Created attachment 893118 [details] build.log might be related to the reports of tests hanging with USE=pgo
Created attachment 893119 [details] emerge --info '=dev-lang/python-3.11.9:3.11::gentoo'
Well, they just started hanging for me on 3.12, and also with USE=-pgo. Sigh.
In my case, it was a .pth file installed by dev-python/noseofyeti. I've removed it, and now tests work. What's your: $ ls /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/*.pth ?
There was a file at /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/libsigrok-0.5.2-py3.11-nspkg.pth that when removed I believe fixed things? It didn't exist for python3.12 and the tests for that didn't hang.
Ah, ok. I think we have a good long-term for that in 3.13, I'll backport it to older versions when we're up for a new release.