i just got 2 gentoo cds in the mail. i put cd1 into my notebook cd driver and it told me to configure my network. but the network didnt work. i filed an error report and got my provider to help. nothing moved. so i was guided to search the forum. some good suggestions, but when i reboot, i got my window-xp. so, DO U REALLY NEED EVERYONE TO LOOK INTO THE HANDBOOK??? or else, where is the part that u guide me into partitioning my disk for linux? why just a blank screen of nothing? supposed someone does not know anything about unix or getting hold of an editor(is it sheer arrogance or blindness that upto now, unix does not have a editor for human beings? windows-xp's notepad and my robotic editor are examples of such.) why gentoo has abandoned the linux distribution's tradition of near-autonomous installation(redhat, pinktie, mandrakes...)? well, i was at first impressed with gentoo's attitude of inclusiveness. and was almost ready to contribute my software automation package, ROBACUS(robotic abacus). but now, i think i need to join your group for strategy and future vision, which, too bad, is absent. by the way, i my automated computing environment, our motto is: the best documentation is no documentation.
Gentoo doesn't have a graphical installer (there are one or two projects out there to add this functionality, but it's not present by default). Closing this as it isn't a bug, if you have difficulty installing Gentoo the best places to go for help are the forums (http://forums.gentoo.org/) or the gentoo-user mailing list.