Created attachment 887518 [details] emerge --info and build.log Compiling on Musl with Clang fails with 'ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations' errors. Compiling on Musl using GCC works fine.
This is now also true for gcc-14. I'm not sure the best See Also link to use -perhaps the C99 porting one at I also don't see a relevant issue or MR upstream
Sorry I forgot to post I opened an issue with xsane:
I don't know if it will help with musl, but my upstream issue was closed, as I had set -nls, and changing it to nls let the compile complete without errors. (I assume the same, but have not tested, with gcc. There is a note in that issue that adding "# define bind_textdomain_codeset(x,y)" (although I didn't follow exactly where) would also work.