If mold linker is used, it fails due to an unsupported command-line option --cref. I also posted a comment to the relevant upstream mold issue about the problem at https://github.com/rui314/mold/issues/573#issuecomment-2268459048 Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Set up mold like in the Gentoo Wiki https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Mold 2. Try to emerge dev-lang/micropython Actual Results: LINK build/mpy-cross mold: fatal: unknown command line option: --cref collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Expected Results: Package installs. It can be worked around by either removing --cref flags from mpy-cross/Makefile and ports/unix/Makefile, or by disabling mold for the package. Posting here mainly in order to add this to the mold metaissue, but a workaround would also be fine for me.
Thank you for filing it for completeness :)
do we need to fix this? it seems we don't have many options, either remove "--cref" or patch mold to add a dumy "--cref" option w/ nothing to do?