Taskwarrior v3.0.0 was released on 2024-03-24: https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskwarrior/releases/tag/v3.0.0 It would be great if the existing package was bumped to the new version. Reproducible: Always
Looking at upstream issue #3329 [0] and complaints I read on #taskwarrior about very poor performance in v3, I'd really appreciate having an ebuild for v2.6.2 around, while upstream is still dealing with resolving these issues. If you decide to bump to v3, I'd be very grateful if the v2.6.2 ebuild is _not_ deleted. [0] https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskwarrior/issues/3329
Also, I've just noticed that manual intervention is necessary when upgrading from v2 to v3, so maybe a news item might be useful to prevent bad surprises for users.
Would love a bump to version 3.0.0 or even better 3.0.2 now. But I also agree that a news item probably should notify users about the needed manual intervention.
3.1.0 is out now too.
3.3.0 is out now too
Created attachment 916951 [details] task-3.3.0.ebuild I created an ebuild for task-3.3.0. Version 3 of taskwarrior uses the newly developed "taskchampion"[1] library as storage for task data. Taskchampion is a Rust library and only provides a Rust API. Consequently, its build only generates an .rlib file and there's no .a or .so available. To my knowledge, Gentoo doesn't install Rust libraries in the same way as C libraries, so taskchampion is simply another Rust crate inside the ebuild. The existing C++ codebase of taskwarrior uses Corrision [0] to link the Rust code in the CMake build. I've been using task-3.3.0 for a week or so without sync and I had no issues so far. [0] https://corrosion-rs.github.io/corrosion/ [1] https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskchampion