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Bug 921249 - freedict.eclass: Modify eclass to use
Summary: freedict.eclass: Modify eclass to use
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Eclasses (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-01-03 06:21 UTC by Alexis
Modified: 2024-01-04 00:43 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Alexis 2024-01-03 06:21:04 UTC
As a result of research related to, i learned that the app-dict/freedict-* packages pull .tar.gz files from SourceForge, whereas the site currently makes .tar.xz files available from If the freedict eclass were to be modified to use the latter, many more freedict dictionaries could trivially be packaged than are currently available, since the ebuilds only require a few lines. For example, the entirety of the freedict-deu-eng ebuild is:

# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2


inherit freedict

DESCRIPTION="Freedict for language translation from German to English"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~riscv ~x86"

i would be happy to create a PR for this, if appropriate.

Related:, "New ebuilds for freedict dictd dictionaries", opened in 2004, last modified in 2018.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2024-01-03 06:24:40 UTC
Are all the sourceforge ones available on If so, we can add a variable to get the old behaviour, add it to all existing ebuilds, then new ones will be manifested as they get ported.
Comment 2 Alexis 2024-01-03 07:21:51 UTC
Trying to visit in the browser results in an empty page, so i'm just going to use the contents of That file indicates that the .tar.gz files haven't been updated since 2003.

In terms of the existing freedict-* packages, here's a table comparing word counts of what's available on s(ourceforge).n(et) versus f(reedict).o(rg):

| package  | s.n   | f.o    |
| -deu-eng | 81699 | 517534 |
| -eng-fra |  8806 |   8799 |  
| -eng-ita |  4521 |   4519 |
| -eng-swe |  5490 |  39246 | 
| -fra-eng |  7838 |   8505 |
| -ita-eng |  3431 |   3429 |

In terms of the whether dictionaries listed in files.txt are available on f.o:

| file           |   f.o?   |
| afr-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| afr-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| cze-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| dan-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| deu-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| deu-fra.tar.gz |    y     |
| deu-ita.tar.gz |    y     |
| deu-nld.tar.gz |    y     |
| deu-por.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-afr.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-ara.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-cze.tar.gz | =eng-ces |
| eng-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-fra.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-hin.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-hun.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-iri.tar.gz | =eng-gle |
| eng-ita.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-lat.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-nld.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-por.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-rom.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-rus.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-scr.tar.gz |   [a]    |
| eng-spa.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-swe.tar.gz |    y     |
| eng-wel.tar.gz | =eng-cym |
| fra-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| fra-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| fra-nld.tar.gz |    y     |
| gre-deu.tar.gz |    n     |
| hun-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| iri-eng.tar.gz | =gle-eng |
| ita-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| ita-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| jpn-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| kha-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| lat-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| lat-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| nld-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| nld-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| nld-fra.tar.gz |    y     |
| por-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| por-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| sco-deu.tar.gz | =gla-deu |
| scr-eng.tar.gz |   [a]    |
| slo-eng.tar.gz | =slk-eng |
| spa-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| swa-eng.tar.gz | =swh-eng |
| swe-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| tur-deu.tar.gz |    y     |
| tur-eng.tar.gz |    y     |
| wel-eng.tar.gz | =cym-eng |

[a] 'scr' is 'Serbo-Croat'; on f.o, 'Serbian' and 'Croation' have been separated, so there's eng-hrv, eng-srp, hrv-eng, and srp-eng.

Thus, gre-deu is the only dictionary not available on f.o.
Comment 3 Alexis 2024-01-03 10:44:22 UTC
Oh, sorry, Greek is listed on as 'Modern Greek', so i'd missed it; there are indeed ell-eng and eng-ell dictionaries available.
Comment 4 Alexis 2024-01-04 00:43:31 UTC
Additionally, Jimmy2027 noted in that the freedict- packages install into /usr/lib64/dict/, which is not the dictionary directory specified in /etc/conf.d/dictd for DLIBDIR, /usr/share/dict. This is due to the eclass having the line:

    insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dict

i suggest this should be changed to /usr/share/dict, as dictd(8) lists /usr/share/ as being the directory for dictionaries.