetupdlgs.pas $0000000000D7EF15 INIT, line 1238 of initialsetupdlgs.pas $0000000000D79D84 SHOWINITIALSETUPDIALOG, line 237 of initialsetupdlgs.pas $00000000004AE160 SETUPINTERACTIVE, line 1518 of main.pp $00000000004AE5CF CREATE, line 1587 of main.pp $00000000004236F6 main, line 145 of lazarus.pp TApplication.HandleException: EThread Failed to create new thread Stack trace: $0000000000513596 $00000000005139B1 $0000000000D7CCF5 STARTFPCSRCTHREAD, line 805 of initialsetupdlgs.pas $0000000000D7EF15 INIT, line 1238 of initialsetupdlgs.pas $0000000000D79D84 SHOWINITIALSETUPDIALOG, line 237 of initialsetupdlgs.pas $00000000004AE160 SETUPINTERACTIVE, line 1518 of main.pp $00000000004AE5CF CREATE, line 1587 of main.pp $00000000004236F6 main, line 145 of lazarus.pp This error also prevents anything being built with it.