Created attachment 882188 [details] Outputs of emerge --info and emerge sys-devel/gcc Related to, sys-devel/gcc cannot be emerged as binary. emerge --pretend --verbose --getbinpkg sys-devel/gcc; emerge --pretend --verbose --getbinpkgonly sys-devel/gcc output: [..] [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20230826:13::gentoo USE="(cxx) fortran (multilib) nls openmp (pie) sanitize ssp -ada (-cet) (-custom-cflags) -d -debug -default-stack-clash-protection -default-znow -doc (-fixed-point) -go -graphite -hardened (-ieee-long-double) -jit (-libssp) -lto -modula2 -objc -objc++ -objc-gc (-pch) -pgo -systemtap -test -valgrind -vanilla -vtv -zstd (-nptl%*)" 82352 KiB [..] !!! The following binary packages have been ignored due to non matching USE: =sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20230826 -multilib nptl =sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20230826 nptl [..] [binary R ] sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20230826-20:13::gentoo USE="(cxx) fortran nls nptl openmp (pie) sanitize ssp -ada (-cet) (-custom-cflags) -d -debug -default-stack-clash-protection -default-znow -doc (-fixed-point) -go -graphite -hardened (-ieee-long-double) -jit (-libssp) -lto -modula2 (-multilib*) -objc -objc++ -objc-gc (-pch) -pgo -systemtap -test -valgrind -vanilla -vtv -zstd" 62060 KiB [..] I have tried, of course, matching the USE flags, and even experimented with any possible combination just-in-case: USE=" multilib nptl" emerge --pretend --verbose --getbinpkg sys-devel/gcc USE=" multilib -nptl" emerge --pretend --verbose --getbinpkg sys-devel/gcc USE="-multilib nptl" emerge --pretend --verbose --getbinpkg sys-devel/gcc USE="-multilib -nptl" emerge --pretend --verbose --getbinpkg sys-devel/gcc I am working on a gentoo system chrooted to a new gentoo installation aspiring it to be as binary as possible. I have tried different and no-multilib profiles. Attached the full emerge --info and emerge gcc outputs.
This isn't a bug -- you just got unlucky. USE=nptl got removed yesterday from gcc as it did nothing at all, but it invalidated the binpkgs if not using binpkg-respect-use=n (which is dangerous in general but OK in this case). The builders should either have caught up already or will soon.
(In reply to Sam James from comment #1) > This isn't a bug -- you just got unlucky. USE=nptl got removed yesterday > from gcc as it did nothing at all, but it invalidated the binpkgs if not > using binpkg-respect-use=n (which is dangerous in general but OK in this > case). > > The builders should either have caught up already or will soon. hahaha I was actually looking at what nptl does and it seemed I haven't ever needed it. OK, I hope things resolve next days. Thank you! :)